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冯锴 《文博》2022,(1):22-28
秦始皇帝陵修建时长近四十年,期间经历了墓主人嬴政从秦王向统一帝国帝王的转变。本文从春秋至秦代数百年间秦陵的发展历程出发,以考古和文献资料为基础,对秦始皇帝陵的修建过程予以分期研究,揭示出秦始皇帝陵的顶层设计历经了由王陵设计向帝陵设计的转变。  相似文献   
地方是旅游活动的空间载体,也是旅游目的地形象建构的核心内容。本文在对地方和地方营造的缘起和内涵进行辨析总结的基础上,通过CiteSpace的可视化主题分析和文献阅读,对其应用于旅游发展的主要议题和脉络进行梳理发现:①地方和地方营造的本质是意义建构,地方在旅游发展中具有多重可建构性。旅游既是地方营造的驱动力,也对地方营造和地方发展产生重要影响。②地方营造过程涉及政府、资本、游客、当地居民等多重主体和视角,也因而牵涉多方协商和多主体认同。一方面,多方协商的地方意义有助于地方性的快速重构,推动旅游地迅速发展;另一方面,各方利益主体权力不对等也使得地方营造成为强势权力主体的表达结果,这将加速旅游地的商品化。  相似文献   
湖南“156项工程”项目的落地,经历了一个复杂的过程。首先是对项目地址进行科学而严格的筛选,地址确定以后,进入项目建设阶段。“156项工程”项目的建设资金由国家提供,项目设计图纸的核心部分由苏联提供,项目施工在苏联专家指导下由中国承建单位负责。竣工以后,项目必须经过严格验收方可投产。“156项工程”项目投产所需的劳动力,主要来自老技术工人、新招工人,还有少数大中专院校和技校毕业生。投产中的技术问题在苏联专家指导下解决,投产后均取得了良好效益。在“156项工程”项目的建设过程中形成了科学精神、自主创新精神、协作精神、艰苦奋斗精神,这笔精神财富值得深入总结并传承。  相似文献   
Archaeological sites may be discovered by fortuitous soil erosion, but their protection requires deliberative stormwater management plans and estimates of runoff volumes. This paper uses the Maya site of Copan, Honduras to demonstrate widely applicable methods to estimate runoff, including use of satellite rainfall data processed by single parameter models. Our analysis compares present day estimates of runoff and erosion with those of two historic periods, 900 A.D during peak Maya occupation of the Great Plaza, and 1800 A.D. prior to excavation when the site was mostly forest covered. For each period, the watershed area, soil, land cover, and rainfall data were used with a single parameter Curve Number model to estimate the runoff volume for annual to decadal storms. The maximum runoff depth and erosive potential in conveyance channels was then computed with the HEC-RAS model. The models did not predict runoff would occur for the forested period of 1800 A.D., but predicted that runoff for 900 and post-1800 A.D was large enough to cause the erosion observed in the drainage channel today. Our results provide runoff magnitudes that demonstrate the need for Copan Maya designed stormwater removal infrastructure described in earlier archaeological analysis. The need for stormwater removal was also designed into the wet Maya site of Palenque, while stormwater capture and storage was designed into the Maya sites of Tikal, a drier site due to local drainage characteristics and water availability. Methods used in stormwater runoff analysis can empower communities and managers to develop scientifically and culturally appropriate non-structural management methods to conserve archaeological sites.  相似文献   
The formation, development and decline of the Tripolye culture giant-settlements in Chalcolitic Ukraine are strictly linked to complex processes of migration and settlement relocation. Despite being traceable through pottery typological analyses linked to contextual seriations, their identification is sometime not obvious. This paper shows how the application of the ‘gravity model’ not only facilitates their recognition, but it also helps increase the reliability of determining diachronic and/or synchronic occupations, shedding at the same time light upon the crucial ‘internal’ development of single settlements. Instead of clear-cut consecutive occupations, a more gradual settlement rotation with some synchronous phases seems to have prevailed.  相似文献   
有明一代的北京营建,曾征办了巨量的砖、瓦、琉璃等烧造物料,其规模之大,历代罕匹。在明代北京营建中,其前后烧造地域的空间变化、烧办方式变迁等诸问题非常值得探讨。明代中期以来社会经济的发展及纳银代役制度的变化,导致了烧办方式的变迁,而烧办方式的变迁,则直接影响到烧办地域范围的调整。  相似文献   
任吉东 《史学集刊》2012,(2):101-107
科举废除后,近代地方社会精英群体结构发生了很大变化。传统士绅凭借旧时功名,新式精英依靠学堂学历,跻身于地方政权建设中。地方精英养成机制呈现出多元化、过渡化的特征,并伴生劣质化的特征。  相似文献   
This study presents a geospatial analysis of surficial hydrology and geomorphology and their relationship to potential agricultural productivity in order to better understand the economic role of water in Chaco Canyon during the Bonito Phase (ca. AD 850–1150). Defined as the Natural Agricultural Suitability Analysis, the foundation of this study is a hierarchical geospatial analysis that integrates six key natural factors: slope, soil texture, soil depth, non-catastrophic overbank flooding potential, drainage flow length, and drainage proximity and flow potential. These factors are combined through a raster weighted overlay function to generate composite suitability map that offers a testable proxy for variability in relative agricultural potential during the Bonito Phase at Chaco. The rationale for including this set of natural factors is based largely on ethnographic and modern agricultural studies, but the predictive model differs from previous studies of agricultural potential in that it is independent of the specific archaeological distribution of evidence of agriculture in the study area. The results of this analysis suggest that previous models of Chacoan agricultural productivity have underestimated local production capacity. Previous studies have focused solely on floodplain contexts, whereas this study points to a more comprehensive and geographically distributed use of the landscape.  相似文献   
A New Zealand example illustrates the potential of foraging efficiency (FE) measures to inform not only on human-prey dynamics, but also to help identify situations where mobility is constrained or stimulated. Marked declines in Māori molluscan FE, coupled with increased shellfish usage, are identified over a ca. 450-year period at the coastal locality of Harataonga Beach, New Zealand. The potential effects of climate change are considered using newly available southwest Pacific multi-proxy records and temperature sensitive species, but correlations are lacking. The molluscan results signal possible restrictions on logistic and/or residential mobility in late prehistory, while evidence from the broader cultural landscape points to increasing agricultural investments and marked social competition. The Ideal Free Distribution model (IFD) is used to consider regional-scale interactions between foraging efficiency, agricultural developments, and competition, and their effects on mobility. Geographic and temporal variation in the patterning and causes of population movements is highlighted through this model, particularly differences between large game foragers in the south and populations with mixed economies in the north. In late prehistory, many northern areas including Harataonga apparently experienced reductions in the geographic scale of population movements, coupled with intensified intra-territorial mobility. The latter was an outcome of labour being widely dispatched across tribal territories, quasi-specialisation in subsistence tasks, and pooling and exchange of resources through a variety of social mechanisms which often involved population movements.  相似文献   
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