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自 198 8年始 ,在配合鹤壁城市建设中 ,先后发现了一批不同年代的古代陶窑遗址 ,对认识古代中原地区的社会经济和古代鹤壁地区的制陶、制瓷等手工业的发展 ,有着极为重要的意义  相似文献   
文物的无损检测是文物科学研究中非常重要的一个研究方向,也是文物科学保护研究不可或缺的前期分析工作。上海博物馆文物保护与考古科学实验室计划以古陶瓷的无损分析为先导,陆续扩大研究对象的范围及研究深度,同时也不断完善各类分析手段。在大量文献调研的基础上,报道了古陶瓷完整器元素成分无损分析方法研究的前半部分工作:研究方法的确认和总体设计。  相似文献   
收藏于常熟博物馆的明正德青花开光阿拉伯折枝莲瓶,造型、釉色、纹样、绘画技法均带有鲜明的正德时代特征,可供收藏界作典型鉴赏。  相似文献   
福建闽南地区古代陶瓷生产概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑东 《东南文化》2002,(5):56-62
闽南陶瓷产品享誉海内外,具有代表性的品种有:末代同安窑系“珠光青瓷”、明代德化窑“猪油白”、明末清初平和窑“克拉克瓷”以及“吴须赤绘”、“交趾烧”和明清漳州窑“米色釉”等诸多品种。  相似文献   
试析汝窑的性质及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汝窑自1986年在宝丰清凉寺发现以来,经过八次考古发掘终于取得了中国陶瓷史上的重大突破,找到并确定了汝官窑瓷器的烧造区.本文根据考古发掘资料和文献史料记载,结合宝丰的历史沿革,认为汝窑的性质是官窑,其烧制宫廷用瓷时间约在宋哲宗元祐元年至徽宗宣和末年.张公巷窑址应为金元时期的仿汝窑址.  相似文献   
刘涛 《中原文物》2001,(1):76-78
根据窑址标本和传世品而知,"皇帝万岁"铭瓷器至迟在北宋时已出现,延续至明清.佛教将皇帝比作佛,并以世俗方式颂之,原出于自我保护和发展的需要,也是它接受和利用中国文化价值观念的表现."皇帝万岁"铭瓷器可说是中国佛教走向本土化、世俗化的一个见证.  相似文献   
There is a generally accepted view that there is an obvious distinction between proto‐porcelain and stamped stoneware. However, some early shards unearthed from the Dongtiaoxi region (northern Zhejiang) inspire people to rediscuss the relationship between them, because it is difficult to identify them as proto‐porcelain or stamped stoneware. In this work, we have collected samples from three of the earliest kiln sites (Piaoshan, Beijiashan and Nanshan) in the Dongtiaoxi region. We have analysed the chemical composition, firing temperature and phase composition of the samples. Comparing samples from the three kiln sites, we find that, from Piaoshan and Beijiashan to Nanshan, there has been progression in the manufacturing technology. The Shang proto‐porcelain and the stamped stoneware from Nanshan have similar raw materials, firing temperatures and body phase compositions—and they have obviously different decorative appearances, such as glazing or stamping. For ceramics from Piaoshan and Beijiashan, there is no clear distinction between glazed and unglazed samples. We believe that in the Dongtiaoxi region, the difference in the decoration between proto‐porcelain and stoneware became obvious up to the time of the Nanshan production but that, subsequently, two different paths for the development of high‐fired ceramics began to diverge.  相似文献   
北宋中期,以浙江慈溪上林湖为中心的越窑瓷业核心区窑址数量急剧减少,窑场规模缩小。与之相对,浙江其他地区却发现了大量这一时期的窑业遗存。研究显示,限于多方面因素的制约,北宋中期以上林湖为中心的越窑核心产区不再适宜大规模的瓷业生产,而这直接迫使制瓷工匠作出选择,或许其中一部分工匠开始另辟他地继续从事窑业生产,从而在浙江范围内出现了众多这一时期的窑址。此外,在瓷业技术的传入过程中,制瓷工匠也结合当地的自然和社会环境,在继承的基础上进行了自我创新。  相似文献   
“南海Ⅰ号”两件出水瓷器文物的保护与修复   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"南海Ⅰ号"沉船在出水前已沉没海底800余年,以瓷器为主的文物由于受到海水、海洋生物及海洋沉积物等侵蚀,出现了吸盐、土蚀、缺损等病害。为对出水瓷器文物进行保护和修复,本研究选取其中两件不同窑口的瓷器,从文物保存状况、制作工艺、病害情况等方面进行分析,用酒精、丙酮、柠檬酸等化学溶剂和超声波清洗去除瓷器胎釉吸附的盐分及表面的土蚀等病害;并遵循恢复文物原状与可辨识性相结合的原则,采用环氧树脂胶、滑石粉、丙烯酸树脂漆等材料对瓷器进行修复,收到了良好的效果。不仅有利于文物的长期保存和增加展陈效果,还为以后大批量相同保存环境和病害的出水瓷器文物的保护与修复提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
The Xing kiln, which is located in Xingtai, Hebei Province, is famous for white porcelain production, especially translucent white porcelain. However, the translucency, as the most important characteristic of translucent white porcelain, is rarely mentioned. In this study, eight samples including translucent white porcelain and non‐translucent white porcelain excavated from the Xing kiln are quantitatively analysed by a transmittance tester. The study points out the defects of the previous concept of translucent white porcelain based on light transmittance and proposes a new definition based on translucency. Translucent white porcelain is not deliberately thinned fine white porcelain, but a special kind of fine white porcelain with a body of excellent translucency. Further analysis reveals that all transmittance values of translucent white porcelain are more than 0.01% with a body thickness less than 6 cm, which is higher than that of non‐translucent white porcelain by about one or two orders of magnitude. The absorption coefficient for translucent white porcelain is close to ?0.82, while that for non‐translucent white porcelain is much closer to ?1.87. This research will serve to further studies on subjects such as the classification, colouring mechanism and firing technology of the translucent white porcelain of the Xing kiln. Moreover, it is expected to set a new stage for discussing the translucency of ancient porcelain.  相似文献   
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