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烈山窑址位于安徽省淮北市烈山区烈山镇烈山村,2018年开始发掘,面积700平方米,分为三个区域:Ⅰ区金元窑址区域、Ⅱ区唐代末期至北宋窑址区域、Ⅲ区汉代窑址区。清理各类遗迹70余处,包括6座窑炉、52个灰坑、1条道路、14条灰沟,以及大量遗物,其中以白瓷、青釉瓷、三彩器为主,产品主要包括碗、盘、盏、罐、素烧建筑构件、黄釉印花砖等。烈山窑址很可能就是文献中记载的宿州窑,其主要受定窑、磁州窑和巩县窑的技术影响,时代划分为东汉、唐代末期至元代晚期。  相似文献   
魏晋玄学对于史学家袁宏的史学思想有着重要的影响 ,他的“道明其本 ,儒言其用”、为政“贵在安静”和智者“顺势而为”等观点的提出 ,表明其史学思想具有明显的玄学倾向。  相似文献   
This article aims to improve the understanding of salt production in the upper Three Gorges region, based on archaeological investigation and excavation of salt-production sites in Yushan, Pengshui County, Chongqing. This article introduces the features of salt sources and the types and dates of the salt wells in Yushan, and investigates the local brine transportation and salt-making techniques. The Zhongjingba site is a large salt-making site with well-preserved remains of production and support facilities dating from the 18th and 19th centuries. Large numbers of evaporation furnaces, brine tanks, and working pits have been excavated and revealed a complete process of producing salt. Analysis of historical documents and the excavated remnants has allowed the reconstruction of the po lu yin zao salt-making process (which, in Chinese, means to splash brine onto the evaporation furnace), the first archaeological evidence of this technique; the management, output capacity, and sales area of the ancient salt production in Yushan are also discussed.  相似文献   
关于汉代辽西郡徒河县的地望,以往学或将其确定在营州东北,或定为邰集屯汉城址,或定在锦州西北,或定为锦州市。本作通过对大量献记载的考证,结合对锦州汉城遗迹、遗物的实地调查,对上述诸说进行了讨论,认为锦州市区新发现的汉代城址应为汉代辽西郡徒河县的旧址。  相似文献   
2015年,郑州市文物考古研究院为配合河南省体育场网球馆项目建设,对该区域勘探所见的古代遗址进行了考古发掘。清理出环壕、夯土墙、建筑基址、祭祀场、祭祀坑、灰坑、墓葬等丰富的商代文化遗迹,出土了铜器、玉器、石器、陶器、骨器等重要遗物。河南省体育场商代遗址的祭祀遗存是近年来郑州商城最重要的新发现之一,这一祭祀遗址的发现为郑州商城的研究提供了非常重要的新资料。  相似文献   
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