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Indices of taxonomic abundance are commonly used by zooarchaeologists to examine resource intensification, overexploitation and gender-divisions in foraging labor. The original formulation of abundance indices developed a clear interpretive framework by linking the measure with foraging models from behavioral ecology. However, using the same basic tenets of behavioral ecology, archaeologists disagree about how to interpret variability in abundance index values: some suggest that high proportions of large prey remains represent higher overall foraging efficiency, while others argue the opposite. To help solve this problem, we use quantitative observational data with Martu hunters in Australia’s Western Desert to examine how foraging decisions and outcomes best predict variation in the abundance index values that result. We show that variation in the proportional remains of large to small game is best predicted by hunting bout success with larger prey and the time spent foraging for smaller prey. A declining abundance index results from decreasing hunting success with larger prey, increasing time invested in hunting smaller prey, or both; any of which result in a lower overall return rate than if large prey were acquired reliably. We also demonstrate that where large prey acquisition is stochastic, high index values are correlated positively with men’s proportional caloric contribution of large unreliable game, while low index values are correlated with women’s proportional foraging time for small reliable game. We discuss these results with reference to evidence of resource intensification and gender-specific foraging.  相似文献   
先秦钟镈无论科学发掘、偶然发现的窖藏还是传世收藏,数量相当可观。对于其研究,长期集中于三个问题:甬钟起源、钟镈名称考辨、编钟编镈所反映的周代音阶乐律。就礼制问题而言,  相似文献   
松柏一号墓35号木牍与西汉南郡属县   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
松柏一号墓35号木牍所载汉武帝初年南郡"免老"、"新傅"、"罷癃"等3个统计簿,对研究西汉南郡政区地理具有重要价值。结合其它文献进行研究,可以就西汉南郡属县(包括道和侯国)的变动情况得出几点认识:江陵、巫、宜成、秭归、临沮、夷陵、州陵、夷道、中庐、邔等10个县、道、侯国,均与西汉朝相始终,且当一直属南郡;孱陵、索、下隽、竟陵、安陆、沙羡、轪等7个县、侯国,西汉前期应属南郡,之后分别转属他郡或他国;销、显陵、醴阳等3个县,当分别于西汉前期或后期废置,废置前均应属南郡;便侯国约于文帝时由长沙国迁入南郡,武帝元鼎五年国除,改置编县;枝江、当阳、郢、鄀等4个秦置县,西汉初或均废置,武帝初年以后又都复置,且属南郡;高成、华容、襄阳等3个县、侯国,均当为武帝初年以后新置,属南郡;西陵县,西汉时或从未属南郡。  相似文献   
《汉书》记载朱崖、儋耳两郡的置废本甚清晰,但至迟从五代宋朝以来,一些典籍关于此事的记载却已模糊不清,甚至与事实多相抵牾。迄至明清时期,诸多方志递相沿用以往成说,层层相因,以致以讹传讹。近代以来,关于该问题的讨论一直没有停止。本文从多个角度论证西汉合浦郡之朱卢县不在今海南岛上,其后东汉之朱崖县也不在海南岛上。此外,本文还针对《西汉合浦郡之朱卢县考》一文观点,在此与李勃先生商榷。  相似文献   
2009年8月焦作市文物工作队在焦作白庄墓群发掘M121和M122两座汉墓。M121和M122两耳室相连。墓中各出土陶仓楼及其他陶器组合,对研究焦作地区汉墓分期和陶仓楼的排序具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
甘肃玉门花海西晋墓群出土木牍的保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
甘肃河西地区出土文物特殊的高盐碱埋藏地质环境,造成画像砖、木质文物、丝织品等文物埋藏期间大量盐碱的渗入。文物出土后,随着环境温湿度的变化,使得文物内部盐碱重结晶,直接导致了画像砖画面脱落、木质文物崩裂及丝织品脆化。本工作针对甘肃玉门花海西晋墓群出土木牍的损害状况,进行了表面清理、渗透填充加固、脱盐及对个别器物进行了回软整形等保护,保护处理后状况良好,保护方法对同一地区出土其他木质文物的保护有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
本文讨论了西周汉语第三人称代词“厥、其、之”的句法功能问题。认为“厥”主要作定语,其次是作主语,偶尔作兼语;“其”主要作定语,其次是作主语;“之”主要作宾语,偶尔作定语、兼语。“厥”和“其”的句法功能基本相同,两者是同义的新词和旧词的关系;“之”跟“厥/其”在句法功能方面则有分工。  相似文献   
崔永红 《攀登》2006,25(5):50-52
准确的文化定位,对于一个地区文化历史渊源的追溯、文化内涵的发掘具有重要的意义。作者通过对西羌文化在青海大地上的发展历程的论述,认为西羌文化更能反映青海文化的产生以及在相当长历史时期内发展演变的情况。  相似文献   
本文论述了怛罗斯之战的背景及经过,指出怛逻斯之战虽然是边将个人素质不高引发的一个偶然事件,但也是唐朝与大食两大势力在中亚角逐的必然反映,是唐朝西域政策的必然结果。指出唐朝西域政策的重心是确保葱岭以东地区安全,防止吐蕃与西突厥等联手侵犯此地,唐在中亚的统治及对付大食的挑战,则退居次要地位。  相似文献   
Whilst there has been some research conducted on the role of sport in Australian rural communities, to date there has been little detailed discussion by social scientists and geographers on the association between sport and social capital. This paper identifies elements of social capital, at a community and regional social scale, which have been expressed through the activities and adaptive strategies of twenty‐five sporting clubs from the wheatbelt region of Western Australia. Most of the adaptive strategies are a direct result of the clubs being exposed to the processes of rural restructuring and include amalgamation and the spatial reorganisation of sporting competition locations. The importance of localism in rural communities is also examined through the issues of trust and distrust within a regional hierarchy context. The paper illustrates how sport is not only an important part of rural life but also an activity which plays an integral role in the formation of bonding and bridging social capital.  相似文献   
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