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Geographies reinforce gender and facilitate gender performativity. In this study of nineteenth-century Masonry, we demonstrate the influence of Masonic Temples in the promotion and performance of ‘Masonic masculinity.’ Masonry, through its design and construction of interior space, its embedded material symbolism and especially the geography of Masonic ritual itself, inculcated morality in prospective and raised Master Masons. Masonic Temple architecture and décor typify Victorian moral environmentalism vis-à-vis the parlor, the Masonic Lodge a domesticated male space where significant numbers of bourgeois men (and women) acted out a particular and peculiar masculine moral geography.  相似文献   
晋代墓葬制度与两晋变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晋制是继周制、汉制之后,中国古代墓葬制度发展演变的重要内容,考古学意义上的晋制与晋礼的制定关系密切,晋礼制定、施行的过程反映了汉魏晋社会的变迁。洛阳是西晋的都城,都城洛阳晋墓中的洛阳因素代表的墓葬制度内涵应该与西晋制订推行的新礼有关,洛阳因素反映的墓葬制度即为继汉制之后的晋制。东晋时期在都城建康地区逐渐形成建康因素,洛阳因素与建康因素是两晋时期墓葬制度的主要文化内涵。  相似文献   
吴越青铜器发展到春秋中晚期,出现了一批极富地域文化特色的青铜器,器表饰有细绳纹和细薄而峻深的纹饰,或在纹饰间布满细芒刺突起的棘刺纹。本工作通过对吴越青铜器陶范铸造技术的探索和吴越细绳纹类青铜礼器的复原试验,以期揭示出这类细绳纹类青铜礼器的成形技术。实验过程是以绳索为模,在湿陶范内埋入绳索,当陶范入窑焙烧时,绳索焚烧后形成绳索状凹槽,浇注青铜液后则成为具有突起状绳纹装饰的青铜器。焚烧绳索形成纹饰,是一种在平面上形成三维纹饰的技艺,能在青铜器表面形成规整的绳纹,可能为东周时期吴越地区古代工匠铸造细绳纹类青铜礼器的一种方法。  相似文献   
形成于西汉时期的春秋决狱,是我国古代一种独特的司法裁判方式。它对中国封建法制的发展产生了深远的影响。春秋决狱重视法律原则,注重法律的主观因素、法律的灵活性和法律适用的社会基础,它所蕴涵的司法价值和理念对我国的法治建设仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
刘敏 《史学月刊》2003,(7):20-25
刘歆为西汉王朝宗室,又为王莽新朝功臣,是学术造诣高深的经学家,又是将儒家理想制度付诸实践的改革家。汉新之际名儒贤达党附王莽者甚众,刘歆不幸被过多地关注和指责,应与此多重身份有关。其与父刘向在政治上非真正对立,二人的基本倾向应是一致的;其与王莽之关系,于汉新禅代之作用,于王莽改制之影响,也远不像传统认识的那样密切、那样重要、那样深广。用“不忠”、“不孝”指责他有失公道。  相似文献   
王健 《安徽史学》2007,(6):37-42
伦理政治的迷失是新朝政权倏忽兴亡的重要原因.刘秀复汉的成功,与对儒家思想的借重是分不开的.儒家政治伦理作为东汉极力表彰的意识形态,享有崇高地位,并与政治实践密切结合.伦理制衡既体现为东汉前期皇帝对治道和施政政策的主动调整,也体现在儒臣对朝廷决策和施政的约束和引导,从而发挥了一定的政治调节作用.东汉素来以朝廷表彰名节、士风高亢而彪炳中古史册,这构成该时期伦理控制的鲜明特征.东汉社会的伦理冲突,集中表现为清流士大夫捍卫德治传统、与黑暗势力的殊死斗争.  相似文献   
陕西临潼康家龙山文化遗址1990年发掘动物遗存   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
一、前言 陕西临潼康家遗址是龙山时期的村落遗址,面积约19万平方米。自1981年以来,曾进行过多次发掘①,出土了大量动物骨骼,本文将分析1990年夏秋两季发掘中出土的动物遗存。 1990年发掘是在遗址的中南部进行的,发掘 10 × 10米探方1个(126)。康家遗址T26的龙山地层厚度约3米,发现迭压多层的房屋一排,房前的院子里有许多灰坑。大部分兽骨出于灰坑和房屋的夯土墙内。发掘报告尚未发表,但为叙述方便本文根据建筑遗迹的分布情况初步将龙山文化地层分为早晚两期。早期:厚度约2米,每层房基包括4间房屋…  相似文献   
考古所见先秦两汉的床及其礼俗初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代,早期床的演化经历了一个由专而泛的过程。在殷墟卜辞和西周文献中,床专指卧具,东周时期床分化为坐具和卧具,汉代又附加了榻之类坐与半卧的功能。唐宋以来,很多与坐卧无关的床形器物,也被叫做床。考古所见早期床的形制,也反映了这一过程。同时,古代在使用床的过程中形成了相应的文化和礼俗。  相似文献   
This article examines the issue of political commemoration, focusing on the commemorations organized by different political parties in the two sides of divided Cyprus. It suggests a new analytical framework for the study of ritual in contemporary nation‐states that moves beyond the usual examination of any single ritual on its own terms. The use of comparison, both within each side and between the two sides, reveals how political actors stage commemorations of different historical events in order to propose contesting historical narratives. Hence, the meaning of any commemorative ritual can be understood only as part of the broader story that each narrative proposes. The historical narratives proposed by different political actors share certain common characteristics by virtue of all employing the narrative form: a beginning, a plot, certain categories of actors, the spatial location where history unfolds, the moral centre through which events are to be evaluated and the end. However, each narrative suggests a different story through which issues of identity and “otherness”, self‐justification and blame are negotiated in order to define the “imagined community” of the nation, its enemies and its pertinent history.  相似文献   
An analysis of copper production, architectural construction, and feasting rites as interrelated ritual activities at the Late Moche site of Huaca Colorada suggests that power asymmetries were embedded in a distinctive relational ontology and sacrificial worldview. Power was exercised not by alienating communities from their means of production or excluding the majority lower class from the diacritical symbols of power. Rather, the manufacture of copper items enabled subjects to directly contribute to Moche rites of regeneration and social reproduction; the skilled metamorphosis of copper into finished objects paralleled and symbolically reinforced the ritual re-formation of bodies and political subjectivities at Huaca Colorada. Ultimately, an examination of copper production at Huaca Colorada as a ritual of bodily transformation sheds light on the culturally specific structures of power characterizing the greater Jequetepeque region during the Late Moche Period.  相似文献   
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