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Establishing territorial control was one of the primary activities of colonial presence on Timor from the late nineteenth century. In Portuguese Timor as elsewhere in Southeast Asia, the colonial state pursued codification and regulation of land in multiple forms, including serial attempts to enact land registration in tandem with colonial projects including pacification, resource extraction, and generation of state income. Seeking to extend official purview to Timor-specific customary land use and practices, Portugal defined distinct social categorizations linked to land access and ownership. This article traces the policies governing land in Portuguese Timor from the late 1800s to the mid-1900s, highlighting state land acquisition, registration processes, laws and procedures asserting state control over land transactions, and international influences on Portuguese practices.  相似文献   
通过测量氧气消耗量可以完全无损地检查考古文物的稳定性,氧气的快速消耗说明样品状态不稳定。本工作综述了光学传感器辅助氧气消耗法的基本原理、影响因素、应用范围和适用对象。利用氧气的荧光猝灭性实现光学传感法监测氧气浓度。依靠光学传感的氧气消耗法可以快速、有效、准确地测量出文物样品的氧气消耗速率,对评估文物保存状态有重要意义。其监测系统会受相对湿度、温度、压力、光照等环境因素的影响。该方法根据文物样品的大小和形貌选择合适的监测体系,可以实现对所有氧气消耗反应的监测,具备更好的便携性和普适性。因此光学传感器辅助氧气消耗法可用于评估保护材料和保护手段的有效性。  相似文献   
This article aims to bridge the gap between media studies and welfare state studies. While media and communications systems are crucial elements in any society, these systems are often not included in studies of the welfare state. Through a discussion of five historical phases in the evolution of Scandinavian societies and media systems, from early democratization in the late 18th century through the ‘golden age’ of the welfare state to the present challenges of globalization, digitization and the fragmentation of social trust, the article discusses the relationships between the two spheres. While Scandinavian communications systems have much in common with those of other Western states, this article argues that they are also products of, and catalysts for, the specific evolution of the Nordic welfare states.  相似文献   
随着人文地理学的“情感转向”,地缘环境也开始指向情感研究。中国的家国情怀使“国家”不仅具有政治属性,也成为一个饱含情感与地方认同的概念。本文从地缘环境的情感要素入手,援引环境心理学理论与方法,探究跨境流动背景下的国家感影响因素。结论发现:①中国海外移民国家感受到个体与社会因素制约,包括年龄、学历、公民身份、出国时长、移居国GDP和文化认同;②国家软实力提升和包容多元的地缘政策利于提升客族文化认同进而增强海外移民的国家感;③居住、网络媒体环境变化及国家间的话语博弈会引发跨境群体重新审视流动前后所处的地缘环境,直接或间接重构国家感。本文既为促进跨境流动群体与国家之间的双向接纳提供新路径,也在情感地理学方法论层面提供新思路。  相似文献   
This article examines the symbolic construction of Canadian national identity by the 1993–2006 Liberal governments and the 2006–2015 Conservative governments. To do so, it employs the concept of a ‘national symbolic order’, which refers to the complex set of public symbols that invoke, transport, and define claims to a shared national identity. Within Canada's national symbolic order, we focus on the state's use of national symbols across two domains: Speeches from the Throne and banknotes. Our analysis shows that Canada's recent Conservative government has used both of these domains to reshape Canadian national identity in ways that accord with neo-conservative values and ideology, and that it has done so in a coherent, consistent, and comprehensive fashion. This analysis highlights the symbolic strategies employed by state actors in linking particular ideologies to their nation-building projects; these strategies span multiple political and policy spaces.  相似文献   
This paper explores a dual absence — the absence of the state within contemporary geographical analyses of nature; and the absence of nature within contemporary explorations of state power. We argue that the modern state continues to play a crucial role in framing social interactions with nature, while nature is still vital to states within their realization of different forms of material and ideological power. In order to reconnect analyses of the state and nature, this paper combines work on the production of nature and state strategy with Lefebvre's recently translated writings on state space and territory. By focusing on the production of territory (or state space), we explore the interaction of the state and nature in the context of the political management of social and ecological space. We unravel the spatial entanglements of the state and nature through an analysis of the British state's territorial strategies within the West Midlands region. By considering three key historical periods within the history of the West Midlands we reveal how the emergence of the regional space called the West Midlands is a product of the ongoing spatial dialectics of state and nature therein.  相似文献   
