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蒙哥即位后,将灭亡南宋的任务交给了忽必烈。由于南宋政府在淮河沿线实行坚壁清野,忽必烈为了解决军粮问题而远征云南。忽必烈平定云南后,对南宋实现了战略包围,但他获取军粮的目的并没有达到。蒙哥对忽必烈产生了怀疑,解除了他的兵权。  相似文献   
Two Russian-trained geographers investigate the multiple and largely informal and illicit forms of exchange between two provincial cities of roughly similar size located on opposite banks of the Amur River, namely Blagoveshchensk, in Russia's Far East, and Heihe, in neighboring northeast China. The study is based on interviews and field observations from 2002 to 2009 in Blagoveshchensk, as well as official statistics from the relevant Russian and Chinese provincial governments. Particular attention is focused on the activities and treatment of Chinese guest workers comprising a material component of the labor force in Amur Oblast (e.g., in construction and agriculture), unregistered Chinese entrepreneurs in retailing and catering, and trans-border logging operations of Chinese timber/wood products companies. Also covered are the activities of visiting Russian nationals in Heihe and the extralegal activities of Russian entrepreneurs and bureaucrats. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F20, J61, O17, O18. 5 figures, 1 table, 50 references.  相似文献   
A team of political geographers analyzes over 5,000 violent events collected from media reports for the Afghanistan and Pakistan conflicts during 2008 and 2009. The violent events are geocoded to precise locations and the authors employ an exploratory spatial data analysis approach to examine the recent dynamics of the wars. By mapping the violence and examining its temporal dimensions, the authors explain its diffusion from traditional foci along the border between the two countries. While violence is still overwhelmingly concentrated in the Pashtun regions in both countries, recent policy shifts by the American and Pakistani governments in the conduct of the war are reflected in a sizeable increase in overall violence and its geographic spread to key cities. The authors identify and map the clusters (hotspots) of conflict where the violence is significantly higher than expected and examine their shifts over the two-year period. Special attention is paid to the targeting strategy of drone missile strikes and the increase in their number and geographic extent by the Obama administration.  相似文献   
运用时序主成分分析法,分析了河南省1995-2009年城乡统筹发展动态演变规律,并结合聚类分析结果对2009年河南省18个省辖(管)市进行区域差异分析。研究表明:河南省城乡统筹发展大致分两个阶段,稳步上升阶段和波动上升阶段;2009年河南省城乡统筹发展的空间差异类型可分为高、较高、较低、低四种区域类型。根据时序特征和空间差异特征的定量评价结果,对河南省城乡统筹进行时空定位,并提出深化城乡制度改革、探索城乡协调机制、实行产业集聚发展、建立统一保障体系、营建现代化都市区、推进城乡一体化试点建设进程等推进策略。  相似文献   
从1950年代到1970年代,浙江农村义务教育经历了由萌芽、发展到兴盛的过程。与此同时,浙江农村民办小学则伴随着浙江农村合作化及人民公社化运动经历了由萌芽、发展到逐渐消亡的过程。一兴一衰,成为共和国历史的最好注脚。当前,中国农村义务教育仍未能摆脱其弱势地位。对建国后30年浙江农村义务教育的历史考察,有助于我们建立一种更公正、合理的教育机制,以提升"境况最差的成员"的生命质量。  相似文献   
As the main literature of socio-economic history, local gazetteers display the dynamic process of local socio-economic structuring and reflect local conflicts among various interest groups. Focusing on local gazetteers in Wanzai County of Jiangxi Province from the Qing to the Republic, this essay shows how local literati played an active role in constructing their local community. These gazetteers reflected the complicated power relations, especially the conflict between the natives and immigrants, and they themselves became the important part of the process of local power reproduction and culture construction. __________ Translated by Luo Hui from Shixue Yuekan 史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science), 2008, (9): 70–81  相似文献   
张静 《史学月刊》2002,(2):109-114
清末民初。山东农村兴盛一时的草辫、花边、发网业是在资本主义入侵后,传统手工业遭到冲击和破坏,为适应国际市场的需求而发展起来的、产品专供出口的新兴手工业。通商口岸的开埠和地方政府、绅商的积极倡导、支持推动了它们的外向型发展。新兴手工业的商品化、专业化的发展。增加了农民家庭经济收入,发展了农村商品经济。活跃了农村市场,使农村手工业经济结构由传统封闭型向出口导向型转变。其贸易活动加强了城乡之间的互动联系,加速了山东沿海城市近代化的进程。  相似文献   
山西初级农业合作化的实践与经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对山西试办农业生产合作社和农业合作社的稳步发展两个阶段的分析 ,总结回顾了山西初级农业合作化的发展历程 ,论述了各个阶段群众组织起来的状况、生产力发展的特点、生产关系变革的过程、省委和省政府制定政策的起因以及农业合作化运动对整个农业的社会主义改造和经济发展的重大影响 ,既充分肯定了初级农业合作化运动所取得的成就 ,又客观地指出了工作中存在的缺点和错误 ,既分析了产生这些错误的原因 ,又在此基础上 ,进一步分析和论证了其主要的经验和教训。  相似文献   
试论20世纪60-70年代的河北环境保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪 6 0— 70年代 ,随着资源开发的迅速扩大和工业化的快速发展 ,河北省的环境破坏不断加重 ,环境污染开始产生并呈扩展之势。由于缺乏环境意识和缺乏环境保护科学知识 ,河北省的生态环境处于边恢复、边保护、边破坏的状况。环境、生态平衡等问题日益突出。环境污染和区域性干化加剧成为河北省区域性生态环境恶化的两大突出问题 ,而且直接影响和制约着河北经济发展和人民生活、生存条件。本文试对这一时期河北环境保护的历史进行梳理和探讨 ,总结其得失与经验教训。  相似文献   
本文主要分析雍正年间“开辟苗疆”的商业经济影响。“苗疆”开辟后,打破了“生苗”地区的封闭状态,清水江和都柳江水运通道得以开通,形成了黔东南的交通网,依托“两江”的航运之利,黔东南木材贸易日趋繁荣;同时,清廷在黔东南置厅设卫,安插屯民,以及大量客民的流入,促使了农村场市的兴起;在与外界经济联系日益加强的背景下,一批商业城镇在“两江”沿岸兴起,初步构成黔东南地区的市场网络,共同推动了黔东南地区的商业化进程。  相似文献   
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