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During the Iron Age a subsistence economy based on mixed farming existed in the Dutch wetlands. A model based on subsistence is put forward and tested against the archaeozoological data of 27 sites in order to gain insight into the role of animal husbandry. The model confirms that cattle husbandry was the dominant form of animal husbandry but pigs and sheep were also important at some sites. Although a high number of pig bones were expected, their role is mostly insignificant. An explanation is sought in their lack of secondary products and their competition with humans for the scarce cereals in the wetlands. The mortality profiles for cattle are largely in accordance with the subsistence model. Older cattle are used for traction, milk and herd security and sheep were mainly kept for their meat but also for their milk and wool. Differences in animal husbandry between sites also exist. At two sites more cattle were killed for their meat and at three sites the proportion of older cattle was larger than expected. Although this first test renders the subsistence model viable, it needs to be tested against more sites with larger bone samples.  相似文献   
李云  杨帅  徐有威 《安徽史学》2016,(4):158-165
20世纪60年代起,上海根据中共中央、国务院加强备战、巩固国防的战略部署,先后在皖南建立了80个企事业单位,从此开始了上海小三线与皖南地方长达24年的关系。在此期间,安徽对上海的支援主要表现在土地、劳动力、建材和治安保卫等方面。上海小三线在发挥巩固国防作用的同时,对皖南地方的基础设施、工农业、文化教育以及现代文明等方面产生了深远的影响,推动了当地经济的发展,促进了当地社会的进步。同时,上海小三线人员与皖南民众之间存在着利益纠纷与矛盾,也有文化上的碰撞与冲突,但理解、接纳与融合仍是两地关系发展的主流。简言之,上海小三线与皖南各级政府、民众建立了良性的支援与协作关系。  相似文献   
This article examines E.H. Gombrich’s critical appraisal of Arnold Hauser’s book, The Social History of Art. Hauser’s Social History of Art was published in 1951, a year after Gombrich’s bestseller, The Story of Art. Although written in Britain for an English-speaking public, both books had their origins in the intellectual history of Central Europe: Gombrich was an Austrian art historian and Hauser was Hungarian. Gombrich’s critique, published in The Art Bulletin in 1953, attacked Hauser’s dialectical materialism and his sociological interpretation of art history. Borrowing arguments from Karl Popper’s critique of historicism, Gombrich described Hauser’s work as collectivist and deterministic, tendencies at odds with his own conception of art history. However, in his readiness to label Hauser a proponent of historical materialism, Gombrich failed to recognize Hauser’s own criticism of deterministic theories of art, especially formalism. This article investigates Gombrich’s reasons for rejecting Hauser’s sociology of art. It argues Gombrich used Hauser as an ideological counterpoint to his own version of art history, avowedly liberal and individualist in outlook.  相似文献   
The co-editors' introduction to this special issue of History and Anthropology outlines the rationale for featuring this collection of essays by social anthropologists and historians on medieval and early modern communities in Europe and Asia. After discussing basic terms and concepts in this endeavour, the introduction proceeds to address the comparative challenges implied in such transcontinental and cross-cultural forms of methodological practices. From here, the argument introduces this special issue's main division into three subsections, that is, (A) “Interdisciplinary Inspirations”, (B) “Cross-cultural Comparisons” and (C) “Transdisciplinary Intersections”. The text concludes with brief introductions to the contributing articles, and by a summary of the innovative conceptual and methodological results emanating from these forms of cooperation.  相似文献   
《清季外交史料》由王彦威、王亮父子辑编,该书出版,使晚清外交的官方档案文献得以合成完璧。其成书,耗时近半个世纪,王氏父子做出了巨大的努力和贡献。其内容主要为光绪、宣统两朝各种外交事件,另涉及相关的重要内政。其中尤为重视约章,扣住晚清外交最重要环节,反映了中外条约关系的变化和时代需要。所辑文件为官方档籍,不仅对当时外交起了资鉴作用,且对研究晚清中外关系史具有极高的文献史料价值。编纂体例上,既承袭了传统体裁,又有新创,增加了新的表述形式。作为一部史料汇编,该书亦有时代的局限,存在种种不足和不当之处。  相似文献   
徐世中 《安徽史学》2015,(2):125-129,141
李鸿章系晚清重臣,其个人文集是学者研究晚清历史的重要史料。安徽教育出版社于2008年1月出版的《李鸿章全集》,为学术界全面深入研究李鸿章带来了极大方便。然因载籍甚众,全集难免有遗珠之憾。笔者在查阅相关资料的过程中,发现李鸿章的七篇集外文,兹加以迻出,并略作考述,以供再版时参考。  相似文献   
章可 《史学月刊》2020,(4):123-131
古代汉语中已有"传"和"统"两字连用的情况,但所指的都是皇位的传递。日语里"传统"的词义在19世纪90年代开始发生变化,到大正时期新义"传统"真正流行,汉语受此影响,作为新词的"传统"从1920年后才开始频繁出现在报端著述,到20世纪30年代之后才进入辞典,并成为"tradition"的译词。"传统"在新文化运动之后开始流行,有其历史缘由,它为经过"新旧之争"冲击的文化保守主义表述提供了一个更适合的词汇选择。但同时,围绕"传统"和"现代"迅速形成了二元对立的观念和话语体系,这使得"传统"不断被重新定义,增加了它的复杂性。  相似文献   
本文通过对明朝皇权转移之际种种关涉政治合法性的博弈进行考察,透视明代皇位继承的文化和心理条件,对帝制体系运行中传统、实力、社会心理、人事关系间的纠结进行剖析。明代除曾发生建文、永乐间武装争位情况外,其他过渡较平稳的皇权转移仍常伴随围绕政治合法性的博弈,皇帝、士大夫、后妃、贵族、宦官都在其间扮演角色。皇权转移关乎国运、政局、民生,由此形成具有制度、文化、时局综合含义的更替规范和社会期待。这种期待,具有一定程度上降低皇权随意更迭的约束作用,凸显合法性构建的必要,但总体而言,明代皇权转移仍在传统政治范围内,没有发生“转型”的明确迹象。  相似文献   
文章将唐代佛教汉文文献中所见唐北部、西部疆域变化的有限资料,结合正史记载进行了诠释。认为唐前期北部、西部疆域大幅伸张与收缩,各方政治、军事力量的消长贯穿始终。唐朝是以政治归属来判定版图所至,即以政治控制为依据,政治势力所及地区即为唐版图。今天考察中国古代王朝疆域不能脱离特定的历史背景,应该遵循古代疆域观念予以判定,唯有如此才能对唐朝疆域的形成与变化给出合理的解释。  相似文献   
随着外部威胁的加剧,高昌国末期的砖志中出现了一些以本地的“交河郡”为籍贯的书写,这是“高昌人”认同觉醒的表现。高昌国的灭亡以及部分高昌人内迁中原让入居内地的高昌人感受到自身文化习俗的特殊性,也促进了“高昌人”认同的增强,这在龙门石窟的题记中也留下清晰的表达。贞观年间来自中原的卫士、移民等外来势力涌入唐西州,部分高昌人的遗民认同潜滋暗长;永徽初年麹智湛及徙居中原的高昌豪族返回西州,他们的“高昌人”认同与当地既已存在的遗民认同合流,进而出现了永徽、龙朔年间墓志中“高昌人”书写显著增多的现象。此后对唐朝认同的逐步增强,处于自发状态的“高昌人”认同因为无法得到强化,最终归于消亡。  相似文献   
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