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本文引用美国报纸上对华人餐馆的宣传报道,介绍了美国中餐馆注重建立与中国文化圣人孔子的联系、将孔子融人餐馆品牌之中的特色宣传策略,认为中餐能一直吸引着成千上万的消费者,不仅因为华人餐饮以中国为源的表面现象,而是有着更深层次的文化共识。孔子就是这一共识的核心。华人餐饮以孔子为品牌魅力,抓住美国民众熟悉孔子的现象,积极渗入美国非华裔社会的饮食文化。研究餐饮文化中的孔子是我们考察华人群体心理变化、现实处境和美国族裔关系变迁的独特视角,值得学术界利用跨学科方法进一步探讨。  相似文献   
1982、1987年出版的《中国历史地图集》是广受学术界赞誉的高水平的历史地图集,有关十六国时期的地图,经考证研究,有7处的绘法可以改绘得更加准确。  相似文献   
1999年至2006年,淮安市博物馆在金湖县徐梁村共发掘墓葬18座,均为长方形土坑竖穴墓,出土了一定数量的随葬品。其中部分墓葬具有同为家族墓的可能,据墓葬形制和随葬器物器形分析,这批墓葬的年代初定为战国末期至西汉早期,M18年代属于西汉中期。这批墓葬中M1主人身份地位最高,M18主人也应具有一定的身份地位。  相似文献   
自1992年以来,偃师市文物管理局对位于北魏外廓城以东的阳渠、鸿池陂两处遗址做了持续的勘察,不仅弄清了走向或形状,而且对二者的关系也有了初步的了解.  相似文献   
王龙正  孙清远  李晓培  张春峰  张利萍  王兰芳  张红征  王自刚  刘红亮  郑东  赵灿娜  孙晓明 《华夏考古》2011,(3):16-29,F0002;I0001-I0004;F0003
2006年5月至12月,平顶山市文物管理局文物工作队为配合南水北调中线工程建设,对鲁山薛寨遗址进行了文物调查和考古发掘,发掘面积3200平方米。发现了宋、元、明、清时代文化遗存,尤以元代文化遗存最为丰富,出土遗物有陶、瓷、骨、铜、石、铁器,琉璃、兽骨等。为研究鲁山县宋、元的文化提供了较为丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   

The study of the history of cartography in the United States has been profoundly shaped by the peculiar American institution sometimes known as the ‘treasure house’. These libraries, located in major metropolitan areas and at prestigious universities, were created through the philanthropy of businessmen of local and national significance, most of whom also collected maps and books. The collecting patterns of these philanthropists and the institutions they helped to found emphasized materials (including maps) relating to American history and culture before 1800. This emphasis on pre-nineteenth century holdings tended to marginalize the historical study of most post-1800 cartography in the United States until the middle of the twentieth century. At the same time, as a case study of Chicago’s Newberry Library shows, the development of these collections was flavoured by the civic and regional pride of their host communities and the aspirations to be regional, national and global metropolises.  相似文献   
徐振伟 《史学集刊》2022,(1):133-144
20世纪50年代末60年代初,面对中国发生的粮食紧缺问题,作为美国冷战盟友的加拿大开始采取自主行动,主动与中国开展粮食贸易。此时美国仍对中国进行政治孤立和经济封锁,加拿大的行为无疑与美国的冷战遏制战略相冲突,美国与加拿大的博弈由此开启。美加双方具有不同的利益诉求,加拿大希望扩大粮食销售市场,解决国内粮食过剩的问题,而美国更看重冷战联盟,并着眼于维护冷战联盟内部的团结,为此在不涉及美国核心利益的问题上向加拿大做出一定的让步。美国与加拿大之间的博弈反映了作为联盟主导者的美国开展联盟管理的困境,也体现了联盟政治与经济利益之间的张力。  相似文献   
亲台反华的日本佐藤内阁在1971年联合国中国代表权问题上费尽心机,不仅是为台湾当局继存于联合国的“逆重要问题案”的始作俑者,甚至一度对美国将安理会席位交归中华人民共和国的主张持“保留意见”。但随着尼克松访华计划的公布,视日美关系为日本对外关系核心的佐藤内阁迅速调整政策,公开与美国政府在联合国图谋“两个中国”并存局面。佐藤内阁顽固追随美国在联合国中国代表权问题上的政策立场,不仅遭到日本国内要求调整对华关系的反对力量的猛烈攻击,同时也使执政的自民党在对华政策上的内部分歧越发难以调和,并最终导致佐藤内阁失去调整对华政策的历史契机。  相似文献   
The regulation of American cinema during the Progressive era was an exercise in governmentality with multiple spatial rationalities operating through networks at multiple scales. Although produced and distributed nationally, moving pictures were consumed locally. The National Board of Censorship governed movie content from New York, where most major film producers were headquartered at that time, yet it was dependent upon the activities of social reformers and officials in cities across the country in monitoring manufacturers’ compliance with its decisions. But as those correspondents often regarded the image on the screen as intimately associated with other aspects of the movie-going experience, local efforts to regulate film often went further, depending upon local concerns about spectators. This paper explores how cinema was problematized in Atlanta and Minneapolis, two regional centers with different sexual and racial politics. It does so by building on recent discussions of spatial rationalities of moral reform efforts, and in this case, how tensions between generative and vitalist spatial rationalities conspired to produce a variable geography of cinema regulation that was networked and multi-scalar, and how these experiments in regulating a new medium of visual communication began to articulate a distinctive perceptual rationality of government.  相似文献   
河南荥阳市官庄遗址春秋墓葬发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈朝云  单晔  鲁红卫  刘彦锋 《华夏考古》2012,(1):3-12,153,158
为配合南水北调中线干渠工程建设,2010年10月至2011年2月,郑州大学历史学院考古系对荥阳市官庄遗址进行了考古发掘。发掘面积4000平方米,发现西周、春秋等多个时期遗存。本文对发现的11座春秋墓葬进行了介绍。  相似文献   
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