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冷战起源是冷战史研究中的基本问题之一。美英“特殊关系”的设想(1944—1945)、迅速发展(1946—1947)和正式确立(1948—1950)三个阶段中的发展及其与苏联外交政策的战略互动,推动着冷战逐渐变为现实。美英“特殊关系”的形成和发展离不开植根于历史和现实中的战略基础——两国深厚的历史文化渊源,以及最高决策层之间密切的个人友谊网络;盎格鲁一撒克逊民族的恐惧感与冷战思维的发展;基于对外在威胁的相同理解而产生的捍卫资本主义政治经济体系的共同责任感与战略利益。冷战的起源伴随着全球规模的势力均衡的形成,然而,新的势力均衡对美英两国有着截然不同的意义。美英“特殊关系”是无形的,而冷战是有形的。无形的“特殊关系”推动着冷战的发展,有形的冷战也考验着无形的“特殊关系”。美英“特殊关系”的构建在无形之中构成了有形冷战起源的决定性因素。  相似文献   
越南战争期间,韩国派出大规模部队参与战争,成为美国盟国中派兵规模最大的国家。韩国参战并非美国压力的结果,而是主动请缨,但从韩国提出参战到实现派兵的整个过程无不与美国有着密切的关系,同时也与冷战大背景及韩国的政治经济状况密切相关。参加越战对美韩关系及韩国的政治经济发展均产生了深刻影响。韩国参战后,美国提高了本已削减了的对韩经济军事援助,停止了驻韩美军的削减,美韩安全合作的新领域得到拓展,两国关系的不平衡结构亦得到改变。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the elevated expectations and dramatic downturns of the Empire Cotton Growing Corporation’s African experimentation program. It follows the trials of U.4, an insect-resistant variety bred to withstand continental growing conditions, whose expansion through east and southern Africa was filled with promise but ended in disappointment. My argument has two strands. First, U.4 was a product of imperial connections. It was an amalgam of breeding knowledge accumulated in India, specialized training received in Trinidad, and specimens imported from across the empire. Transnational scientific networks were crucial to the Corporation’s initial breeding successes. Second, the story that follows suggests that imperial scientific experts did not impose the Corporation’s research goals monolithically across a wide range of African environments. Rather, Corporation scientists recognized the diversity of African environments and adapted their breeding programs to match local agro-ecological realities. I suggest that the ECGC breeding program is a story of expert knowledge that incorporated rather than undermined ecological specificity.  相似文献   
The Topper and Big Pine Tree sites are located along the central Savannah River in South Carolina. Both sites contain significant Clovis horizons and the Topper site is reported to contain a pre-Clovis assemblage characterized by a smashed core and microlithic industry. The stratigraphic position of the early assemblage at Topper is indeed below Clovis and radiocarbon and luminescence ages support its pre-Clovis age. However, the human origin of the proposed artifacts has not been conclusively proven. The late Quaternary stratigraphic sequence developed for this segment of the Savannah River provides support for a regional pattern of river metamorphosis over the last 50,000 years in southeastern U.S. streams.  相似文献   
太平洋战争爆发后,印度地缘战略重要性凸显。为了取得印度的参战配合,1942年英国派出克里普斯使团去印度解决英印关系危机,美国则派出了以约翰逊为首的技术使团赴印协助双方解决问题。从约翰逊被任命到该使团为调停印度事务大费周折的过程,透视出美国在这一时期对印度外交政策的矛盾性:既支持印度的独立,充当反殖民主义的斗士;又试图加强对印度的政治经济渗透,同时还不得不顾及英美两国的特殊关系。而一旦需要作出选择,英美关系又往往会被放在外交政策考量的首位,这恰恰反映了美国传统的理想主义与现实主义外交之间的深层矛盾。  相似文献   
19世纪是中西力量对比最为悬殊的时期,西方社会蔑视中国文明之举极为普遍。美国媒体的孔子观具有强烈的代表性。孔子本为中国的文明圣人,但美国的媒体话语却让其走向文明进步的对立面,被刻画为中国融入近代世界的巨大障碍。美国媒体认为,孔子控制着中国人的思维,造就了极其保守、极具惰性的中国国民性格,导致了中美社会发展程度之间的鸿沟。他们沾沾自喜于以基督教为基础的美欧文明的"先进性",某些中国人皈依基督教以及日本人抛弃孔子思想的积极态度被毫不犹豫地用作了支撑证据。19世纪后半期的美国媒体论及孔子的真正目的在于证明欧美文明的优越。  相似文献   
From 1884 to 1886, the U.S. Congressional Allison Commission convened to address the administrative organization and escalating costs of the major federal scientific agencies, and to establish new modes of accountability to ensure their proper conduct. Much of the commission's attention turned to the Geological Survey's plans for the production of a geodetically accurate, national topographic map (in 2600 sheets), and the national geologic map that would follow the topographic work. While critics saw the national mapping program as an immense and inefficient scientific boondoggle, its advocates, notably its author, Survey Director John Wesley Powell, saw instead a tangible reflection of science's republican virtue – a vision of the body politic founded on both the production and the democratic and geographical distribution of useful scientific information. This paper explores the scientific nature of territoriality in late nineteenth-century America by revisiting a moment when both the technical requirements and fiscal expenses of America's new national mapping program were called into question. Through a close reading of the conflicts between Powell and the Alabama Representative, commission member, and future US Secretary of the Navy Hilary Abner Herbert, the paper examines the hearings as a complex hybrid of public sphere and formal legislative arena. The outcomes of these debates would have profound implications for the politics of scientific expertise amidst the rising American Leviathan, and for the changing dimensions of modern state territoriality and sovereignty.  相似文献   
During World War II, the Japanese military, using either their own or civilian labour, excavated tunnels into the limestone of many Pacific islands and modified natural caves for use as command posts, hospitals, combat positions, storage, and shelter. Civilians also used caves to shelter themselves during the war. This article introduces the archaeology of WWII caves and tunnels referred to collectively as ‘karst defences.’ While karst defences exist across the Pacific, little is known about these sites both historically and archaeologically. Based on a study in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and analysis of karst defence construction and function, this article demonstrates that karst defence use extends beyond what has been described in historical accounts. The authors find that the sites in Saipan were used by three different groups of people and identifies distinct Japanese military and civilian sites and evidence of post-war use by the United States.  相似文献   
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