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本文以淮北柳孜大运河遗址出土的"仁和馆"铭四系瓶为切入点,回顾了其研究史,对这种四系瓶的形制和年代进行分析,认为它出现于金代,流行于元代,其烧造的中心窑场在河北磁县彭城镇,流布于冀、鲁、京、皖北、内蒙等省区.作为酒具,"仁和馆"四系瓶上的这种与酒肆有关的名号反映了当时酒肆繁昌的现实.  相似文献   
历代耀州窑釉料渊源关系的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耀州窑是我国古代名瓷窑。为了探讨历代耀州窑釉料之间的渊源关系,用中子活化分析(NAA)技术测定古耀州瓷釉样品和耀州窑博物馆附近粘土矿样品中29种元素的含量,将这批NAA数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态模糊聚类分析图。结果表明:唐代的黑瓷釉原料产地非常集中,矿料成分单纯。宋代青瓷釉料配方比较稳定,五代青瓷具有承前启后的作用。金代月白釉料成分和宋代青瓷釉料接近。唐三彩蓝釉料与其他耀州瓷釉料来源明显不同。  相似文献   
考古发现的金代定窑瓷器初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定窑是我国宋代五大名窑之一,以精美的白釉刻花、印花瓷器及支圈覆烧工艺,在中国陶瓷发展史上占有重要地位,并对我国南北方瓷窑产生了深远影响。定窑遗址位于河北省曲阳县涧磁、野北及东西燕山村一带,对定窑遗址的大规模调查和小范围试掘工作始于20世纪50、60年代,当时还发表  相似文献   
在两晋青瓷点彩与南北朝、隋代白釉陶瓷加彩技法的基础上,河南唐代的白釉彩瓷产生并迅速发展起来,对宋、元时期烧制白釉彩瓷以及各个名窑的兴起起到了推动作用。  相似文献   

In the process of abolishing the native officialdoms of southwest China, the Ming court justified its actions by citing violations of ethical and ritual principles. During the Zhengtong 正統 period, offices of native officials in Heqing 鶴慶 were abolished and replaced with an office for centrally appointed imperial officials. These imperial officials turned Buddhist temples into Confucian schools and attacked local beliefs regarding living Buddhas. At the same time, local Confucian scholars advocated orthodox ritual in the name of doing away with improper ritual practice. In response, nearby native officials began cautiously handling political issues, and sought to legitimize the foundations for their status by conducting rituals in the classical Confucian tradition. The author examines the history of Lijiang 麗江 and Menghua 蒙化 Prefectures in Yunnan 雲南 and discusses how their native officials used the statuses of ancient nobles as they sought to establish Confucian rituals and temples corresponding to their status within the Ming bureaucracy. Several strategies are identified, including (a) building Buddhist temples, ancestral halls, and official shrines; (b) transforming mythical figures into protective deities by creating mountain and river rituals that conformed to ritual orthodoxy; and (c) establishing official genealogies and using textual methods to incorporate clan myths and legendary lineages into orthodox historical narratives, thereby strengthening the superiority of border native official lineages. By analyzing a series of actions of native officials in this process, the author explores the cultural strategies adopted by native officials to safeguard their prestige and local interests.  相似文献   
This study discusses the elemental compositions and lead isotope ratios of Tang sancai glazes unearthed from the Huangpu kiln, Huangye kiln and two Tang sancai tomb sites. The various glazes feature distinct lead isotope ratios and trace element characteristics, which can be interpreted as evidence for the use of different lead ore deposits and siliceous raw materials in the glazes. This is a strong indication that lead isotopes combined with trace element analysis could be used as a viable approach for identifying the provenance of Tang sancai of unknown origin by linking them to kiln sites, This provenance technique could be significant in the interpretation of ancient ceramic trade and communication patterns. In this study, the provenance of several Tang sancai glazes of uncertain origin were determined using this method: some Tang sancai wares unearthed in Xi'an City were produced in the kiln near Luoyang City and then traded to Xi'an City, providing an idea of ancient Tang sancai ceramic trade routes.  相似文献   
In order to discuss the exact provenance of the Qingbai wares discovered at Shabian archaeological site in Guangzhou, which had a similar appearance to Jingdezhen Qingbai ware, we analysed both the body and glaze of the Qingbai wares from the Shabian kiln site and those from other related kilns, including Hutian in Jingdezhen, Xicun in Guangzhou and Chaozhou of Guangdong, by using micro-X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Based on the analyses, we found that both bodies and glaze of the Qingbai wares in Shabian had the characteristics of a low abundance of rare earth elements (REE), strong negative Eu anomalies, and remarkably low Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios, which was consistent with those from Hutian kiln in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province. We also found that the glaze of Qingbai ware from different kilns also had its provenance characteristic in the concentration of the trace elements, and the change of the REE pattern between glaze and its corresponding bodies in Qingbai wares might provide some clue about the types and source of flux. In addition, the lower Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios in both the bodies and glaze of Jingdezhen Qingbai wares were attributed to the chemical characteristics of the local granite.  相似文献   
The end of the British Empire in the mid-twentieth century was accompanied by a large-scale rearrangement of sensitive colonial records worldwide. A great number of these records were destroyed and a sizeable portion sent to Britain to be kept secret. This article advances studies of this policy, eventually code-named ‘Operation Legacy’, by reading the ‘migrated archives’ that have been newly discovered and declassified in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) 141 series. It asks where the policy was decided, for what reason and how it was carried out. Sources suggest that the policy was not planned in the Colonial Office in London and delivered to the colonies in a hierarchical fashion, but, rather, significant elements of the policy were developed in the colonial governments overseas in response to each local context. The general idea was to save Britain’s honour and to protect its collaborators. However, the limitations in terms of time and manpower often prevented the officers from putting sufficient thought into the actual screening of the documents. At the same time, some officers demonstrated a level of historical awareness regarding their actions. The episode reminds us that the official mind as it relates to decolonisation is to be understood not only by reference to the highest levels of strategic planning but also in terms of how it worked at the lower levels, in the colonial administrations on the ground.  相似文献   
Rachael Bell 《War & society》2017,36(2):120-132
While official war histories have been readily criticised for the limitations associated with their government funding and production, the influence of the very contemporary nature of the histories has been less generally acknowledged. In the case of the Second World War, official history programmes were underway in the United Kingdom and across the British Commonwealth by 1946 and often drew on personal documents and recollections in conjunction with the more formal records of war. This article provides an example of the writing of an official history in practice to show ways in which the methodological challenges of producing these volumes could lie as much within their contemporary nature as with their official designation.  相似文献   
安徽繁昌明城砖窑址调查报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1998~1999年南京市明城垣史博物馆对安徽省繁昌县明代采石场及城砖烧制遗址进行了实地调查,为深入研究明代城砖烧制技术、城砖运输等问题提供了可贵的资料。  相似文献   
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