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清季支那史、东洋史教科书介译初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李孝迁 《史学月刊》2003,(9):101-110
清季对日本之支那史、东洋史教科书的介译,是清末教育改革的产物,对清末早期新式学堂的历史教育,对国人自编本国史教科书的出现,都产生了深远影响;支那史、东洋史的介译亦是20世纪初年新史学思潮的重要组成部分,对新史学思潮的深入发展起到了推波助澜的作用;介译支那史、东洋史之主旨在于弘扬爱国主义精神,表现出较为浓厚的功利色彩。支那史、东洋史教科书在中国近代教育史、史学史上应有一定的地位。  相似文献   
二十年来中国改革史研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾奎相  陈涴 《史学月刊》2003,3(12):104-110
中华民族的历史也是一部改革史。20年来,中国改革史研究取得了十分可观的成绩:改革史著作和论文大量涌现;“改革史”学科范型基本构成;社会改革作用、改革与革命的关系、改革成败规律等史学理论问题有重大突破和发展。“改革史”研究方兴未艾,必将继续呈现勃勃生机。  相似文献   
苏辙《古史》是北宋中期义理之学兴起后出现的一部重要上古史史著 ,是书不仅补正了《史记》所存在的某些疏略和讹舛 ,于《史记》有拾遗补阙之功 ,而且从一个侧面反映出了义理之学兴起后儒家学者的治史风尚 ,对研究两宋史学思想的演变 ,有其不可忽视的价值  相似文献   
《禹贡》半月刊对中国史学近代化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《禹贡》半月刊对中国史学近代化的发展起到了非常重要的推动作用。该刊自觉拓展史学研究新领域,刊登了大量关于人口、民族、地理、宗教、交通等方面的论文,为人口学、民族学、历史地理学、宗教学、人口史等史学新兴学科的成长与发展奠定了基础。在研究方法上,该刊力主扩大史料范围,倡导合作研究,重视平等讨论,创造出思想上活跃开放、学术上自由争鸣的良好氛围。该刊还特别重视译介西学成果和资料,为中国学术界更好地了解世界各国的学术研究状况开辟了一个窗口,为近代中国学人借鉴外国研究方法提供了帮助。  相似文献   
Counterfactualism is a useful process for historians as a thought-experiment because it offers grounds to challenge an unfortunate contemporary historical mindset of assumed, deterministic certainty. This article suggests that the methodological value of counterfactualism may be understood in terms of the three categories of common ahistorical errors that it may help to prevent: the assumptions of indispensability, causality , and inevitability. To support this claim, I survey a series of key counterfactual works and reflections on counterfactualism, arguing that the practice of counterfactualism evolved as both cause and product of an evolving popular assumption of the plasticity of history and the importance of human agency within it. For these reasons, counterfactualism is of particular importance both historically and politically. I conclude that it is time for a methodological re-assessment of the uses of such thought-experiments in history, particularly in light of counterfactualism's developmental relatedness to cultural, technological, and analytical modernity.  相似文献   
Saul Friedländer's recent Nazi Germany and the Jews: The Years of Extermination offers a brilliant new literary mode for historical representation of extreme events such as the Holocaust. He has produced an authoritative historical narrative of the Holocaust, within which he integrates the victims' authentic voices, as recorded (mostly) in their contemporary writings. This article offers a comparative assessment of Friedländer's achievement with regard to the integration of Jewish sources into the historical account. It begins with a contextualization of Friedländer's book within a framework that compares the ways in which Jewish sources are addressed by different historiographical approaches. In the second part it seeks to contextualize analytically and critically Friedländer's concept of “disbelief”—a concept by which he defines the role of the “victims’ voices” in his narrative. I claim that in our current “era of the witness,” set within a culture addicted to the “excessive,” the voices of the victims and the witnesses appear to have lost their radical political and ethical force. They seem no longer to bear the excess of history, and can thus hardly claim to be the guardians of disbelief. Excess and disbelief have thus become the most commonplace cultural topos. In our current culture, I contend, the excessive voices of the victims have, to some extent, exchanged their epistemological, ontological, and ethical revolutionary function for an aesthetic one. They operate according to the pleasure principle in order to bring us, the consumers of Holocaust images, the most expected image of the “unimaginable,” which therefore generates a melancholic pleasure and involves the narrative in melodramatic aesthetics. The article concludes by briefly suggesting some guidelines for an alternative approach to the study of contemporary Jewish Holocaust sources.  相似文献   

This survey reviews the growing role and presence of China in the Island Pacific. As the late Professor Ron Crocombe remarked, in the Pacific a major transition is under way from a range of European to Asian influences. Many Western observers have viewed this rise of Asian, and specifically Chinese, influence with alarm, but Crocombe saw it as offering Pacific Islanders new opportunities. This paper first analyses the diversity that can be masked by terms such as ‘China’ and ‘the Pacific’. Then it surveys recent literature on China in the Pacific and scholarship concerned with longer Chinese histories in the region that most recent commentators ignore and which question a number of their assertions. Finally, it suggests possible future directions for historical research on this topic.  相似文献   
钱谦益指出记注制度缺失、实录流布民间以及官方对本朝重大事件记载失实是造成明代"三史"舛驳的原因。他批评师心自用的俗学,直陈史学界存在的三种谬误,倡导恢复尊经重道、严谨求实的治史传统。钱谦益既效仿郑晓和王世贞辩证明代史事的治学路向,又批评并纠正了两人不少谬误。  相似文献   
嵇文甫先生是关注、研究王船山史论的老一辈学者之一。他一方面从历史哲学的高度看待其历史思想,将之概括为古今因革论、朝代兴亡论和华夷文野论;同时,对其史论中的史学方法论也予以总结。从方法上看,他注重由哲学而史学的分析,尝试在中国思想史和西方思想视野下对船山史论作比较考察。这两个方面,对于船山史论的进一步研究,多有启示和借鉴的意义。  相似文献   
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