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田中古城位于江西萍乡市区北约4公里。城址建于萍乡市经济开发区田中管理处下辖的田中村东北约1200米的一座低矮土岭上。城址北依山坡,东邻萍水(又称萍乡河),南部有几处起伏的低丘,西面是开阔的平地(图一)。古城周边有三个自然村,分别称为土城坳上、土城坳下和何家圳。据当地民众回忆,田中古城所在的土岭  相似文献   
当代西方考古学研究范式述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
托马斯.库恩认为范式是指科学共同体的信念,这种共同的信念建立在某种公认并成为传统的重大科学成就(如牛顿的万有引力说、达尔文的进化论等等)基础上,为共同体成员提供把握研究对象的概念框架、一套理论和方法论信条,一个可供仿效的解题范例,它规定了一定时期中这门科学的发展  相似文献   
在中国现代学术思想史上,钱穆与胡适是两种不同类型的学者,一个是新文化运动的领袖,西化派的代表人物;一个是传统史学派的大家、文化民族主义史学的代表人物。本文以钱穆眼中的胡适为切入点,分析了不同时期两人的学术关联及其文化观的异同,认为钱穆对胡适的评价经历了一个由尊崇到疏离再到公开批评的转变过程,研究这个转变过程,对于20世纪的中国学术思想史而言,应是一件有意义的事。  相似文献   
安阳殷墟考古发掘出来的人类头盖骨显示,早在殷商时期,即存在中原人与中亚人及欧洲人的往来.欧洲人和中亚人的到来被有的学者认为参与了中国政体的形成过程.  相似文献   
We propose a reassessment of Neandertal mobility strategies by crossing technological and zooarchaeological data. A broad comparative approach to the Middle Paleolithic series from western France shows that the Levallois and laminar flaking systems, the Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition (MTA) shaping system and the Quina and discoidal-denticulate flaking systems, vary significantly in terms of duration of reduction sequences, blank versatility and tool maintenance. These technological systems, which prevail in this context over different time periods, reflect distinct mobility strategies as a response to differing hunting practices. This new approach to Middle Paleolithic technologies and related mobility patterns gives new insights into Mousterian diversity. It also highlights the determinant role played by large game hunting strategies in the organization of late Neandertal societies.  相似文献   
Dental features of the Late Bronze Age Irmen population of Western Siberia (14th–10th centuries BC) were studied on the basis of cranio-dental remains from 23 cemeteries in the Kuznetsk Basin, Baraba forest-steppe, the forest-steppe zone of the Altai, Tomsk and Novosibirsk areas of the Ob basin. The results suggest that the Irmen people originated in the Novosibirsk and Baraba areas from a mixture of Andronovo (Fedorovka) and autochthonous groups. Dental data are inconsistent with the idea that the Karasuk tribes might have taken part in this process. The Karasuk people clearly descended from the Okunevo people, as evidenced by the elevated frequencies of the Carabelli cusp and deflecting wrinkle. None of these traits is present in the Irmen people, who display dental gracility evidently introduced by Andronovo (Fedorovka) tribes.  相似文献   
This paper explores the dynamic differentiation and reorganization of healers within a plural medical system from the birth of the union clinics in the early 1950s to the popularization of barefoot doctors in Chinese villages in 1970. After 1949, the state started to mobilize individual medical practitioners to form union clinics that implemented a system of fees for services, individual accounting, self‐responsibility for profits and losses, democratic management, and distribution according to each contribution. The union clinics became the township‐level medical agencies following the establishment of county hospitals. These developments indicated the beginning of the dynamic differentiation of a plural medical system and formed the basic structure of the state medical system in 1950s–60s. Through the complete reshuffling of healers within the plural medical system, by 1970 barefoot doctors were embedded in the reorganized rural medical world of Chinese villages.  相似文献   
《Central Europe》2013,11(1):24-45

This article explores how the GDR dealt with intellectual remigrants, in particular ‘bildungsbürgerlich Marxist intellectuals’, who had survived the Third Reich in Western exile. It analyses the political biographies of three such remigrants, namely the journalist Hermann Budzislawski, the publisher and author Wieland Herzfelde, and the journalist and party functionary Hans Teubner. In the late 1940s and 1950s, these three men were appointed to professorships at the Faculty of Journalism at Leipzig University, a future training school of party journalists, and thus ?lled important strategic positions at the intersection of higher education, mass media, and politics. However, their biographies testify to more than just individual success stories. They point to the dif?culties of returning Communists in adapting to the political realities of the GDR in the 1950s, marked by widespread distrust and coercion. Behind the scenes, the remigrants in question here were put under enormous pressure to bow to Party command. As Budzislawski and Herzfelde were Jewish, the article also discusses to what extent their problems were related to antisemitic prejudices in the Stalinist period of the GDR. Regardless of individual differences, this article demonstrates that one of the central hopes of the remigrants, that is, to erase the scars of emigration, remained unful?lled.  相似文献   
琥珀制品在两汉时期风靡一时,琥珀印在琥珀制品中颇具特色。本文在对中国境内考古发现所见两汉琥珀印资料收集与整理的基础上,对其出土地域、自身特征、出土位置及伴出物品等问题进行了探讨。研究表明出土琥珀印的墓葬等级较高,且出土位置特殊,并伴随有水晶、玛瑙、海蓝宝等贵重宝石。这些宝石的产地可能源自南亚或东南亚地区,而这类随葬品在两汉墓葬中的流行亦体现了当时物质交流的成果。  相似文献   
张玲 《神州》2013,(6):172-172
礼貌是一种普遍存在的语用现象,但是由于文化、社会价值的差异,每种语言的礼貌又存在很大的不同。一些中国学者认为中国式礼貌具有自己的特殊性,西方的礼貌理论对中国是不适用的。本文通过对比英汉礼貌的异同,证明英汉礼貌虽然有诸多的不同,但是并没有必要将两者孤立而论。  相似文献   
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