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民主革命时期中共"地委"组织考论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
翁有为 《史学月刊》2003,4(12):56-61
民主革命时期的中共地委组织是党的组织体系中的一个重要组织层级和管理机构。它经历了一个从初创、探索到重建、全面发展和基本定型的历史过程。在初创和探索时期(1921~1927),地委组织从制度上看呈逐渐严密、从设置上看呈逐渐增多的特点,而总的看,地委的组织层级地位尚不明确,地委的设置从全国的组织体系看还表现为临时性和不稳定性。在重建、全面发展和基本定型时期(1938—1949),地委组织确立了省(边区)和县之间一个地方层级的地位,地委的组织制度在早期探索的基础上逐渐完备和定型,地委在全国的地方党的组织体系中的组织和层级地位在法律上(党的章程及有关文件)和实践上得以确立。  相似文献   
土地产权的变革与英国农业革命   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭爱民 《史学月刊》2003,4(11):66-70
英国农业革命是英国由传统的农业社会迈向工业文明的桥梁,它以土地产权的变革为基础,经历了大约三百年的时间,使农业劳动生产率得以大幅度提高,在其世界工场地位确立的同时,农业也达到了前所未有的辉煌程度。  相似文献   
李志毓 《安徽史学》2012,(2):30-35,71
汪精卫在民国初年宣布"不做官吏",退出政治,投入留法教育运动,在思想上是出于对无政府主义的认同。信奉无政府主义,促使汪早年崇尚暗杀,继而将教育视为比武装革命更为根本的救国手段,并与孙中山产生了严重的分歧。但国内政治的危机局面,使汪又不能忘情于现实政治,内心充满苦闷挣扎,最终重返政治,放弃了无政府主义理想。探讨汪精卫思想中的无政府主义及其蜕变过程,也有助于了解无政府主义在中国现代政治中所面临的困境。  相似文献   
Embarking from a case study of the Danish commune Kana, this article focuses on an overlooked aspect of the youth rebellion that was an intrinsic part of the self‐articulation of the commune movement: namely, the re‐addressing of the relationship between the private and the public, the personal and the political, spare time and work.  相似文献   
毛泽东主导下的新中国外交,最大的特色,就是它的革命性。革命总是有其强大的惯性。新中国既然诞生于毛泽东领导的阶级革命之中,这一阶级革命的动力、观念、经验自然也就会进一步影响到新中国的内政与外交。阶级斗争及其统战经验对新中国外交政策制定的影响、新中国内政对它的外交的影响,以及传统的革命理念、革命经验与现代外交之间,不可避免地发生种种?格与冲突。它旨在说明了毛时代的外交为什么会一直保持着很强的革命色彩,而且会越来越激进,以至于发展到"文革"初期那种四面树敌的严重地步。  相似文献   
郑振铎是研究中国古代小说的著名学者。他从事中国古代小说研究有很多原因,本文着重从四个方面加以论述:梁启超倡导的小说界革命使小说成为主流文学;整理国故运动使小说进入了学术领域;而鲁迅的直接学术指导使他的研究步入正轨;再加上他本人的兴趣和工作的需要。  相似文献   
What’s in a Price? History of Economic Ideologies vs. History of Economic Ideas. This paper suggests applying the approach of a historical epistemology to the field of economics. We observe that an assumedly fundamental opposition between the market and the state dominates popular images of the history of economic ideas. Two conflicting ideologies are roughly assigned to the two opposing sides in the Cold War. To this historical narrative the paper opposes a different view. The argument is that when taking the technical practices of economic knowledge production in the twentieth century into view, similarities abound across ideological ruptures. The chief characteristic change in the recent history of economics was a radical turn towards quantification, measurement, and mathematical modelling. A historical epistemology of economics could show how deeply both, admirers of the state and of the market, share a history. The paper concludes that to-date critique of political economy should also take into consideration a critical perspective towards the unfolding of this measurement revolution in the social sciences.  相似文献   
马登瀛,贵州清镇人。清末投身贵州新军,参加辛亥革命贵州新军起义,历任起义军支队长、贵州军政府都督府军务部副官、北伐援鄂黔军营长、副团长等职,后归隐于乡,以教书为生。  相似文献   
This article discusses the development of German Social Democratic Party strategy in the fourth quarter of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth, as a result of the works of Friedrich Engels and Karl Kautsky. It ties the evolution of Marxist orthodoxy to the emergence of parliamentary democracy in different European societies. In particular, it discusses the way parliamentary conditions impacted on how the proletarian revolution was imagined. Revolution was newly defined as the establishment through parliamentary means of a new government representing a new social class. Also, the early Marxist strategy of ‘permanent revolution’, which had allowed proletarian-socialist minority rule, was abandoned.  相似文献   
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