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Globalisation is creating new perceptions of social and cultural spaces as well as complex and diverse pictures of migration flows. This leads to changes in expressions of culture, identity, and belonging and thus the role of heritage today. I argue that common or dominant notions of heritage cannot accommodate these new cultural identities-in-flux created by and acting in a transplanetary networked and culturally deterritorialized world. To support my arguments, I will introduce ‘Third Culture Kids’ or ‘global nomads’, defined as a particular type of migrant community whose cultural identities are characterised high patterns of global mobility during childhood. My research focus on the uses and meaning of cultural heritage among this onward migrant community, and it reveals that these global nomads both use common forms of heritage as a cultural capital to crisscross cultures, and designate places of mobility, like airports, to recall collective memories as people on the move. These results pose additional questions to the traditional use of heritage, and suggest others visions of heritage today, as people’s cultural identities turn to be now more characterised by mobility, cultural flux, and belonging to horizontal networks.  相似文献   
何强 《华夏考古》2021,(1):62-73,87
汉水中游地区以青龙泉遗址第三期为代表的遗存属于石家河文化的一个地方类型,即石家河文化青龙泉三期类型.以往被归入此类型的遗存并不单纯,实际上包含了部分属于煤山文化乱石滩类型的遗存.根据青龙泉、七里河、老鸹仓、黄楝树等典型遗址出土的材料,可将石家河文化青龙泉三期类型分为早、晚两期.已公布的测年数据显示,其绝对年代为公元前2...  相似文献   
第三代中央领导集体国际战略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束以后 ,面对西方国家的联合制裁和苏东剧变 ,第三代中央领导集体坚持独立自主的外交立场 ,采取灵活多样的外交手段 ,打破西方国家的联合制裁 ;冷静分析苏联解体后的国际局势 ,积极实施全方位外交战略方针 ,为社会主义现代化建设营造良好的外部环境 ;全面改善和调整大国关系 ,谋求面向 2 1世纪的新型伙伴关系的建立 ;面对经济全球化的趋势 ,实施积极主动参与和趋利避害相结合的国际战略方针 ,积极倡导和推动国际政治经济新秩序 ,将一个生机勃勃、在国际上有着举足轻重作用的社会主义中国带进了新世界的门槛  相似文献   
「黄帝问道」的现实化与崆峒山的文化景观   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
「黄帝问道」是《庄子》中的一则故事。崆峒山在唐代(618~907)就已经出现了以「黄帝问道」为主题的建筑、石碑、石刻和道教化景观,这是将「黄帝问道」传说现实化的具体表现。随着在唐宋元明清各个时期的积累,崆峒山的化景观围绕「黄帝问道」传说有了地域性的规模和共同的主题。本是从学和人地理学的两个角度出发对这一形成过程所进行的分析。  相似文献   
历史人物纪念馆的陈列既要保持历史遗存的建筑风貌,又要融入现代博物馆的陈列理念,如以历史人物的手稿、献照片、遗物为基础,辅以展示人物雕塑、场景复原及多媒体影视、红外线遥控、音频、视频数字化等高科技的展示手段。  相似文献   
国家经济建设重心变迁与陕西工业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陕西工业发展、变化与国家经济建设重心变迁紧密相关。 1 95 3— 1 975年国家强力度的投资和大规模的工业建设 ,使陕西工业“跳跃”式地进入现代工业化 ,使以现代工业为主体的陕西经济结构得以完善。 1 979年国家投资重心东移以及经济管理体制的根本性变化 ,并没有减弱陕西经济发展的势头 ,改革开放同样也给予陕西工业结构重新组合的历史契机。 2 0世纪末 ,中国西部大开发战略的提出 ,使陕西工业发展迎来了又一次新的历史机遇。  相似文献   
孙照红 《攀登》2008,27(5):70-74
以中共十一届三中全会为转折点,民主党派章程建设在中断了近20年后又走上正轨发展轨道并随形势变化不断创新。回顾改革开放30年来民主党派章程的发展及其演变,总结民主党派章程建设的经验,对于进一步加强各民主党派的自身建设具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
The first specialized copper industry of the Iberian Peninsula was developed at the start of the Third millennium BC with the appearance of mining-metallurgical settlements in its main mining district (the Pyrite Belt of the south-western). Between 2750 and 2500 BC, however, and right at the centre of the Guadalquivir Valley, the great farming settlements that ranked the territory developed a new level of metallurgic intensification with the creation of the first industrial quarters. As a way of explaining this new situation, we present the results of the systematic research (microspatial analysis; radiocarbon dating; petrologic, geochemical, metallographic and isotopic study of minerals, slag and products, …) carried out in one of them, the one developed in the main and largest political centre of the Guadalquivir Valley during the first half of the Third millennium BC: Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain).  相似文献   
本文从政府宏观规划与地方城市化的关系人手,总结了"一五"计划和"三线"建设时期陕西城市化的经验教训,为西部大开发中的陕西城市化提供借鉴.  相似文献   
Among the ceramic vessels recovered from the burial mounds of Bahrain, a small percentage represents Mesopotamian imports or local emulations of such. In this paper two overall horizons are distinguished in these Mesopotamian ceramics. These are significant because both coincide with major stages in Mesopotamia’s interaction with the populations of the ‘Lower Sea’. The first import horizon is comprised of a vessel type found exclusively in the scattered mounds of Early Type which pre‐date the rise of the Dilmun ‘state’ proper. The distribution of these vessels outside their areas of production demonstrates how they circulated widely in a network elsewhere considered to reflect the orbit of Mesopotamia’s late third‐millennium ‘Magan trade’. Here it is consequently concluded that this particular type represents an important fossile directeur of the ‘Magan trade’ and pre‐Dilmun florescence. The vessels that make up the subsequent horizon of Mesopotamian imports are found exclusively in the compact mound cemeteries and thus coincide with the heyday of Dilmun. On these grounds it is argued that the two horizons are the product of, respectively, the Ur III network of ‘Magan trade’ and the contracted Isin‐Larsa network of ‘Dilmun trade’.  相似文献   
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