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武进明代王洛家族墓   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
武进明代王洛家族墓地的发掘,使我们对明代贵族的舆服制度有了更深入的认识,而出土的精美的丝织品衣饰亦反映了当时高超的织造工艺。  相似文献   
厦门宋元窑址的调查及研究表明,厦门古代陶瓷的生产和发展,不仅得益于优越的自然地理条件,而且同当时的海外市场需求和外贸的发展相辅相承,同时厦门古代陶瓷手工业的发展也带动和促进了厦门及闽南地区社会经济的进步。  相似文献   
钧窑始烧年代考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钧窑被称为宋代的五大名窑 ,但考古工作中一直没有可信的材料证明其始烧于宋代 ,近年来国内外学界多撰文将钧窑的始烧年代定在金代以后。本文系统地介绍了 2 0 0 1年发掘禹州神刘家门窑址最早地层的出土器物 ,总结了其器形、胎釉和工艺特征。继之将其与考古发掘的窑址和墓葬材料进行对比 ,探讨了出土早期钧窑器物的窖藏、墓葬和遗址的年代 ,讨论了早期钧窑几项重要工艺的时代特征 ,结合窑址出土的纪年材料 ,证明刘家门窑第一期前段的时代为北宋徽、钦二宗时期 ,这也是钧窑的始烧时间。最后简论了钧窑是仿汝窑产生的 ,在北宋末期与汝窑同时生产。  相似文献   
北京丰台万泉寺遗址位于金中都遗址内,遗址出土金代白瓷样品在形制上符合金代定窑白瓷特征。白瓷胎体成分和锶同位素比值综合研究确定了三种制胎原料,其中:高铝黏土原料的锶同位素比值在0.73左右;白云岩化石灰岩原料的锶同位素比值在0.72左右且钙含量较高;草木灰原料的锶同位素比值在0.71左右,且锶含量在1 000 μg/g左右。通过釉层的成分分析及胎釉成分的对比研究,发现釉层主要使用高硅原料与白云岩化石灰岩配制而成,并受到了部分熔融胎体的强烈影响,根据与草木灰关联性较强的P2O5含量推断,釉层中可能也含有一定量草木灰。万泉寺遗址白瓷的研究丰富了有关金代定窑白瓷胎釉配方的认识,确认了白云岩化石灰岩为胎釉的主要钙质助熔剂,揭示了草木灰类助熔剂在胎和釉中可能存在各自独立的来源。  相似文献   
明清"滥设官吏"罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柏桦  高进 《史学集刊》2007,(2):27-35
"滥设官吏"罪是明代确立的罪名,清朝因之."滥设"是与"额设"相对的,"额设"是制度上允许的额定员额,由朝廷人事主管部门按缺铨选委署,是职官管理制度的重要构成."滥设"则是制度上不允许的,是所谓定编之外的官吏,不经朝廷人事部门或主管部门按缺铨选委署,则属于犯罪.理清"额设"与"滥设"的关系,分析各种各样"滥设官吏"罪的案情及千变万化的情节,则是本文的重点内容.  相似文献   
The development of Chinese ceramics culminated during the Song dynasty. At this time, exquisite celadon works emerged, such as Ru Guan celadon and Southern Song dynasty official kiln celadon, which exhibited the glory of their era. Since the excavation of Zhanggongxiang kiln celadon in Ruzhou city, Henan province, China, it has been attracting widespread scholarly attention at home and abroad. Most scholars have suggested that Zhanggongxiang is the official kiln of the Northern Song dynasty. In this paper, taking the celadon unearthed from the Zhanggongxiang kiln as a sample, the combination of laser Raman spectrum and thermal expansion methods is used to study the inheritance relationship between Zhanggongxiang celadon and Ru Guan celadon in the firing process. Meanwhile, the rationality of using Raman Ip value to evaluate the firing temperature of ceramics is reviewed. The main conclusions are as follows. First, the firing temperature of Zhanggongxiang celadon with various glaze colours is quite different, whereas the firing temperature of the same glaze colour is similar, thereby inheriting the firing technology of Ru Guan porcelain. Second, the Ip value of glaze cannot evaluate the firing temperature of porcelain with similar firing temperature. The Ip value corresponds to a range, within which it does not fully conform to the rule that the larger the Ip value, the higher the firing temperature. The Ip value is also associated with the formulation in addition to firing temperature. It is applicable to evaluating porcelains with a similar formulation but a large temperature difference.  相似文献   

Guanhua (official language), Guoyu (national language), and Putonghua (common language) are generally regarded as different names for the same thing in different eras, but from the perspective of cultural history, there are many subtle semantic differences between these three concepts, symbolizing how different social classes and political groups defined their particular experiences, expectations, and efforts to take action. Guoyu, which replaced Guanhua in the late Qing Dynasty, is closely bound up with the construction of modern nationalism. In the 1930s, leftist intellectuals imbued Putonghua with strong proletariat attributes and overtones of indigenous and ethnic equality, wielding it as a tool for critiques against Guoyu. Although Putonghua returned to certain key positions of Guoyu after the mid-1950s, it putatively emphasized the legacy of the leftist language movement, and represented a new political identity. Through these “proper names” for the standard language, it was possible not only to launch a political and social “revolution,” but also to smooth over the historical rifts that this engendered, by repeatedly revising the concepts of “written” and “standard” to form a linear national narrative.  相似文献   
A male human skeleton from Thrace dated at around 320 BC was found in a wealthy tomb 12 km from what is now Tekirdağ, Turkey. The occupant of the tomb died at the age of 40–45 years and has a pathologic left humerus caused most probably by traumatic injury. It is 9 cm shorter than the right humerus. A drainage fistula penetrating into the medullary cavity occurs at its proximal end. Due to severe arthritic destruction, the left humeral head has completely lost normal articulation, with the glenoid cavity of the left scapula displaying, in turn, severe erosive lesions and important reduction in its articular surface. A marked abscess is discernible bilaterally on the chondro‐costal sternal end. The individual also has a hip with a total sacroiliac joint fusion and shows slight or moderately developed exostoses on different parts of his skeleton. These joint destructions most likely indicate that he suffered from chronic osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
宋朝流外官制度承因唐制,但与唐朝已有所不同。流外官是指通过铨选考试补正名的京师诸司吏员,其铨选机关是流外铨,隶于吏部。铨选之法与流内铨选相通,铨选对象包括两部分,一是由官吏直接保引,以私名祗役的亲属、子弟,一是州县诸色役人选补至诸司者。流外官任职后,可依例叙理劳考,循资迁补,甚至出职入流,但需要举主保荐,并通过由皇帝主持的引对,且年龄符合规定,方可出职。流外官制度是宋朝官僚体制中的重要组成部分,从中可对宋代官冗现象有更为深入的了解。  相似文献   
贺云翱 《东南文化》2012,(1):91-98,127,128
"贡瓷"及与其相关的"官窑"制度是中国古代瓷业生产中的重要学术问题。文物考古界一般认为,中国的"贡瓷"制度开始于唐代,烧制优质"贡瓷"的"官窑"制度则始于晚唐或宋代。然而,近年来在湖南湘阴窑和南京发现的"太官"、"供奉"、"上府"铭瓷器标本证实,"贡瓷"制度最迟开始于南北朝时期。湘阴窑址出土的刻有多种瓷业工人姓氏及"官"款的窑具资料可能还把中国烧制"贡瓷"的"官窑"制度开始的时间提前到南朝或隋代。  相似文献   
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