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中国古代的礼器组合形式分为殷、周两大文化系统。殷商文化系统的礼器组合形式是鼎、簋、豆、笾等的组合,皆呈偶数形式,表现出殷人追求对称美以及对女性的尊重。而周文化系统的礼器组合形式是:鼎呈奇数、簋、豆、笾等皆呈偶数。奇数组合可以突出一个“居中”、“中央”、“太极”的地位,然后再形成对称形式,表现了周天子至高地位的形成。周文化系统的鼎与簋、豆、笾等礼器组合,呈奇、偶纽合形式,反映了周人的阴阳思想意识。  相似文献   
本文是此长文的中篇,主要探索黄河上中游地区,在公元前3000年—前1600年间的玉器文化。从考古资料可知,约于公元前2300年前,分布于六盘山周围的客省庄文化、常山下层文化、菜园文化、半山文化等与齐家文化的形成关系密切,笔者统称之为"先齐家诸文化"。齐家文化可能形成于公元前2600年前后,但约自公元前2300年以降,迅速发展成地域甚广的强势文化,尤其是在该文化晚期,已分布至陕北高原西侧,北达河套地区。承袭了可能萌芽于庙底沟文化时的"璧琮礼制",先齐家时期已在祭祀坑里将琮与璧上下叠压掩埋,此时玉石琮也有了浅圈形的射口,或是为了固定二器的叠压而设计。齐家文化遗址较多,本文从墓葬、房址、祭祀坑等各方面作了分析研究。  相似文献   
The re-establishment of the Sultanates of Ternate and Tidore (North Moluccas) in the wake of the political decentralization in Indonesia was accompanied in 1999 by violent confrontations of Muslims and Christians, in which the Sultans reactivated their “traditional” sovereign claims on their former overseas dependencies in Halmahera. This article examines the representations and ritual exchanges, in terms of which from the mid-nineteenth century onwards sovereignty used to be conceptualized and enacted in the societies concerned. Focusing on the monetary dimensions of these models of sovereignty and tributary relations, it analyzes the interventions that were implemented successively by the Sultanate of Ternate, the Dutch Colonial Government and missionaries of the Dutch Reformed Protestant Church. It is argued that these interventions eventually resulted in transformations of the diarchically structured and cosmologically authorized models of sovereignty into religiously grounded claims at universal sovereignty, thus paving the way for inter-religious violence.  相似文献   
This article investigates the use of feasts and gifts of food in the household of Eleanor de Montfort between February and August 1265. In his influential The dangers of ritual, Philippe Buc argued, through a study of early medieval chronicles, that rituals in medieval Europe were regularly targets for disruption and aggressive manipulation either in practice or in the texts reporting the rituals. This article tests Buc’s thesis against administrative records from thirteenth-century England. The evidence from Eleanor’s household accounts is illuminated through a study of contemporary literary sources and didactic texts. It concludes that the administrative records indicate that rituals in practice were less habitually the subject of manipulation and conflict than the literary evidence indicates.  相似文献   
The paper provides background context to the Anglo-Saxon concept of the ‘mead-hall’, the role of conspicuous consumption in early medieval society and the use of commensality to strengthen horizontal and vertical social bonds. Taking as its primary starting point the evidence of the Old English verse tradition, supported by linguistic and archaeological evidence and contemporary comparative material, the paper draws together contemporaneous and modern insights into the nature of feasting as a social medium. The roles of the ‘lord’ and ‘lady’ as community leaders are examined, with particular regard to their position at the epicentre of radiating social relationships. Finally, the inverse importance of the mead-hall as a declining social institution and a developing literary construct is addressed.  相似文献   
畲族主要分布于我国东南沿海地区,至今仍保存有不少本民族特有的文化,为亡者做圣科及拔伤的规仪则是其中之一。首次采集和整理出畲族人做圣科仪式的全过程,是一次对口头非物质文化遗产抢救、保护、传承的有益尝试,它为研究畲民俗文化提供了一份难得的标本。  相似文献   
《刘向歆父子年谱》是钱穆先生的成名作,它以坚实的证据解决了经学史上的一个大问题——康有为所力主的刘歆伪造诸经之说不成立。这一学术成就的取得,不是在一般意义上超越了今古文窠臼,而是一本“经学上之问题,同时即为史学上之问题”的原则,彻底破除了经学上的门户之见,并冲破了“六经皆史”说之樊篱,达到了将经学问题转化为史学问题的目的。围绕《刘向歆父子年谱》及其相关问题,钱穆与顾颉刚展开了有意义的讨论,这一讨论虽仍牵涉到今古文经学的一些老问题,但与清末康有为、章太炎之争已大为不同,非为带有浓厚政治意味的经学争论,而是史学层面上的正常学术讨论,“于史学立场,而为经学显真是”。对于中国历史学而言,无论是钱穆的信而有疑,还是顾颉刚的疑而有信,最终可以说是殊途同归,皆有益于近代新史学的成长壮大。  相似文献   
论刘知几处世思想的成因与史学思想的渊源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现实生活中的刘知几从敢于直言劝谏,有着强烈的济世之志,逐渐发展到随波逐流、明哲保身,其中既与严酷的政治现实有关,也与其受老庄消极处世思想的影响有关。他的史学思想深受王充、刘勰等人的影响,但决不盲从前人的观点。他注意广泛汲取古今学者的思想精华,创造性地对中国史学理论进行了首次总结,开了史学批评的先河。  相似文献   
本文通过对《颜氏家训》和司马光《家范》两者的篇目设置、关注重点、治家原则以及家族命运的担忧与期望诸问题进行讨论,分析中古家训的社会价值,借以阐释中古社会历史发展的趋势特征。  相似文献   
The zooarchaeology of complex societies provides insights into the interrelated social and economic relationships that people and animals created. I present a synthesis of zooarchaeological research published since the early 1990s that addresses political economy, status distinctions, and the ideological and ritual roles of animals in complex cultures. I address current approaches and applications as well as theoretical shifts in zooarchaeological practice. Research indicates there is great variability across space and time in how past peoples used animals to generate economic surplus, to establish status differentiation within societies, and to create symbolic meaning through sacrifices, offerings, and in feasts. The study of human/animal interactions in complex societies can contribute to fundamental questions of broad relevance regarding political and social life.  相似文献   
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