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Responding to the globalisation of commerce and communication and driven by competition in the multi-billion dollar international market for higher education, many universities are seeking to market their educational provision internationally. Feedback from some disappointed 'customers' has created pressure for change in the way that instruction is designed and delivered. This pressure is beginning to affect teachers in subjects perceived as international in perspective. This paper reviews the strategies suggested by Western universities to achieve internationalisation of the curriculum. Internationalisation is a major project that affects all aspects of a university's provision, including its priorities for staff development and career rewards. The challenge for course developers is to design a curriculum that serves global rather than national priorities, which does not rely on prior knowledge of local provenance, where students from all sources share equal opportunities for advancement in an inclusive learning environment, and which serves to introduce stay-at-home students to the demands of an increasingly multinational world of work.  相似文献   
师■鼎铭"困伯太师武"一句的"困(韋東)"二字,原文写法非常奇怪。裘锡圭先生释为"東(韋東)",读为"范围",认为是遵循、效法之意。本文同意把后一字释为"(韋東)",但把前一字改释为"困"。"困(韋東)"也是遵循、效法的意思。  相似文献   
This article examines the ways in which young Canadians represent the ‘the War on Terror’ in their narratives. I explore how a hegemonic nationalist narrative enters into this representation in different ways and positions itself in a dynamic tension with the USA, at times eliding the difference and at times affirming it. I illustrate that these students do not simply tell the narrative of the war, but use the deixis of ‘we/us/our’ or ‘them/they/their’ in a way that constructs multiple imagined communities. I argue that these presumably benign representations of Canadian involvement in the war produce banal nationalism that excludes ‘others’, and binds human imagination into a framework that works against critical thinking.  相似文献   
殷墟出土青铜器铭文的制作方法,可分为铸铭和刻铭两大类。铸铭占绝大多数,刻铭极少。铸铭的制作方法有模作铭、芯作铭和范作铭等三种形式,以模作铭为主。刻铭出现于殷墟四期,目前虽然只发现4件刻铭铜器,但其意义重大,不仅把中国青铜器刻铭的历史追溯到商代晚期,而且为研究青铜器铭文的制作技术,尤其是刻铭技术,提供了十分珍贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
2010年10月,在上海博物馆举办了《中日文化交流的见证·鉴真和空海》展,其中有日本和歌山金刚峰寺保存的空海大师从中国带回日本的"诸尊佛龛木雕像"。本文通过对该像的分析和研究,提出了该造像由印度高僧金刚智在中国所造,并为密宗所特有的观点,同时对其他相关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
刘攀峰 《中原文物》2012,(2):54-56,103
同义词连用现象是古汉语复音词产生的主要途径之一,而动词又是词汇中较大的一宗,本文就两周时期金文中的动词同义词连用现象做了一些考察,这些对我们正确理解两周时期的铭文内容都会大有裨益。  相似文献   
中共十六大以来,中国军事变革在科学发展观的指导下,注重实际,突出重点,逐步展开。中国军事变革在走复合式发展道路、调整体制编制,整合资源、投入数字化战场建设,实施人才战略工程、加强人才队伍建设,开展战法研究、加强联合作战训练等方面所取得的成就是巨大的,经验十分丰富。  相似文献   
一、引言面对险恶的生存环境,初上西藏高原的人们在体会了缺氧、寒冷、资源缺乏后,都不仅要问人类何时拓殖这一片广袤的高原[1]。西藏高原有无旧石器时代遗存,是21世纪  相似文献   
The earliest evidence of prehistoric religious practice in China found so far comes from excavations at Beifudi, about 120 km south of Beijing, in the form of votive offerings and porcelain sorcery masks dated to the period 8000–7000 yr BP. These finds are part of a rich Neolithic site located on the second river terrace on the north shore of the Yi River. This paper presents results of pollen analysis of part of a sediment profile from a depression at the edge of first terrace towards second terrace, a few hundred metres away from the main archaeological finds. A sequence of marked changes in environment occurred between 9000 cal yr BP and 6000 cal yr BP, and dating evidence suggests strong associations with the ebb and flow of human activity in the area. The first phase of activity on the site begins at around 8000 cal yr BP, towards the end of a period of relatively dry, cold environmental conditions. Between 7800 cal yr BP and 7400 cal yr BP, the first clear evidence of cereal cultivation appears in the pollen record. Rich archaeological finds occur during the same time period, suggesting local prosperity. This first phase of the Beifudi culture ends at 7300 cal yr BP, when warmer and wetter conditions are inferred and wetland areas expand, reducing the area available for crop cultivation near the site. A return to drier and cooler conditions from 6900 cal yr BP corresponds with the second phase of apparent prosperity in the archaeological record from Beifudi. This phase ends at around 6500 cal yr BP, at the start of another shift towards wetter conditions in the flood plain environment. The pollen record suggests that environmental conditions in the flood plain were a major determinant of human activity at Beifudi in the early-mid Holocene.  相似文献   
与现代论著主要论述宁夏泾源县的建置沿革不同,本文主要从地理学的角度分析泾源县治所从宋到清迁徙、废弃和复置的原因。北宋陇山东西两侧道路的变迁、金代陇山川原开发和陕西地缘格局转变、元明陕西政治交通格局变化以及清代安置回民,都对泾源县治所的变化产生了影响。  相似文献   
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