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对于石质碑刻文物表面的墨迹污染,常常使用常规物理清洗方法,但清洗效果一般,酶材料在文物表面墨迹清洗中还没有相关研究。本工作对不同的酶及其与表面活性剂复配后制得的酶清洗剂进行墨迹清洗实验,对比清洗前后的照片、显微照片和色差值。其中,碱性蛋白酶对墨迹的清洗效果最佳,与非离子表面活性剂脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(AEO9)复配后制得酶清洗剂,再与卡波姆940胶凝制成清洗凝胶。该清洗凝胶对石质碑刻文物有很好的贴敷性能,增强了清洗材料与文物表面的接触性,显著提升清洗效果,适合作为清洗剂的载体应用在碑刻文物上,并通过现场实验证明了能够明显清洗干净碑刻表面的浓厚墨迹。  相似文献   
马王堆三号汉墓出土的帛书《天文气象杂占》中有"是=帚彗"等五个"是="句,前人或以为"="是一个重文符号,代表"是",认为这个"是"是系词;或认为这个"是"应理解为副词"萛",在句中充当状语。本文对这篇帛书文字进行了新的考察,认为文中的"="是一种比较特殊的重文符号,它重复的是上文中出现的"是谓"的"谓"字,也就是说"是="即"是谓"。  相似文献   
Analysis of dental mesowear is a useful tool to examine dietary strategies in ungulates, and provides a palaeoenvironmental proxy at archaeological and palaeontological sites. We examine the distribution of traditional qualitative mesowear variables amongst 33 species of extant African antelope. We also examine the relationship of our dataset with the original dataset of Fortelius and Solounias (2000). We find that confining mesowear analyses to antelope species alone reduces their discriminating power relative to that found in analyses using a broader range of taxa. Variability in mesowear scores along the toothrow suggest that different teeth do not wear equivalently over an individual’s life-time, so it is important to confine comparisons to individual tooth positions for palaeodietary classifications. Mesowear scores from the third upper molar were found to have the greatest discriminating power. Frugivores displayed unique mesowear signatures, suggesting that this trophic guild should be taken into consideration separately in future mesowear analyses. These results have implications which can improve the application and the discriminatory power of mesowear analyses for the determination of the palaeodiets of extinct taxa, and, by extension, their palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   
夏更起 《故宫博物院院刊》2022,237(1):104-116+134-135
本文以文献和实物为根据,探讨了画珐琅器研究中三个互有关联的问题:一是清代北京确有民间作坊制造画珐琅器,其作品混杂在传世的画珐琅器中;二是宫廷画珐琅器的制造时限为康、雍、乾三朝;三是宫廷画珐琅器的做款规律,并由此明确官造画珐琅器和民造画珐琅器之间的区别。  相似文献   
It is suggested with increasing frequency that rather than the industry standard of 1/4 inch mesh, zooarchaeologists use 1/8 inch or even 1/16 inch mesh to insure more complete recovery. These suggestions are based on the implicit assumption that the body size of a taxon and the probability that the remains of that taxon will be recovered are positively correlated. Size of skeletal specimens provides a more direct measure of recovery probability and accounts for the fact that not all skeletal elements in a body are the same size. Frequencies of eight kinds of rodent teeth representing three genera recovered from the Marmes archaeological site in southeastern Washington State, USA, correlate strongly with tooth size despite the use of 1/25 inch mesh screens. Shape of tooth types measured is insufficiently varied to reveal more than a general relationship between shape and recovery frequency. Choice of an appropriate screen mesh should consider the nature of a deposit, research goals, and cost efficiency.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new approach to the isotopic measurement of diagenetically altered archaeological bone apatite carbonate. We describe how the existing differential dissolution method may be combined with a new approach to remove diagenetically reformed material on the basis of its greater specific gravity. We show that heavier, more diagenetically altered fraction has a higher (altered) δ13C and also increased crystallinity within one individual. In addition, we proposed one potential tool to check the validity of bone carbonate by comparing bone collagen, enamel carbonate and bone carbonate values of δ13C and radiocarbon content from the same individual. In the case of Danebury cattle, we estimated the biogenic δ13Capa value for DC83 and DC89, although it is still difficult to overcome diagenesis in order to meet the expected value, which is shown to be 1.9‰ (DC83) and 3.5‰ (DC89).  相似文献   
Crown height measurements are used to establish age distributions for several species of larger bovids represented in faunal samples from the Middle Stone Age (earlier Upper Pleistocene) deposits of the Klasies River Mouth Caves and the Later Stone Age (later Upper Pleistocene/Holocene) deposits of Nelson Bay Cave, South Africa. There are no obvious differences between the sites in the age distributions of the species they share, but there are significant differences in age distributions among species. Two basic patterns are apparent. In the first, characterizing the blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus), roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus), Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer), and giant buffalo (Pelorovis antiquus), the archaeological samples contain numerous very young animals and relatively few prime-age adults. At least in the buffalo samples, there is also a fair representation of old adults. In the second pattern, characterizing the bastard hartebeest (Damaliscus dorcas or D. niro) and especially of the eland (Taurotragus oryx), prime adults are far more prominent relative to younger and older age groups. The first pattern is similar to the natural pattern of attritional mortality that probably characterizes all healthy, stable populations of free-ranging large ungulates, while the second is more reminiscent of the age structure of live herds. The first pattern may reflect hunting focused on individual animals, particularly those whose age made them most vulnerable, while the second may reflect the susceptibility of certain species to driving, so that whole groups could be killed in traps in which differences in age had no meaning.  相似文献   
随着纸质文物保护工作的推进,针对古籍纸张载体的保护研究已逐步深入,但对于古籍纸张上的墨、颜料等其他写印材料的保护及写印材料之间的相互作用则亟待研究。其中,古籍墨迹的老化研究有助于揭示墨与纸相互作用的本质,对于古籍文物的保护具有非常重要的意义。以复旦大学图书馆藏古籍《三十二兰亭室诗存》墨迹的老化现象为出发点,通过显微镜观察、表面pH值测定、显微拉曼(micro-Raman)和傅里叶变换红外(FT-IR)光谱法等多种无损、微损的检测手段多尺度分析了墨迹泛黄的现象,结果显示墨迹处及周边黄晕纤维与空白部分纤维相比,光泽缺失且略显糟朽,酸性更强,表面氧化基团增多,说明墨可能对纸张的老化降解产生了影响。通过设计纸墨浸润模拟老化实验对此进行验证,结果显示与偏中性墨汁相比,尽管墨汁中胶料对纤维有一定保护作用,但偏酸性墨汁对纸张老化的促进作用使pH值、抗张性能及耐折性能的下降趋势更明显,聚合度保留率也较低。墨字模拟老化实验佐证了前述结论,使用酸性更强的墨汁书写的字迹,周围纸张酸性更强,色差也更显著。以上结果表明,墨汁的酸碱性质对纸张的老化降解进程有很重要的影响。这不仅揭示出古籍存藏过程中受墨影响的纸张老化机制以及模拟实验合理设计对于系统探究老化机制及纸墨相互作用的重要性,也对古籍保护工作范畴的扩大和策略的制定具有指导意义,并为修复用墨的研制提供了思路。  相似文献   
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