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This paper addresses whether molluscan evidence from Orkney can shed light on the hypothesis that there was a trend towards the intensification of marine resource use at the end of the first millennium AD. The stratified middens of Quoygrew, which date from approximately the 10th to the 13th centuries, are shown to contain predominantly limpets, which may have been used for baiting fish. From metrical data it is shown that these limpets reduce in size through time. In order to test whether this observation is related to intensification in exploitation, analysis of limpet shoreline location was carried out. In addition, age data were used to demonstrate a lowering of average age which suggests intensification in gathering rather than environmental influences, particularly during the 11th–12th centuries at this site.  相似文献   
徐树铮与外蒙古撤治及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1919年。在外蒙古撤消自治已具备相当有利的客观条件的前提下,徐树铮抓住有利契机,经过深思熟虑的准备,运用正确的策略方针。把握和推动时局,迅速和平地完成了撤治使命,使外蒙古最终于1919年11月17日正式呈请政府“情愿撤消自治”。徐树铮在撤治过程中发挥了巨大作用。外蒙古回归,不仅在外交上打击了一切侵略、分裂势力,政治上实现了民国以来的领土与主权的完整与统一,而且撤治本身对外蒙古社会的政治稳定、经济化的恢复和发展均产生了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
《唐会要》是现存最早的会要体史书,是研究唐史,特别是研究玄宗天宝以后历史的重要典籍。但目前对该书全面、深入的研究仍未展开,其成书过程、流传情况至今尚不明晰。本对《唐会要》编纂流传过程中的一些模糊问题作了一些新的探索,通过对以王应麟的《玉海》为主的几部引用《唐会要》较多的类书进行的细致考察,从中梳理出一些《唐会要》与《会要》、《续会要》之间的关系,从一个侧面论述了王溥对前后《会要》的整理工作。  相似文献   
翟山发现的23座战国至西汉初的墓葬,墓葬类型多样,出土遗物较为丰富。这一时期的墓葬在徐州地区发现较少,为研究这一时期徐州地区的社会面貌提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
Selective resource exploitation patterns in prehistory are often explained in terms of cultural preference, but this paper argues that a non-cultural explanation based upon zoological models of consumer choice may be equally valid. A model of shell-fishing behaviour concerning the relationship of abundance and yield is developed and used to predict that rocky shore collectors should ignore all factors other than the individual size of shellfish and that, in doing so, they would become progressively selective in their collecting patterns. Data from prehistoric rocky shore shell middens in Palliser Bay, New Zealand, indicates several phases of progressively selective collecting over a period of 600 years and these patterns appear best explicable in terms of the model.  相似文献   
陈汉章是近代著名经史学家,一生著作等身,遍及四部.批校本<资治通鉴>和<续资治通鉴>上有陈先生大量批校语.文章对其批校语略加考述分析.  相似文献   
徐元诰《国语集解》,网罗各家之说,于读《国语》者甚为便利,可称当前《国语》校注本之最佳者。然其中亦有可商榷、补充之处。今就可商榷、补充之处,成札记数条,以就教于方家。  相似文献   
Explanatory frameworks relating to the appearance of shell mounds and the exploitation of molluscs (particularly the sand/mudflat bivalve Anadara granosa) during the late Holocene have tended to emphasise stasis and continuity. Very few analyses have adequately investigated the intensity of human predation during the mound period and the potential effects on the particular prey species. To this end, the biological and ecological characteristics of A. granosa, the dominant molluscan species for much of the known period of occupation in the region, are considered in detail, in combination with assessing the potential for human impact through predation via the measurement of 9106 A. granosa valves from three shell mounds. In explaining long-term economic change in this region of northern Australia, the focus has been placed on the analysis of relative changes and trends through time in prehistoric resource exploitation.  相似文献   
MNI calculations for archaeological molluscs that rely on counts of non-repetitive elements (NREs) are popular for their analytic speed and efficiency. Yet the reliability of this approach as compared to ‘traditionally’ calculated MNI has not been explored. Here, I examine these approaches using data from the Caribbean coastal midden site of Grand Bay, Carriacou. Results suggest that an NRE-based approach to MNI calculation can be unreliable under certain circumstances. In addition, dependence on the NRE-based method may hinder the integration of invertebrate with vertebrate data, obscuring a holistic understanding of prehistoric diet and resource exploitation. These findings are discussed in relation to practical constraints and fulfillment of zooarchaeological goals.  相似文献   
Examination of growth-stage profiles of shells from nine Northwest Coast shell midden sites shows a majority of senile-stage shells at longer-term residential sites and a majority of mature-stage shells at shorter-term encampments. This pattern indicates less intensive harvest in the vicinity of residential sites, which is consistent with management and conservation of resources for anticipated future needs. Consideration of environmental and taphonomic factors does not account for the observed inter-site variability. Shellfish conservation in the vicinity of residential sites is evident for the period of the past 7000 years.  相似文献   
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