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Soviet Union issued two declarations toward China in 1919 and 1920, promising to nullify all treaty privileges in China previously established by the Tsarist government voluntarily. However, in the formal negotiations Karakhan insisted that old treaties must be replaced by new treaty. Finally, the Sino‐Soviet Agreement, literarily, “Agreement on General Principles for the Settlement of Outstanding Questions”, signed in May 1924 and diplomatic relations restored at once, a conference was stipulated to meet within one month to solve all questions and to conclude a formal treaty. Nevertheless, the conference was postponed for more than a year; when it did convene too many controversies led it nowhere. Since no treaty was produced at the Sino‐Soviet Conference, the old treaties were not abolished, therefore the Soviet's promises were never practiced.  相似文献   
洪煜 《史学月刊》2005,(3):53-56
王韬传统思想近代化的转变代表着中国传统知识分子的儒家正统思想向近代思想转化的一般过程。而王韬个人的特殊经历,对西学的体认和与西方传教士的亲密接触,其儒家传统思想的转变,表现出传统知识分子思想近代化的特殊性。  相似文献   
明代中后期心学在徽州的传播和影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
明代中后期,与朱子学“别立宗旨”的心学在徽州得到广泛传播,并在徽州士人中产生了巨大的影响。传入徽州的心学主要有二支,一是湛若水之学,一是王守仁之学。湛、王心学对徽州学术的发展带来了深刻的影响,它既使南宋以来朱子学在徽州一统天下的格局被打破,同时也导致了新安理学学派中形成了二个不同的学术阵营。这种状况一方面反映了明代中后期心学兴起以后,朱子学在全国范围内影响力的削弱.另一方面也体现了徽州学术思想的丰富性和复杂性。  相似文献   
While ecclesiastic and state authorities in Europe largely abolished medieval cults of saints because of their “heterodoxy,” late-imperial and modern Chinese Catholic communities in Shanxi still promulgate local cults dedicated to women and men who are believed to have performed posthumous miracles or who represent heroic virtue. Although constrained beneath the scrutiny of imperial, ecclesial, and modern political ideas of “orthodoxy” and “heterodoxy,” two Shanxi Catholic villages, Dongergou and Liangquandao (Liuhecun), have managed to preserve and promote Sister Maria Assunta Pallotta and Father Wang Shiwei as contemporary versions of traditional local cults. One of the manifest characteristics of these two Chinese Catholic local cults is how they have been transformed by traditional Daoist cults and have successfully survived in a liminal space between “orthodox” and “heterodox.” Relying on archival materials from the former Taiyuan Catholic Diocese Archive, records held in Roman archives, and oral testimonies, intricate patterns of accommodation and resistance to political and church authorities can be discerned as means for these remote Catholic villages to construct identity and cultivate social cohesion.  相似文献   
明初曹昭根据家藏和所见古物撰写《格古要论》,开创了古物赏鉴类著作的先河和体例。明代中期王佐对此书作了大量的增补,即《新增格古要论》,但因其杂抄而不受重视。本文从版本、作者、体例、内容几个方面对二书作了详细的比较,分析了其学术价值,并着重强调了王佐新增本的意义。  相似文献   
王宠惠与孙中山   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王宠惠早年在孙中山的带动和影响下从事革命活动,是孙中山革命事业的重要追随;辛亥革命时期是二人在政治上联系最紧密的时期,王宠惠成为孙中山在外交等方面的得力助手;袁世凯窃国后,王宠惠投身北洋政务,但与孙中山仍保持了密切联系。孙中山是以救国为己任的职业革命家,而王宠惠则是学从政型的技术官僚。  相似文献   
王德华 《史学月刊》2002,(10):17-23
楚庄王作为春秋五霸之一,对其以蛮夷率诸候的政治地位,后世儒有着“微言”与“大义”的二难评价。如果我们将楚庄王的霸业置入春秋战国时楚民族的自身发展的历程中加以考察.便会发现楚庄王的霸业是楚民族政治理性与民族个性精神在春秋时的最高体现;楚庄王的霸业也预示了庄王之后的楚国发展必将面临着一个楚民族精神提升或曰转型的艰难课题。  相似文献   
刘敏 《史学月刊》2003,(7):20-25
刘歆为西汉王朝宗室,又为王莽新朝功臣,是学术造诣高深的经学家,又是将儒家理想制度付诸实践的改革家。汉新之际名儒贤达党附王莽者甚众,刘歆不幸被过多地关注和指责,应与此多重身份有关。其与父刘向在政治上非真正对立,二人的基本倾向应是一致的;其与王莽之关系,于汉新禅代之作用,于王莽改制之影响,也远不像传统认识的那样密切、那样重要、那样深广。用“不忠”、“不孝”指责他有失公道。  相似文献   
本文以清代内务府造办处档案为主,结合画史中的有关记载,叙述宫廷画家唐岱和张雨森的关系,并由此探讨“四王”绘画风格对于宫廷山水画的影响,从一个侧面揭示了“四王”绘画及其画派成为清代画坛“正统派”的缘由。  相似文献   
该文对王念孙《读书杂志.逸周书》在校勘上论证不足、理据有误或校勘有误处进行评议,加以补正。  相似文献   
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