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湖北云梦睡虎地M77发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2006年11月,汉丹铁路某施工队为加固铁路路基,在云梦睡虎地发现一座西汉墓葬。湖北省文物考古研究所和云梦县博物馆联合对该墓进行了抢救发掘,清理出土漆木器、陶器等共计37件,特别重要的是出土了一批内容丰富的西汉简牍。  相似文献   
楚秦洞庭苍梧及源流演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟炜  晏昌贵 《江汉考古》2008,(2):92-100
从里耶简文出发,结合相关材料分析秦简牍所见洞庭、苍梧两郡,将传世文献所见楚洞庭、苍梧,汉苍梧郡与两秦郡相比较,另将楚秦黔中郡、秦汉长沙郡、汉武陵郡等一并考虑,以考察楚秦洞庭、苍梧之源流演变。认为最早楚洞庭应指山名或一较小水泽名,后泛指沅湘下游洞庭湖平原,亦指楚邑名,战国晚期因楚秦战争,楚国才在此设郡,其范围当与"洞庭五渚江南"(楚邑)及包山楚简所见楚县邑有关,含湘资沅澧下游通道;而秦洞庭郡含沅澧中下游(包括酉水流域),郡治应在临沅或索。楚苍梧腹地在九疑山区,而秦苍梧郡更重视五岭关口,二者范围、南界应有不同;汉苍梧郡仅设于五岭以南,与秦越(西瓯骆越)战争、秦朝平定南越后分设桂林等郡、楚秦移民及其后裔对岭南"封中"等地的开发、秦苍梧郡分划以及汉初南越国设苍梧王属地(或以桂林监守之)等过程、因素有关。  相似文献   
本文第一则依据《郭店楚墓竹简》的《六德》及庄子《天运》、《天下》、董仲舒《春秋繁露·玉杯》等文对《郭店楚墓竹简·语丛一》第37至44号简的排列顺序加以纠正,并认为《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》是六经的较原始排列次序。第二则根据《郭店楚墓竹简》的《缁衣》篇的“巷”字对金文的“(?)”字及从“(?)”的一些字的音义进行了阐释。第三则释《郭店楚墓竹简》的《缁衣》篇的“林人不敛”为“麻人不敛”,破读为“靡人不钦”。  相似文献   
本文是笔者“张家山汉简《二年律令》集释”的第二篇。文章在保存整理小组原注的基础上,广泛吸收了先秦两汉文献及唐宋明清律令的相关资料、秦汉简牍资料以及当代学者有关张家山汉简的研究成果,希望能对张假山汉简的进一步研究贡献微薄力量。  相似文献   
张家山汉简释地六则   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张家山汉简《二年律令·秩律》是研究汉初政区地理的重要材料,本文对其中六个有问题的地名进行重新考释,认为沂阳位于今山西介休县西,汉初属上党郡;第455号简原释作“郑”的字,实为“邺”,属河内郡;销县又见于里耶秦简牍,当即楚金币“少贞”之“少”,六朝之“霄城”或“宵城”县,在今湖北天门东北;南陵和阳城并属南阳郡;南乡并非广乡,而是高帝母昭灵后的陵园所在,在今河南开封东。经过考订,简文地名排列的规律性更加明显。  相似文献   
失水干缩竹简不仅改变了竹简的形貌,而且字迹无法辨认,不能进行考古释文,极大地影响了其承载的历史价值和研究价值。通过海昏侯墓葬等出土竹简等残片的干缩复形研究实验,对复形前后外形尺寸、化学组分、微观结构等方面进行比较。结果表明:经生物碱和表面活性剂等材料浸润后的干缩竹简残片,外形尺寸可恢复到干缩前的98%以上,竹简残片内部干缩变小的空隙结构得到恢复,化学组分无明显变化。运用该技术对干缩竹简进行复形处理,复形后的竹简基本恢复到饱水时的状态,而且对字迹无损伤。  相似文献   
Some uncertainty amongst archaeologists about dendrochronology has prompted an explanation of some of the points which cause most concern. These include the probability of obtaining a date for a wood sample and the reliability and accuracy of that date. Uses of tree-ring analysis, other than for dating, are also mentioned.  相似文献   
沪简《周易》选释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海博物馆所藏战国楚竹书《周易》,与今本文字多有异同.本文就竹简本中十条异文予以考证,或揭示其释字依据,或分析其通假关系,也间或涉及其讹变关系,提出若干与旧注不同的新观点.  相似文献   
肩水金关汉简涉及到了西汉太常郡,太常本为职官官名,吕后六年(前182年)长陵置县即为太常所辖,后陵县既多,渐为郡级政区,直至汉元帝永光四年(前40年)不再领县。虽然此郡未能与西汉时期相始终,但已具备郡级政区的基本功能,且有边界和实土,是西汉时期的特殊政区。  相似文献   
We present absolute dates of seven late Neolithic pile-dwellings on Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia. They were settled from ca. 3600 to 3332 (±10) and from 3160 to 3071 (±14) cal BC, as shown by investigations of wood using dendrochronology and radiocarbon wiggle-matching. We defined eleven periods of intensive tree felling (and building activities) and one major settlement gap (when no trees were felled) from 3332 to 3160 cal BC. A major settlement gap presumably also followed after 3071 cal BC (i.e., after the end date of the investigated sites). Our investigations included over 2500 pieces of wood, mainly from the piles on which the dwellings were built. Among important wooden artefacts were a wheel with axle (one of the oldest preserved wheels in the world) and two dugout canoes, all from the settlement phase from 3160 to 3100 cal BC. As shown by parallel studies, the economy in the sites was characterized by copper metallurgy, skilful wood processing and use, cultivation of domestic plants, gathering of wild plants, animal husbandry, hunting and fishing. The settlements were contemporaneous with a number of sites in the north of the Alps, the younger ones coincided with the lifetime of the Neolithic Iceman (Ötzi). Since Ljubljansko barje has a strategic position at the crossroads between western central and (south) eastern Europe the presented absolute dates provide a basis for their comparison with other dated contemporaneous sites (in the west), to revise the chronology of similar sites in the (south) east (which are not yet exactly dated), and to evaluate their interconnection and roles in cultural development in prehistory.  相似文献   
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