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《中国历史地图集》作为政区地理研究的集大成者,由于历代地理与政区的变化复杂、文献记载的缺漏与歧异等原因而使该书存在着一定的疏误。不断出土的战国文字资料,不仅可以提供各诸侯国疆域变迁的内容,还包含大量的县一级的地名资料,可以据此对《地图集》第一册“战国时期”所收录的地名资料进行补正。本文在纠正《地图集》的几处失误之外,还补充了120余个战国时期的县名,为研究战国至秦汉时期的地理沿革提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
关于民国乡村建设运动的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪二三十年代兴起的乡村建设运动是一场社会改良运动,即在维护现存社会制度和秩序的前提下,采用和平的方法,通过兴办教育、改良农业、流通金融、提倡合作、公共卫生和移风易俗等措施,以复兴日趋衰落的农村经济,实现所谓“民族再造”或“民族自救”。这种改良性质并不意味着乡村建设运动就无意义可言,首先,乡村建设运动的兴办教育、改良农业、流通金融、提倡合作、公共卫生和移风易俗等内容,对于解决农民尤其是自耕农的生产生活困难、推动社会进步起过一定的积极作用;其次,一些实验区在兴办教育、改良农业、流通金融、提倡合作、公共卫生和移风易俗的过程中所创造出的一些经验和方法,对于今天相关的农村工作有其借鉴的意义;第三、当时有成百上千的知识分子抛弃城市的优厚待遇和舒适的生活环境,“深入民间”,把他们所学到的知识文化和科学技术传授给农民,帮助他们扫除文盲和脱贫致富。对此,应予充分肯定。  相似文献   
The archaeological discovery of bituminous coal in the tipple area and the subsequent analyses of specimens of the iron ore, charcoal, limestone, slag, and cast iron from the Eaton (Hopewell) blast furnace built in 1802 indicate that raw coal was used in combination with charcoal as a fuel in American iron smelting at least thirty years before it was used alone. Further, its use in this combinatory manner marks the earliest as yet attested to in the New World.  相似文献   
Asylum laws cannot function without spatial technologies and practices. Refugee camps, detention centers and accommodation facilities, in addition to dispersal and residential obligations, highlight the spatiality of asylum laws and policies. They are not only designed to regulate forced migrants' movement and place them in alternative legal and spatial regimes, but they are also spaces where migrants’ legal rights are violated and access to integrating institutions are restricted. Based on findings from Germany and the United States, this paper argues that current asylum regimes are characterized by a system of legal-spatial violence; a process in which a form of violence is embedded in law, implemented through policies and formal processes, and realized and reproduced spatially. This entanglement between the law, space, and violence involves complex and paradoxical processes: immobility and internal bordering practices (where forced migrants are confined and their movement is limited), as well as forced mobility and situations of unbordering (where movement is forced, and where spatial restrictions are either repealed or replaced). These processes fragment and prolong the trajectories of forced migration. Compulsion, displacement, and the dispossession of rights—which constitute the process of forced migration—do not cease on entering Germany or the United States, but can continue. The rationale for legal-spatial violence goes beyond the securitization of forced migration and the control and deterrence of forced migrants, and also includes economic logic and profit making.  相似文献   
How German were German anarchists in the United States and Brazil? Did the experience of exile and immigration preserve or even heighten a national identity among radicals who openly espoused revolutionary internationalism? Anarchists distinguished between nation and nationality on the one hand, and the state and nationalism on the other. This article examines expressions of nationality by a handful of German anarchist editors and writers from the 1880s to the end of World War II. They wanted to be stateless, but not nationless. This article argues that German exile anarchists in the United States and Brazil expressed a militant, countercultural, antistatist and anticlerical nationality. They were ‘rooted cosmopolitans’: They identified with the international revolutionary tradition and at the same time remained attached to Germany's heritage of radical politics, arts and humanities. There was a remarkable consistency in their commentary levelled against Bismarck, the Kaiser, the Weimar government and the Nazis either in Germany or in the host country. Anarchists advocated for a borderless global federation of free communities and, to that end, rejected nationalism and urged people to stop ‘seeing like a state’ by exposing the false promises and crimes of statism.  相似文献   
建国初期美国阻挠华侨学生回国升学内幕   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立后,海外华侨学生有感于祖国的繁荣昌盛,掀起了一股回国升学的热潮。国民党集团为了“反共复国”,也极力劝诱侨生赴台升学,但收效甚微。在此背景下,美国出于“遏制中国”的险恶用心,积极介入华侨学生的升学问题,并使之染上一层浓厚的冷战色彩。本文主要依据上世纪90年代公布的美国政府的有关原始档案,分析美国政府阻挠华侨学生回国升学的背景和动机及其制定的计划、采取的措施。作者认为,虽然美国政府所采取的阻挠华侨学生回国升学的政策和措施对华侨学生的流向产生了一定影响,但其“遏制中国”的野心并未得逞。  相似文献   
清代两浙大规模从柴塘改建为石塘开始于乾隆第五次南巡。乾隆希望通过河工、海塘来成就不朽功勋,谕令在并不需要改建的柴塘中伺机改建石塘,强调以柴塘作坦水且不必岁修,这违背了石塘需要间接护岸工程的技术要求。乾隆深知如果新建石塘仍建设与维护间接护岸工程,将无疑说明其决策失误。当臣工谈到新修石塘需修筑坦水或者岁修作为石塘外护的柴塘,他的反应是: 反复声称柴塘作为石塘外护不需岁修,把决策失误责任推卸给相关臣工,隐晦或者露骨暗示钦差大员把责任推卸给相关人员。即使皇帝极力维护自己决策正确,但客观技术要求终使他批准了柴塘岁修专项银制度,也从侧面说明了其决策不当。整个过程充分说明,在涉及古代大型公共水利工程的制度问题时,技术与环境因素往往要让位于政治,在制度、技术、环境和政治因素的复杂交织中,历史的复杂性得以凸显。  相似文献   
孔学 《史学月刊》2000,(2):40-47
《庆元条法事类》是南宋时期由谢深甫等编纂的一部法律书。该书以事分门,门下分类,每类汇集有关敕、令、格、式、随敕申明和旁照法。便于检阅是其优点,过于庞杂是其缺陷。今存《庆元条法事类》是一残书,但由于所收条法均是在两宋实行过的法律,且是集庆元二年以前所有编敕大成的律书,因此具有很高的史料价值。  相似文献   
加拿大和美国对古巴政策的分歧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于加拿大与美国的特殊关系 ,使得它在处理战后一些重大的国际事务时不得不与美国保持一致 ,但惟独在古巴问题上与美国相悖。美国一贯视拉美为后院 ,视古巴为共产主义在拉美的桥头堡。加拿大公开反对美国对古巴的封锁政策。古巴问题显示出加美对外政策的纠葛  相似文献   
西周春秋吴都迁徙考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西周至春秋时期 ,吴都共有四次迁徙。周康王时 ,虞侯被封在江苏邳县加口 ,称“俎侯” ,春秋时为“”地。从康王时到西周晚期 ,吴国一直以俎为其国都。春秋初期 ,吴取邗国而建都于邗 ,即今扬州一带。邗为吴都一直到吴王诸樊时代。第三次和第四次迁都在吴王诸樊之后。诸樊与阖闾之都为秦时“吴县” ,即今无锡市西南 45里的闾江乡一带。吴王阖闾时所筑并所迁之都在今苏州市 ,其地本名即“姑苏”、“苏”。至夫差亡国之时苏州一直为吴都。  相似文献   
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