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Between 1878 and 1918 the Eastern border (Ostgrenze) of the Habsburg Monarchy, and in particular the mountainous regions between Hercegovina and Montenegro, posed security challenges. The people of the region had strong local traditions and a reputation for resistance to outside authority (having fought against Ottoman power for centuries). In 1878, the village of Klobuk had tried to fight off the Habsburg invader and had only slowly been subdued. Thereafter the new authorities built up a formidable line of defence along their new border with Montenegro including the garrisons at Trebinje, Bile?a and Avtovac. After the annexation of Bosnia and Hercegovina in 1908, the security situation became tense, a situation exacerbated by fear of South Slav expansion after the Balkan Wars of 1912–13 (which went hand in hand with propaganda that depicted the Serbs and Montenegrins as violent by nature). Orthodox Serbs living along the Montenegrin border were increasingly viewed with suspicion. During the summer of 1914, when anti-Serb feeling reverberated around the Monarchy, men from the villages closest to the border were either hanged or deported. The implementation and interpretation of Habsburg military regulations (Dienstreglement) meant that the Orthodox population in the border areas suffered disproportionately in 1914.  相似文献   
In December 1981, Nicaragua’s Sandinista government forcibly resettled some 8,500 Miskito Indians, killing dozens and displacing thousands in a controversy known as la Navidad Roja – the Red Christmas. Two starkly contrasting narratives exist around this episode: one which viewed the affair as a domestic one driven by longstanding ethnic tensions, and another which saw a CIA plot behind the violence. This article explores the chasm between those narratives and traces the breakdown in the FSLN–Miskito relations in 1981, ultimately showing how both indigenous action and Latin American state interventions played an understudied role at the onset of the Nicaraguan Civil War.  相似文献   
晚清议改科举新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关晓红 《史学月刊》2007,1(10):39-48
废除科举并非清统治者的初衷。迄道光至光绪,长达半个多世纪,议改科举的主流,多以讲求实学、增广科目、取材标准多样化为基本取向,希望以老树嫁接新枝的方法,激活科举制生机。朝臣疆吏们先后至少有18份以上要求增设科目的改革方案,正式奏呈清廷,最高执政者亦并多次谕令部院大臣讨论议复。由于整个统治集团的观念更新滞后,礼部等机构恪守夷夏之大防,阻挠变制,总理衙门鉴于反对派势大而采取等待姿态,经济特科的举办又一波三折,以虎头蛇尾告终,使得科举制失去了逐步内在更新的最佳时机,后起者不得不考虑除旧布新的彻底变革。  相似文献   
沈志华 《史学集刊》2007,25(5):51-65
由于档案文献的缺失,历史的链条往往是断裂的,即使在朝鲜战争这一冷战国际史研究中最热门的领域,情况依然如此。本文依据近几年最新解密和披露的档案文献,把过去十几年有关朝鲜战争研究中断开的历史环节连接起来,使人们对于这段历史真实能够有一个比较连贯和完整的了解。这包括中苏两国领导人在战前对实现朝鲜统一的途径的认识,中国军队中第二批朝鲜族部队回国的情况,苏联代表在战争初期没有及时返回联合国安理会的真正考虑,斯大林与周恩来黑海会谈的结果,以及斯大林出尔反尔、拒绝出动空军配合志愿军赴朝作战的背后原因等等。  相似文献   
刘莲芬 《史学月刊》2007,32(12):87-94
在杜鲁门总统任内,随着冷战向亚洲扩展,美国逐步重视东南亚在美苏对抗中的地位和作用,其东南亚政策从无到有,插手东南亚事务,加强东南亚地区的反共力量以应对新中国的建立。朝鲜战争爆发后,杜鲁门政府全面遏制中国,确立以制华为核心的东南亚政策,为冷战期间的美国东南亚战略奠定了基调。  相似文献   
刘会军 《史学集刊》2007,2(4):27-32
由中华民族最深刻最全面的觉醒和动员所取得的时代性进步是全民族抗战取得胜利的基础。国民党和国民政府在抗日战争中起到了不可替代的作用。中国共产党对抗日战争的作用不是领导的作用,而是导向的作用。中国共产党的正确导向和正确的战略、策略是全民族抗战胜利的根本保证。  相似文献   
抗日战争爆发后国民政府政治、经济重心的西移,为贵阳城市近代化的发展提供了历史契机,促进了贵阳城市经济、文化、交通、市政建设、文化教育的发展和价值观念、社会心态的近代变迁,极大推进贵阳城市近代化进程.然囿于军事、政治等非经济动力因素的制约,此时期的贵阳城市近代化只是一种畸形繁荣,未能形成持久、理性的发展.  相似文献   
《湖南农民运动考察报告》的文本问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从《湖南农民运动考察报告》的修改,可以清楚地看出毛泽东对农民运动认识的深化.毛泽东当初写作《湖南农民运动考察报告》,主要是要求中央在农民运动方面采取"新路线",而不仅仅是强调农民运动"好得很".由于种种原因,有关"土地问题"、"乡村自治",以及"在乡村中已经完成了民主革命……要进行到另一个革命了"等内容未能留存下来.现在流行的《湖南农民运动考察报告》并非完整文本,只是手稿的一部分.  相似文献   
齐春风 《安徽史学》2007,7(6):85-89
抗战时期,驻扎在各地的国民党军队广泛地参与了大后方与沦陷区间的走私活动,造成了极为严重的后果.由于国民政府有意让军队以经商来解决经济困难、军队内部军系复杂、军人拥有武力以及腐败盛行等原因,使国民党当局难以制止军队卷入走私大潮中.  相似文献   
At the height of the Cold War, in the 1950s, the process of parallel invention of masers and lasers took place on the opposing sides of the Iron Curtain. While the American part of the story has been investigated by historians in much penetrating detail, comparable Soviet developments were described more superficially. This study aims at, to some extent, repairing this discrepancy by analyzing the Soviet path towards the maser from a comparative angle. It identifies, on the one hand, significant differences between the two projects regarding their heuristics, the relationship between theory and experiment, grounding in different academic cultures, and the resulting conceptualization of the maser principle. At the same time, the case also illustrates more fundamental transformations in the practices of postwar research that can be characterized as a convergence between the Soviet and the American science of the period.  相似文献   
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