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本文深入分析清代北京城旗民分城而居的过程及影响。以往对北京旗民分居的讨论研究多从顺治三年始,本文在以往研究和传统史料的基础上,利用清代内阁大库档案部分奏折和《清初内国史院满文档案》等资料,论证北京旗民分城而居政策开始于清顺治元年五月入北京城时,并深入探讨其具体过程。在重新梳理清初旗民分城而居过程的同时,文章进一步分析旗民分城而居政策对城市建设及发展的影响,从北京城清代功能分区、人口流动、地理地价区位等方面探讨其影响的表现。  相似文献   
虽然陶渊明撰成《桃花源记》后,文人羽士对"桃花源"进行过不同的描述和阐释,且将其附会到武陵地区,但是迄至唐中叶,桃花源仍仅是传说中的意象,并无确指之地。唐宋之际,在道士、当地官员的推动下,桃花源在武陵县渐被塑造成了一个具体的洞天,人们开始有意识的从事桃花源的实体景观构建,此种努力至桃源建县时达到一个高峰。不同时代形塑"桃花源"的主体与背景的差异留下了不同的景观,作为实体的非连续性和作为文化资源的接续性统一于其塑造过程。  相似文献   
西汉秦中祠祠主是秦二世胡亥,但何以名作"秦中",历来没有疏解。汉人以"秦中"称二世皇帝,另有因缘。笔者以为"秦中"又称"秦仲",乃是因为"仲"是表示次位的序数。所谓"秦中祠",也就是秦二世祠。  相似文献   
国民政府于1935年结束地方军绅势力长期控制贵州的局面,随后在县以下推行保甲制,加大国家权力向地方社会渗透的力度,希望将基层社会全面纳入国民政府的掌控之中,但收效甚微。1940年,谭克敏就任贵州省政府民政厅长后,开始大力推行新县制,内容包括整理行政区域、调整行政机构、创建民意机关、训练基层干部等诸多方面。谭克敏作为贵州出生的本土官员,其主持的民政厅成为贯彻中央意志和协调地方利益的关键机构。在人才缺乏、经费拮据的情况下,通过新县制的实施,国家权力在贵州基层社会以前所未有的力度向下渗透。  相似文献   
人是创造关和欣赏美的唯一主体,审美能力是人之为人的重要心理品质,其由来历久。固然,仡佬民族也在创造和欣赏着“美”,仡佬人没有形成自己的文字,但有着丰富而口耳相传的民间古歌谣,部分经专家整理、收录(用国际音标采音、汉字意译)编辑成《仡佬族古歌》,这些歌谣具有诸多“美”的特质。从《古歌》中,我们可以发现仡佬民族所独有的“历史感”、“悲剧性”、“和谐观”等美学特征,这些为仡佬民族的“不朽”奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
乌江流域地处西南边陲,境内少数民族众多,宋廷因地制宜,组建了多支少数民族军队。这些地方武力主要由御前屯驻大军和乡军组成,在南宋抗蒙(元)战争中贡献卓著,并与宋朝国祚相始终。此外,它在保卫边防、稳定当地秩序、开发边疆等方面也发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   
安多在明朝经营整个藏区中具有特殊作用。明王朝把安多看作是经营整个藏区的示范区和桥头堡。明王朝对藏区的治理沿袭元制,并有所突破和创新治理安多藏区的原则是羁縻与怀柔并举,主要措施有“土流参治”、“僧官制度”及官办“茶马互市”等。总体而言,明王朝在安多藏区的治理是成功的,值得肯定的。  相似文献   
The article focuses on the meaning of heritage, especially on its connection to time, space and people, and is concerned with signification, representation and identity at a national scale. Key questions are how the image of Estonianness creates national heritage out of diverse legacies and how these messages fit the local circumstances. This is examined in the case of Paldiski, a small town on the Pakri Peninsula west of the Estonian capital Tallinn. The area encompasses all that is considered non‐Estonian, but nevertheless reflects the history and geography of the country and thus is used for critical examination of current heritage creation and preservation.  相似文献   
Beginning with a reference to early modern, religiously motivated pilgrimages to Erets-Yisroel, this article explores the quest of four travelers of the interwar period for clues of personal, cultural, and political belonging by visiting Mandatory Palestine. It reveals to what significant degree the perceptions of the travelers – two East European Jews, a Polish-Catholic journalist, and one Central European Jewish author – were shaped by preexisting attitudes towards Jewish history, culture, and identity, and how the narrative of the journey itself serves as an instrument to confirm these attitudes. It shows that travelogues offer fascinating insights into the complex relationship of subjectivity, identity, cultural memory, and history.  相似文献   
Music in Dickens's final and unfinished novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, shares in the lethargy affecting traditional English community. That life has become stagnant in Cloisterham, the ancient city in which the novel is set, is nowhere more evident than in the desultory choral worship offered in its cathedral. Yet the unevenness of Dickens's writing in Edwin Drood does not make for consistency, and discrepancies in plotting extend to the musical occupations of its protagonists. By considering Edwin Drood alongside the shifting fortunes of choral music in Victorian Britain, this article focuses on what such discrepancies reveal about Dickens's notion of the place of religion in social renewal. Habitual forms of life in Cloisterham, such as the choral service of its cathedral, are being overwhelmed by marginal presences, arriving from the imperial East, but they may also give voice to a future revival. Something of the changeability in Dickens's feeling for established religion can be glimpsed in this duality.  相似文献   
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