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笔者认为世居于川东北嘉陵江上游和渠江流域的土著居民,"巴渝舞"的创始者——板楯蛮(賨人)与来自鄂西南清江流域的廪君蛮(巴人先祖)并非同一族群。板楯蛮和廪君蛮虽统称为"巴人",但其"巴人"称谓是"巴地之人"、"巴国之人"的通称,而不是作为族称存在的。他们均出自"百濮"系统,只是起源地、分布地域、文化习俗、经济发展水平等方面有所区别,这一点也是经过方家充分论证的。本文拟从民族地理学、历史文献学、考古学和人类学等视角对板楯蛮的历史起源、分布地域及其与百濮、廪君的关系作一导向性梳理,以釐清学界长期存在的关于廪君蛮与板楯蛮同源、同宗的迷雾。  相似文献   
虽然明清时期我国气候总体呈现出寒冷的特征,但其间气候并不是一成不变的,而是呈现出多次冷暖波动的格局。通过对高分辨率资料《味水轩日记》中降雪率、初终雪日期、河流初冰日期、红梅始花日期、初雷日期以及一些感应记录等证据进行分析,表明1609-1616年间长江下游地区的冬半年气温较为温暖,略微高于现代(1951-1980年)气温。这对于分析10年尺度上气候变化,了解明代气候及变化的特征具有重要意义。  相似文献   
对唐代贾耽的地理(地图)著述的名目进行辨析,分析了"关中陇右及山南九州等图"、《九州图》、《海内华夷图》之间的关系,以及别录与通录的区别。指出《九州图》、《海内华夷图》是贾耽国图撰修总体事业在不同历史阶段的总称。并从地图学传统、方志学传统入手,探讨了贾耽地理(地图)著述的性质,对其中的地图学成绩进行了重新评价,进而从"近意就实,依稀像真"分析了贾耽地图学的滞后性,指出"古墨今朱"应只是文字注记的区别,并非通过图形绘制表达古今地理要素的差异,由此审视了中国古代地图史上图形绘制与文字注记的关系。  相似文献   
Temporally and spatially discontinuous pulses of heavy prehistoric exploitation of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) have been documented along the southern and central California coast. This article examines the very late (post-950 cal BP) appearance of numerous red abalone processing sites on the Monterey Peninsula in central California. We test three prominent explanations offered for the sudden onset of red abalone processing sites: trophic cascades resulting from human predation on sea otters, logistical foraging by inland residents, and changes in sea surface temperature. A trophic cascade appears to have occurred but does not fully explain the nature or timing of the phenomenon in the region.  相似文献   
冯时 《考古》2012,(2):76-83,109
《郑子家丧》与《铎氏微》竹书《郑子家丧》是一篇战国时期的《春秋》学佚籍。全篇记述楚、晋邲之战的原因与经过,弘扬了楚庄王的霸业。其文本脱胎于《左传》,应属楚威王傅铎椒所作之《铎氏微》。此书见载于《汉书·艺文志》,久已失传,今复重见,具有重要的文献学价值。文中对竹书内容进行考释,并就其文本属于《铎氏微》提出证据。  相似文献   

This paper analyses impressions of Fiji in 1961, recorded by two well-known Japanese travel writers: travel journalist Kanetaka Kaoru and writer Kita Morio. Their comments on ethnic Fijians' attitudes to work and on encounters with a variety of Indigenous Fijians, including ratu (hereditary chiefs), made the observed people ‘others' informing the travellers' views on post-war colonial Fiji in an era when little was known about Fiji in Japan. Differing views on colonialism underpinned the two authors' views. At the time, Kita and Kanetaka revised but replicated the assumptions of pre-war Japanese writing about Nanyō (the South Seas) and of Western travelogues on the Pacific Islands. While Kita passed blunt and prejudiced judgements, he demonstrated an awareness of colonialism's adverse effects and of concerns also felt by the colonial administration about the place of Indigenous Fijians in the modern world. Kanetaka, seemingly without awareness of her latent prejudice, praised Fiji as a near-perfect colony that benefitted from colonialism.  相似文献   
X-ray fluorescence analysis of obsidian artifacts from sites located in Chaco Canyon and from three Chaco-era communities in New Mexico permits determination of their geological origin. These source data are used to describe patterning in obsidian procurement in sites located in Chaco Canyon dating from A.D. 500–1150, and in a three non-Canyon communities occupied during the period of Chaco Canyon's regional prominence (ca. A.D. 875–1150). These data demonstrate that the most proximate sources generally dominate the sourced obsidian assemblages from sites of all periods, but also suggest differences in procurement patterning both over time and across space. Within Chaco Canyon, there is a notable shift from Mount Taylor obsidian to use of Jemez Mountains sources over time. These data also suggest that earlier analyses of obsidian from sites in Chaco Canyon misidentified some obsidian artifact sources; these new data indicate the central areas of disagreement and provide a revision of procurement patterning. In the Chaco-era communities located outside Chaco Canyon, procurement patterning diverges. The Blue J community shows an increase in use of the nearby Mount Taylor source over time. Two communities located toward the southern extent of the Chaco great house distribution reveal a markedly distinct procurement pattern, obtaining nearly all of their obsidian from southern sources largely unrepresented at Chaco Canyon. Combined, these data provide new insights into raw material procurement and artifact production at sites in Chaco Canyon, and in communities occupied during the Chaco Phenomenon, the period of the Canyon's greatest regional influence.  相似文献   
李翎 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(4):40-53,159,160
西安兴教寺所存玄奘石刻像与日本现存无名氏画玄奘像,所携带的历史信息超出了图像本身。作者认为,这一源于早期行脚僧图像的出现,是由于玄奘西行求法的成功,刺激了社会民众对行脚僧的认同,加之西来传法僧的大量涌现,于是在唐末、尤其是在宋代,出现了一批行脚僧图像,并由初时的胡僧梵相,变为汉僧模样,进而附会到玄奘的图像创作上。而在日本所存著名的"玄奘画像",事实上可能是一个具密教性质的僧人图像。作者试图通过有关这一图像的文献解读,全面分析该图像所包含的历史信息。  相似文献   
"偃师邢渠孝父画像石"是流失海外、现藏美国波士顿美术馆的一块东汉画像石。该石图文内容丰富、画像精美生动,从当朝民间孝行事迹的记述,到函谷关关楼建筑结构的绘制,皆是难得珍贵的史料。本文解读了画像石上五则孝行故事和关楼图像,对画像石镌刻年代、用途性质、装配位置、墓主身份、关楼及出行图与人物的关系、画像石的出土时间和地点作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
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