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2011年出版的《中国共产党历史》第二卷记载了中国共产党自1949年10月中华人民共和国成立至1978年12月中共十一届三中全会召开这段历史,该书不仅是党史研究的一项重大成果,而且对国史研究也具有重要意义:为正确把握新中国前29年历史的重大问题提供了基本参照;披露了140多件文献档案,整理了一系列统计数据,为深入研究新中国前29年的历史提供了有价值的新史料;其编写方法为研究编纂新中国前29年的历史提供了有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   
The study of Near Eastern Neolithic villages provides a unique means of tracing subsistence strategy, population growth, health, and emerging social inequality associated with agricultural origins. However, disentangling these patterns requires a detailed comprehension of the chronological placement of individual households in the site. In this paper, we present a test to determine the reliability and applicability of the fluoride dating method (a relative dating method) on human dentition of 40 samples from 28 Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (or PPNB) burials from the site of Tell Halula, in Syria. This method, applied here for the first time on a Neolithic Near East case study, is an alternative when other dating methods, like radiocarbon dates, do not provide the required temporal resolution to address particular research problems. Nonetheless, the results obtained in the fluoride analysis show how both the age at death of individuals, and the integrity of the burial plug enormously affect the amount of fluoride absorbed by teeth, so that only a small subset of the full dataset was suitable for fluoride dating. Although the distribution of fluoride values of dentine from the small sample of burials from suitable contexts matches the expected chronology, and corroborates the hypothesis that the occupation at Halula extends from the Middle to the Late PPNB, our analysis illustrates the need for a better understanding of the different sources of error in fluoride dating to improve the method itself, and to obtain more reliable fluoride chronologies.  相似文献   
崔云 《神州》2011,(3X):101-101,103
语文教学效率包括知识的数量、能力的训练、思想教育的效果等。决定教学效率的因素是多方面的,如学生因素、教材因素、教法因素等,但教师因素是影响教学效率的主要因素,因为教师在教学中起主导作用。在中学各门学科中,语文课的综合性最强,内容覆盖面广,所以语文教师应成为一个“杂”家。  相似文献   
胡俊涛 《神州》2011,(3X):112-112
激发学生学习物理的兴趣是提高教学质量的关键。在物理教学中,教师应该尽自己最大的能力把物理课题以新奇的方式揭示在学生面前,能使课堂气氛活跃、引入入胜,从而培养学生的学习兴趣,并在乐趣中获得知识、巩固知识。  相似文献   
运兆军 《神州》2011,(3X):113-114
初一学生处于半幼稚、半成熟阶段,掌握其规律教学,更应善于引导,使他们旺盛的精力,强烈的好奇化为强烈的求知欲望和认真学习的精神,变被动学习为主动自觉学,习让学生的各种素质都得到有效的发展和培养。  相似文献   
安艳芬 《神州》2011,(3X):58-58
笔者对初中政治课课堂教学模式进行尝试和探索。经过一年多的教学实践,总结出了思想政治课五步教学法,本文即是对这一教学方法的简单介绍,希望能对初中思想政治课堂教学改革有所启示。  相似文献   
任舒燕 《神州》2011,(3X):63-63,67
政治学科不同于自然科学,其探究问题的结论有政策倾向性。教师对探究问题所得出的结论的强调是其主导作用发挥的关键阶段,其作用至关重要。教师应注意升华问题,深层次地把握关键点。能否做到这一点,明显反映了一个教师进行探究式课堂教学角色发挥水平的高低。  相似文献   
胡桂春 《神州》2011,(3X):125-125,129
数学教学的核心是学生的再创造,让学生经历知识的再创造过程,培养了学生的创造性思维。学生从教师的教转向主动地学,在教师的指导下去建构数学知识,为学生能够顺利地用数学知识解决实际问题奠定了良好的知识基础。  相似文献   

This essay argues that queer theory’s ongoing reflection about its own disciplinary identity yields insights that could benefit contemporary political theology. Exploring how internal discussions and debates on the queerness of queer theory can serve as an instructive analogy for similar conversations about the “theologicalness” of political theology, this essay proposes two potential insights that can be gleaned. First, political theology should continue to draw on and do theology, but it should not worry about venturing outside the bounds of what is presumed to be the theological. Theological reflection develops from, and also engenders, communicative and critical expressions, which are deeply important theological modes of political theology, central to its identity even as they appear at times to broaden or stray from it. Second, political theology should look more to politics, broadly understood as the various ways of ordering human life and the utilization and manifestation of power in that structuring, for the theology it offers. In these ways and more, this essay concludes, political theology, like queer theory, is both theory and praxis, a body of knowledge and way of life.  相似文献   
In the past 20 years, Hong Kong and Shanghai's total fertility rates (TFR) have undergone drastic changes: first declining and then rebounding. We use a decomposition method to assess changes in the TFRs of these two cities during the period 1990–2010. During the period of decline from 1990 to 2000, the decrease in marital fertility rate (MFR) was the major cause behind Shanghai's TFR decline; the decrease in nuptiality and MFR were equally responsible for the decline in Hong Kong's TFR. During the 2000–2010 period, although the decline in nuptiality exerted downward pressure on TFR, both cities experienced an increase in TFR mainly due to an increase in the MFR. Analysis of the difference in TFR between the two cities in 2010/2011, also reveals that Hong Kong's marriage delay has a negative impact on fertility and it is the higher MFR that leads to a higher TFR than Shanghai's TFR. It also shows that a reduction of first- and second-order births is equally responsible for Shanghai's lower MFR. Despite the one-child policy in Shanghai, some couples continue to postpone their first births, while others have even chosen to be childfree (a preferred term to ‘childless’). The tempo distortion is diminishing more prominently in Hong Kong, while the decline in fertility aspiration adds much uncertainty to future fertility trends in Shanghai.  相似文献   
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