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皮锡瑞在《经学历史》中认为:魏晋为经学中衰时代,南北朝是经学分立时代,并不能代表这个时期经学的全貌。东汉末年郑学的出现,标志着经学兼容古今而演变的方向。三国时期经学在南方传播,出现了南北互动的新气象。魏晋经学在北方继续传承,并在演变中得到发展。十六国北朝各少数民族统治者“变夷从夏”,缩小了胡汉民族文化的差异,中原儒学虽历经丧乱而得以存续,更值得注意的是妇女也参加了经学教学与学术传承。北朝经学继承两汉以来的传统,比较重视考证,而不善于创新。东晋南朝儒学受玄学的影响,清谈之风推动了儒释道的交流,教育格局多样化促进了儒学的玄化。所谓“南人约简,得其英华;北学深芜,穷其枝叶”,出现了南北学风的不同趋势。陆德明撰《经典释文》,由陈入隋入唐,将南学传入北方。颜师古、孔颖达定《五经正义》,亦多从南学。南学终于成为唐朝经学的主流,并成为中国传统文化的主流。  相似文献   
This article investigates how Danish industrialists responded to the rise of the modern state in the decades up until the Second World War, a period in which many of the basic principles of liberal capitalism were called into question, and in which the relationship between the state and the economy underwent major changes in all Western societies. It argues that the industrialists remained firm believers in classical liberalism and, on that ground, opposed growing state intervention as a slide towards socialism. The article has an emphasis on their reactions to calls for social policy initiatives, and it shows that the industrialists typically opposed such initiatives, either on pure ideological grounds or as conflicting with the economic competitiveness of Danish firms. When accommodation to selected demands for a stronger state did take place, it was typically in periods of crisis, the most important being the years just after the First World War. The interwar years did, however, see some approbation to increasing state intervention in the economy, and in the 1930s the idea of cooperation with the state entered their rhetoric. Thus, the article argues that the rhetoric and narratives gradually changed, while the ideological core did not.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relation between the economic resilience and cultural behaviour, resorting to the evidence provided by 20 Italian regions at the time of Great Recession. We consider specific cultural behaviours, which provide a specific meaning of culture; its relation with the economic resilience of regions is analysed. We document that higher levels of supplied and demanded quantity of cultural goods in a region are associated with higher regional economic resilience as measured by the ability of limiting employment drop; the relation with the considered cultural behaviours is weaker in the case of economic resilience as measured by the ability of limiting income drop. We propose possible explanations for this asymmetry.  相似文献   
The original ceramics typology developed for Younge/Western Basin Tradition Springwells phase (ca. AD 1160–1420) assemblages included three variants known as Macomb Linear, Macomb Interrupted Linear, and Springwells Net Impressed ceramics. This discussion considers how subregional variation in Springwells decorative styles reflects participation in a larger regional social network.  相似文献   
Previous research in the history of physics has led us to believe that Yoshio Nishina (1890–1951) virtually single‐handedly imported quantum physics into Japan. However, there are first‐hand accounts that Yoshikatsu Sugiura (1895–1960) also played an important role. Sugiura made his name in quantum chemistry with his contribution to the Heitler‐London theory of the chemical bond. Yet, historians of physics have paid scant attention to him. This paper brings forward information on Sugiura from his letters, his scientific papers, and his own recollections until ca. 1930. By examining this material, the present paper studies Sugiura's accomplishments in Europe and his contributions to the development of quantum physics in Japan. We conclude that Sugiura was one of the most important physicists when it comes to the arrival of quantum physics in Japan. In addition, we assess why he has been under‐appreciated in the history of physics in Japan. Our historical study on Sugiura suggests that, in addition to the position Nishina and his students rightfully occupy, there still are important unexplored aspects in the history of Japanese quantum physics.  相似文献   
This review discusses recent challenges to the welfare state arising from the Great Recession (GR). The GR was a significant event for social policy analysts, as it tested the responsiveness of welfare systems in the midst of a recent trend toward austerity politics in advanced economies. Social policy changes were part of the toolkit advanced democracies used to respond to the GR, and the welfare state mitigated the consequences of the GR. However, a stark limitation of the social safety net in the United States was the failure to assist immigrant households. The nexus of immigration and social policy is likely to be a significant controversy as we consider the meaning of social citizenship.  相似文献   
清代宫廷对白伞盖佛母的崇拜出现了显著的发展,特别在乾隆时期,除在宫中大量制作白伞盖佛母像外,还在北京及其周边地区的各大寺庙制作供奉精美的绘画和雕塑,甚至专门兴建寺院来供奉白伞盖佛母像。其信奉目的和崇拜方式等方面的特点,目前尚很少有专门的论述见诸文献。本文借助清宫档案及现存清代原状佛堂内白伞盖佛母的陈设情况,试图说明清代宫廷是将白伞盖佛母作为重要的福寿保护神来供奉的,并不是简单地继承元代的信仰传统而是另有传承和发展。  相似文献   
淮建利 《史学月刊》2007,(11):37-45
宋朝的配军制度,是建立在配隶法基础上的强制罪犯充军的集兵制度,是宋代兵制中于募兵制之外又一个值得注意的特点。配隶法自宋初实行以后,逐步成为一个内容繁杂、适用于各种犯罪的刑种。两宋时期的厢军是配军数量较多的军种,配军不仅集中分布在厢军的牢城营,而且在厢军其他重役军分和一般军分中都有较多分布。由于配隶法适用范围的泛化和枉法滥配现象的大量存在,宋朝牢城等配军军分的溢额成为一种常态,配军数量十分庞大。宋统治者之所以将罪犯配隶充军,很大程度上是为了直接控制一批能够服兵役和劳役、随时听候国家调遣的人力资源,配军的存在也因此具有了其自身的社会经济价值和军事价值。  相似文献   
周公"天下之中"建都理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西周初年,围绕营建洛邑,周公提出并阐发了"天下之中"的概念,建构了我国古代第一个建都理论。"天下之中"建都理论,具有丰富的地理、政治、经济和文化内涵,对中国古代都城选址乃至空间规划布局都产生了巨大的影响。"天下之中"建都理论所表现的空间意识和文化观念,还影响了中国数千年间的政治伦理观念。  相似文献   
在和平建国及收兵权的基础上,宋初统一战略中,和平统一的设想前所未有地突显出来,在战略中广泛实施,并在一些地方大获成功。出现了在武力威胁下不战而降的荆南模式;没有直接的军事威胁,但朝廷做出过明确的归顺要求,最终主动归顺的吴越模式;既没有任何军事威胁,朝廷甚至也没有做出明确的或暗示的归顺要求,自觉纳土的漳泉模式。宋政府英明的统一战略和高超的政治手段,为国家的统一和历史的发展做出了重要的贡献,在分裂时期提供了和平统一的可行性,值得充分肯定。  相似文献   
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