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The Early Yangshao period (5000–4000 BC) village of Jiangzhai is the most completely excavated and reported of any early agricultural community in the middle reaches of northern China’s Yellow River Valley. This comprehensive dataset can better our understanding of early agricultural village societies and complex society development, especially the emergence of economic inequality. Analyses of Jiangzhai’s architectural remains and their arrangement; estimates of household population, storage capacity, and animal consumption; and analyses of household artifact assemblages are used to reconstruct the social and economic organization of this important Neolithic settlement. Our analyses suggest that differences in economic organization at the household level are responsible for patterns of intra-settlement economic differentiation previously attributed to higher-order “corporate” institutions. Rather than a segmental society composed of redundant homologous units, Jiangzhai displays substantial variability among residential sectors and constituent households in terms of activity emphases and surplus accumulation. Substantial intrasite variation in socioeconomic organization has previously been thought characteristic only of more complex Late Neolithic societies in the middle Yellow River Valley region.  相似文献   
赵春青  邵天伟  金彩霞  江旭 《考古》2012,(4):14-35,97,101
站马屯西遗址位于郑州市十八里河镇站马屯村西南,北距郑州市区约5公里。一条被当地人称为干沟(河)的古河道,自西南向流向东北,将站马屯村一分为二(图一)。1984年,河南省文物研究所等曾在村东区发掘,出土的主要遗存属龙山文化和东周时期[1]。因南水北调工程的主干渠从该遗址西部经过,  相似文献   
郁秀峰 《神州》2011,(3X):178-178,181
古交地区有矸石煤坑口电厂三座,总装机300万千瓦,年排放粉煤灰400余万吨。生产高掺量粉煤灰水泥是减少粉煤灰污染提高水泥厂效益的有效途径。2010年,我们在山西-煤气化集团水泥粉磨站进行了高掺粉煤灰水泥的试验,生产高掺量粉煤灰水泥5万吨,吃干灰2万吨,试验的成功对全市推广商掺粉煤灰水泥极具示范意义。  相似文献   
在灵宝西坡仰韶文化墓地出土的10件玉器,分为钺和环两类。这一重要考古发现,不仅为研究黄河中游地区用玉习俗的形成和演变提供了珍贵资料,而且将迫使我们不得不重新认识该地区的埋葬制度,甚至文明起源的特性、进程与动因。  相似文献   
淅川县沟湾遗址仰韶文化遗存,依据层位关系,结合出土器物的组合、特征及其演变规律可将其大体分为四期,其年代分别与枣园类型晚段、后岗类型、庙底沟类型和大河村类型早段约略相当,基本包括了仰韶文化早期晚段至晚期早段的整个时期。遗址外围发现有仰韶文化不同时期大、小两条环壕,是一处保存比较好的环壕聚落遗址,填补了汉水中游地区史前聚落考古的一项空白。  相似文献   
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