This article concerns German railway cartography in the mid-nineteenth century and its effects on spatio-political perceptions. The evolution of a railway system in Germany, from isolated single routes into national and ultimately international networks, has been customarily linked to the political issue of unification in 1871. The infrastructural changes triggered the introduction of new maps and map signs, which overshadowed other national and political signs and should not be seen as a simple means to a nationalist end. By examining the developing iconography of railways and railway networks, I argue that railways were a cause of deterritorialization for regions and states and for the vision of a unified Germany.  相似文献   

The history of feminist geography in Hungary coincides with the 25?year-long history of Gender, Place and Culture. Authorities denied the existence of gender inequality in the era of state socialism, which was the primary obstacle to the spread of gender studies. The political changes that had occurred after 1989 had removed most obstacles, but feminist geography emerged with a delay relative to other disciplines. Its first two decades was characterised by struggles and compromises within and against the geographical discipline in order for it to win recognition. The 25?year-long history of feminist studies has, however, been completely broken by legislation proposed by the current government suggesting a ban on masters programs in gender studies. In this article, I trace the situation of feminist geography in Hungary by applying the concept ?curved space?. This concept adapted from modern physics claims that mass creates a gravitational field, i.e. it bends 4-dimensional ?spacetime?. My argument is that the situation of feminist geography in Hungary can be interpreted as an embodiment of ?curved space?. Using this analogy, I argue that the current Hungarian government has amassed such a huge amount of power that has enabled it to curve the space of feminist geographical knowledge production. It has established a quasi-dictatorship that resembles the one that impeded the evolution of gender/feminist geography in the state socialist era. Therefore, only broad-based solidarity can help create opposition to the current government’s attacks against gender studies.  相似文献   
This article explores the development, evolution and impacts of large‐scale irrigation schemes in the formation of the postcolonial state of Morocco and in more recent neoliberal decades. In particular, the article focuses on the Gharb Plain in the Sebou River basin, which was targeted by huge investments to become the core region for national development. In this area, three stages of development – colonial, early independent, and the aggressive politique des grandes barrages post‐1970 – have created two clearly different and successive landscapes. The traditional landscape has been overlain, and largely obliterated, by colonial and postcolonial governmental landscapes, reflected through different spatial, economic, cultural, and political patterns over time. In the present, a fourth stage of neoliberal development is occurring in the landscape, in which diffused poverty and ecosystem collapse coincide with greater concentrated wealth and the building of technological infrastructures. The article aims to complement critical studies on neoliberal environments, by focusing in particular on the manipulation, dispossession and commodification of water and land resources in irrigated agriculture in Morocco. These emerging rationalities are closely related to the changing policies of the contemporary Moroccan state.  相似文献   
蓝勇 《历史地理研究》2020,40(1):96-108
本文以唐代昌州治所变迁及静南县治地考辨为个案,提出文献分析与田野中的记忆、形胜、文物三视阈相结合,考证研究中古时期州县治城位置的方法。考证指出,唐代静南县必定不在今大足区龙水镇,也不在今大足区三溪镇,应在今大足区西五十里之地,旧称静南坝,即今大足区高升镇太和坝张家坝。乾元元年(758年),昌州初治昌元县,在今荣昌区盘龙狮子坝狮子林会龙桥,历史上又称旧州坝。大历四年(769年)迁移昌元县治到“南凭赤水,北倚长岩”的赖婆村,即今荣昌区河包镇。昌州因大历六年(771年)战乱而废,大历十年(775年)重置,至元和年间,昌州治和昌元县治地记载已不清晰,但至迟到元和八年(813年),昌州治所已经从昌元县改治静南县。到唐末景福元年(892年),昌州治从静南县改为大足县。考证过程中发现,由于传世历史文献地理认知上存在里程计算感性、方位坐标僵化、方位指向模糊、简脱衍串明显的“四大不精”,所以,在考证古代州县治地位置时,为了保证研究的信度,须用田野考察获取的乡土历史记忆、实地山川形胜、周边文物支撑三视阈对历史文献记载进行校证。  相似文献   
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