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The regulation of scientific and archaeological diving is complex but it is essential that underwater archaeologists are familiar with the requirements placed on them by legal systems. This paper outlines the history and development of current legal systems in four jurisdictions: the UK, USA, EU and Australia. This historical and legal approach informs key discussions facing maritime archaeologists; reference is made to training requirements, safety records and the question of who should be allowed to participate and who should be excluded from archaeological diving.  相似文献   
本文运用考古资料,结合文献记载,系统论述了战国时期淮河流域包括冶铸、丝织、漆器、玉石器及原始青瓷在内的手工业发展状况。  相似文献   
While syntheses of palaeopathological studies have been undertaken in many parts of the world, until recently little was known about human health in the past in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Focusing on skeletal pathologies, this paper documents the results of the first synthetic palaeopathologlcal study for this country. The collections of archaeological human skeletal remains come from three sites dating to the third and two sites dating to the second millennia bc and consist predominantly of disarticulated, partially fragmented and often cremated remains. The paper initially discusses potential explanations for the neglected study of human skeletal remains from the UAE. This discussion is followed by an outline of the types of burial practices employed in the past in this region and their effects on preservation. The nature of the collections and the methodology employed in their study are described. Using specific headings, the pathological findings are then documented, followed by a discussion of the results of the skeletal analysis in light of the available archaeological evidence. Finally, it is shown that although limited by preservation, analyses of human skeletal remains provide valuable details about the types of diseases that affected people in the past in the UAE. While less detailed than some palaeopathological syntheses, the results presented in this paper lay the foundations for further work on humans in the past in eastern Arabia. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
孙萍 《攀登》2005,24(4):99-101
今年年初颁发的《中共中央关于进一步加强中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度建设的意见》提出了诸多新理论新政策,它是我们党统一战线理论的新发展。认真学习和贯彻《意见》精神,对于我们全面落实科学发展观以及构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
《三国史记》在编撰方法上借鉴了中国古代史籍的编撰体例和原则,体现曲编年体和纪传体的某些特点,同时又具有自己的编写特点;在历史观上,《三国史记》不仅体现出中国古代史籍中所具有的正统史观、天命史观以及尊儒崇礼、重民观念等史学思想,还体现了它以中原王朝为正统的史观。  相似文献   
戊戌政变后,康梁等保皇领袖曾在全世界华侨社会中建立了庞大的保皇组织,美国华侨社会成为海外保皇势力的中心。美国华侨在组织上和财力上对保皇派做出了重大贡献,保皇党人在开启华侨民智,推动华侨对祖国的关注和认同,进而促进华侨爱国主义思想和民族主义的产生和发展方面发挥了巨大作用。保皇派的活动对华侨政治认同有积极的影响。  相似文献   
跑马岗战国墓群位于常德市鼎城区白鹤山乡,处沅水流域和澧水流域交汇处的低岗上。1999年冬首次集中清理了38座战国楚墓,均为竖穴土坑墓,随葬品以陶器为主,其次为铜器和漆木器,是一批极有研究价值的楚化资料。  相似文献   
本运用先秦献记载与考古物对照辨析的方法,较详细评论战国时期铁制农业生产工具在质地上、种类上明显的时代性进步,并认为这一进步不仅直接为当时精耕细作的农业生产提供了有效的保障,而且对后世农具变革也产生了极为深远的影响,在中国古代经济史上占有极其重要的地位。  相似文献   
上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书已部分面世,其中《孔子诗论》、《缁衣》、《性情论》中的诸多字的考释有进步探讨之必要。  相似文献   
山西南部地区陆续发现了多处西周墓地,著名的有曲沃县天马-曲村晋国墓地及北赵晋侯墓地,黎城西关、浮山桥北、绛县横水墓地等。由于缺少全面系统的分析,研究者普遍将这些遗存均作为西周封国的遗存看待。该文通过考古资料、历史渊源和地理环境等方面的综合研究,认为对这些墓地尚不宜一概而论,他们实际存在着国与族的差别,即诸侯国、封国以及采邑的差异。从族群来源上讲有来自关中地区姬周系统的虞、晋、杨等诸侯或封国,也有出自晋南古族帝尧后裔黎国,还有源自殷商遗民的先国,以及出于戎狄文化系统的倗氏。只有更清楚的区分出众多西周墓地所属是国还是族的差别,才能较好的认识周王朝对晋南统治的格局。  相似文献   
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