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历史时期的"黄河清"现象初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古人对黄河清有“祥瑞之兆”和“不祥之征”两种观点。黄河澄清是一种自然现象,却又不可能出现在正常条件下,它有其内在的规律。只有当流域内大范围出现异常情况,如持续干旱少雨、冬季过于寒冷、地震等时,才会导致黄河河水变异,出现黄河澄清的现象。黄河清是干旱和黄河断流的前兆。同时,黄河清还与社会政治、化和生活交织在一起,成为奇异的化与社会现象。  相似文献   
王晖 《史学月刊》2004,(2):14-18
战国秦汉时的文献中常言商王纣脯醢俎杀诸侯方伯,并认为这是周武王兴兵讨伐、商纣亡国的一个主要原因。古今不少学者对此多有怀疑。今地下出土的晚商金文及殷墟甲骨文资料可证商纣俎醢酋长侯伯并祭祀先王完全是历史事实。从殷墟卜辞看,商代从武丁起以人为牲的情况呈递减趋势。商纣俎醢酋长侯伯不是个人品质性格问题,而是殷人文化习俗观念使然。  相似文献   
This chapter sets out to reconsider the interrelation and non-identity between tribal and kinship relations in South-Western Arabia's history through three cumulative methodological steps that are in part inspired by renewed debates on kinship in anthropology, but also by the École des Annales and other historians such as David Sabaean. A first step identifies different legacies of interactions between history and anthropology in the Euro-American academic record after 1945, and specifies their relevance for today. In a next step, prevailing relations between tribal structures and kinship relations will be assessed through a long-distance comparison between the medieval constellations in the Zaydi highlands of Yemen and elsewhere in Asia for an eleventh century time horizon. Thirdly, the outcome of this comparative analysis should then provide some indicators for a fresh assessment of existing source materials through anthropological perspectives, with special emphasis on gender, kinship and hierarchies. The argument concludes with a discussion of “multiple histories”, and how to approach and write them.  相似文献   
周公"天下之中"建都理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西周初年,围绕营建洛邑,周公提出并阐发了"天下之中"的概念,建构了我国古代第一个建都理论。"天下之中"建都理论,具有丰富的地理、政治、经济和文化内涵,对中国古代都城选址乃至空间规划布局都产生了巨大的影响。"天下之中"建都理论所表现的空间意识和文化观念,还影响了中国数千年间的政治伦理观念。  相似文献   
北京大学入藏的秦代水陆里程简册中记载秦代有"阳"县存在,关于这一新出现的秦县,前辈学者认为可能是位于今河南省方城县的秦汉"阳城"。然而,从简册中记载的"阳"县下属各乡到其他地区的距离来看,"阳县"不太可能在今方城附近,而更有可能是位于先秦"唐"国故地的"唐"县。其他出土材料所见的"唐"县一般写作"阳",清华简《系年》中还有楚国曾灭"唐(阳)"置县的明确记载。秦代的阳县应该就是继承了楚灭唐国之后所设的阳县。  相似文献   
本发掘报告较为系统地介绍了2001年下半年度三峡库区青龙嘴墓地的发掘情况。本次发掘的主要是东汉到南朝时期的砖室墓和土坑墓,共22座,出土各种文物近400件,器物种类比较齐全,类型丰富,为研究长江流域同时期的考古学文化提供了一批重要的实物资料,同时对研究南北方文化的交流具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
中国现代史家论文学作品的史料价值及其史学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国现代史家在继承传统思想与方法的基础上,吸收近现代西方新的文学观和史料观,对文学作品的史料价值及其成因、如何正确看待文学作品的史料价值、历史研究运用文学作品的基本原则和方法等问题作了深入探讨,一些史家还在运用文学作品研究历史方面取得了突出成就。  相似文献   
张书林 《攀登》2010,29(6):33-39
马克思主义政党的阶级基础是其具有先进性的总根源,对阶级基础不同程度的把握使党的先进性呈现出不同的特点。马克思、恩格斯从党的阶级基础的内涵上去论证党的先进性,列宁将这一思想具体化为从阶级构成成分上去论证党的先进性,毛泽东为加强党的先进性提出旨在“再造党的阶级基础”的建党理论。邓小平认为保持党的先进性的路径是扩大党的阶级基础,江泽民提出保持党的先进性必须巩固党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础。  相似文献   
Like all spaces, concrete caring places both shape and are shaped by understandings and constructions of normativity and identity. The traditional understanding of care for older people, imagining clearly demarcated dyadic roles, is firmly embedded in heterosexual logics of relationships within families, the own (family) home and institutional support. Social and residential places for older people thus both assume particular gender and sexual identities and contribute to a (re)production of the very normativity. But how can this interlinkage between the construction of caring spaces and the normativity of identities be understood and, possibly, challenged? In this article we discuss the transformative potential of the social (and partly residential) space of La Fundación 26 de Diciembre, in Madrid, Spain, which opened up to specifically support older LGBT people. Drawing on an in-depth case study we explore a space that allows visibility of different forms of living and caring practices of people with different genders, sexual preferences, origins, classes or political backgrounds. Through the daily life narratives of the people who work, volunteer or simply use the centre we discuss the potential of challenging the restricted notions, assumptions and constructions through which particular places gain both social and political meaning. The article highlights the transformative power of the active and collective making of caring spaces through which narratives of care, collective sexual and gender recognition and practices of caring relationships can replace both traditional/informal forms of living together and institutional spaces that provide professional care.  相似文献   
冷战期间西方边疆理论的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对二战后至冷战结束前的西方边疆理论进行了探讨,认为冷战期间的边疆理论所反映的是这一历史阶段国家对自身利益界限的理解和认识,其发展是人类社会生产力提高和世界形势变化的结果。  相似文献   
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