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Northwestern Italian weak-motion data were used to study attenuation characteristics of horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) and horizontal peak ground velocity (PGV) from earthquakes of local magnitudes (M l ) up to 5.1. Data have been provided by the RSNI (Regional seismic network of Northwestern Italy) and RSLG (Regional seismic network of Lunigiana-Garfagnana) waveform database. The database consists of more than 14000 horizontal components recorded in the period 1999-2002 by both broadband and enlarged band seismometers. The accuracy of the procedure used to extract PGA values from the velocity recordings was verified comparing observed and derived PGA values at station STV2, which was equipped with both a temporary K2 Kinemctrtcs accelerometer and Guralp CMG40 broadband sensor. The attenuation of both peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity was found to be logarithmically distributed with a strong attenuation for low distances (less than 50 km) and low M l values (<3.0). The resulting equations are:

Log(PGA)=?3.19+0.87M?0.042M 2?1.92 Log(R)+0.249S,

Log(PGA)=?4.23+0.76M?0.018M2?1.56 Log(R)+0.230S,

where PGA is expressed in g, PGV is expressed in m/s, M is local magnitude, R is the hypocentral distance in kilometers and S is a dummy variable assuming values of 0 and 1 for rock and soil respectively. For increasing distance and magnitude, both PGA and PGV values show a linear distribution. The validity range of the obtained attenuation relationships is 0–200 km for distances and M l up to 4.5. Sensitivity studies performed by analysis of residuals, showed that predicted PGA and PGV values are stable with respect to reasonable variations of the model and distances providing the data. Comparisons with attenuation relationships proposed for Italian region, derived from strong motion records, are also presented.  相似文献   
The First World War was the first modern, mediated conflict. In this paper I argue that British correspondents on the Western front attempting to accurately witness the war encountered a crisis of representation and visuality. They occupied a particularly unstable position between the many sites and points of view within a cubist landscape of shattered geographies and unstable boundaries. Their writings, though rich in masculinist and nationalistic accounts of heroism, also contain a newer perspective characterized by the failure to fit these older narratives into the inhuman, incomprehensible spaces of modern war.  相似文献   
郑州洼刘西周贵族墓出土青铜器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洼刘西周贵族墓葬位于郑州市洼刘遗址内,墓内随葬有一批珍贵文物.其中青铜礼器10余件,还有一批车马饰、蚌饰、贝币等.尤其是青铜礼器制作精美,造型奇特,在考古发掘中极少见到,是郑州地区近几年来西周考古的重要发现.  相似文献   
本文以洛阳汉墓出土的乐器资料为切入点,就乐器的种类、组合及其相关问题作了初步探讨.  相似文献   
关于沈阳何时开始建城的问题,史学家一般都认为始于辽东郡候城县的建立。但对于候城的建置年代,则有不同的看法,有的认为是在汉代,有的认为是在战国时。木文以历史文献记载和新近考古发现为依据,结合前人的研究成果,进一步证明候城建置不始于西汉王朝,而始于战国时的燕园。  相似文献   
本文通过分析比较鄂城东吴孙将军墓与鄂钢饮料厂一号墓,揭示了两墓的相互关系及墓主人身份。  相似文献   
雅尔塔体制的形成与苏联势力范围的确立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苏德战争之前 ,苏联通过与希特勒德国的合作与争夺 ,在其西北部扩张领土和建立势力范围的努力获得初步成功。第二次世界大战期间 ,苏联以战场上的胜利为基础 ,使盟国逐渐地同意了苏联关于领土和边界、安全保障和势力范围的大部分要求。最后 ,苏联和西方国家以妥协和谅解的方法确立了划分它们势力范围的雅尔塔体制  相似文献   
位于江苏高淳固城镇的固城遗址,分罗城和子城两部分,从历年不同时代遗物出土地点看,春秋时吴筑“固城”的具体分布范围在“子城’’之西,现在的固城遗址是汉代向城东重新扩建的一处城邑。  相似文献   
河南巩义市新华小区汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2001年6月,巩义市文物保护管理所文物钻探队在河南省巩义市物资局所建新华小区2号楼基础内探得一座汉墓(图一),郑州市文物考古研究所派员联合巩义市文物保护管理所对该墓进行了发掘,现简报于后。 该墓(编号0106ZGXHM1)为双室砖券墓,方向33°,距地表深8.2米,由墓道、前雨道、前室、后甬道、后室组成。(图二) 墓道 位于前室北侧偏东,南接前甬道,宽1.2米,由于场地所限,墓道未清理。 前甬道 位于墓道与前室之间,砖砌,券顶为盗洞所破坏,长1.5米,宽1.1米,高1.4米。南部见一铁门环。 前室 …  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了在襄樊市长虹南路墓地发掘的13座墓葬,其中东汉墓2座、隋墓2座、唐墓9座。均为砖室墓,随葬器物有陶、硬陶、瓷、铜、铁、铅锡、金、银器等。它们的发掘丰富了本地区汉唐时期墓葬资料,尤其是M16画像石门的结构填补了东汉墓葬发掘的空白。  相似文献   
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