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木材树种的鉴定是古木结构建筑维修和保护的基础性工作。为配合建水县指林寺大殿修缮保护的需要,为修缮树种选用提供依据,了解木文化的特点。本研究对建水指林寺大殿古建筑主要木构件进行了树种鉴定及对材种配置调查分析。采用切片、显微镜拍照、宏观和微观特征分析等方法,对700个试样进行了树种鉴定。结果表明建水指林寺大殿的木构件共有4个树种,分别是硬木松(Pinus sp.)、白青冈(Cyclobalanopsis sp.)、格木(Erythrophleum sp.)和荷木(Schima sp.)。通过材种配置分析可得指林寺大殿木构件在选材方面达到很高水平,不仅反应了建造年代,而且体现修缮的特性。  相似文献   
This paper presents 19 AMS radiocarbon dates from nine pre-Hispanic Caribbean (Taíno/Lucayan) wooden sculptures in the British Museum collections, provenanced to Jamaica, Hispaniola and the Bahamas. Together with strontium isotope results and wood and resin identifications, these data build a material and chronological context for some of the most recognised examples of Taíno art – from duhos (ceremonial seats) and cemís (free standing depictions of deities, ancestors and spirits) to canopied stands used to hold hallucinogenic drugs during the cohoba ceremony. Each sculpture widens our understanding of Caribbean carving traditions, stylistic variation, chronologies and material resource utilisation. A group of three sculptures recovered from Carpenters Mountains, Jamaica, carved by AD 1300 and brought together as a ceremonial ‘set’, each appear to have had their inlays renewed over a century later, suggesting long-term use. Three key examples of the main Caribbean duho categories (high-back, low-back and extended), provide insights into the diversity of styles present in the region post-AD 1100. The British Museum's corpus enables an exploration of regional styles, and potentially the work of individual artists.  相似文献   
From the late eighteenth century onwards, increasing numbers of visual artists came to identify with their nations and with the homeland and its people. This development was strongly influenced by growing national cultural support and regulation of the arts by academies, art schools, museums and art markets in Western Europe. On a subjective level, the Rousseauan movement of a ‘return to Nature’, Herder's espousal of vernacular cultural self‐expression and, above all, the widespread Romantic cult of authenticity, were potent influences on the inner self‐identification of visual artists after 1800, and were manifested in the novel importance accorded to landscape and rural genre painting in Western Europe. Here I consider the role of national sentiment, the ‘return to Nature’ and the cult of authenticity, first in landscape paintings by Paul Sandby, J. M. W. Turner and John Constable in early nineteenth‐century Britain, and then in the rural genre paintings of Jean‐Francois Millet and Jules Breton in nineteenth‐century France and Josef Israels, Anton Mauve and Vincent Van Gogh in the later nineteenth‐century Netherlands. Their work reveals how nineteenth‐century visual artists became inwardly identified with the ‘land and its people’, and how they in turn contributed, especially through prints and engravings, to the dissemination of national imagery and a cultural nationalism.  相似文献   
In this paper a method for the identification of simplified linear models for building structures is applied to the case when acceleration, rather than displacement, is measured. A frame from benchmark structural controller studies is simulated, and from the input-output data of these simulations, simplified models for the acceleration response of the frame are obtained that have far fewer degrees of freedom. One of these simplified models is used to design a controller, which is tested using an evaluation model from the benchmark controller studies and found to be effective.  相似文献   
为了解海昏侯墓椁室木材及随葬漆木器木材种类,进而分析其用材特点,分别对木材取样进行种属鉴定。鉴定结果表明:海昏侯墓椁木为樟科(Lauraceae)桢楠属(Phoebe)桢楠(Phoebe zhennan),椁室木门为柏科(Cupressaceae)柏木属(Cupressus)柏木(Cupressus funebris),比较文献资料,推测汉代椁室常用木材即为楠,反映了汉代椁木用材的专门化;受检的随葬漆木器材种均为樟科,包含檫木属(Sassafras)檫木(Sassafras tzumu)、黄肉楠属(Actinodaphne)、琼楠属(Beilschmiedia)等,反映出随葬漆木器用材具有地域性,可能均为本地生产。  相似文献   
本文通过对吕文德及其家族史的考辨,并通过对宋朝经济及钱币流通制度的分析,认为黄石西塞山历次出土窖藏钱币的性质,是南宋朝廷在军事紧急情况下窖藏的库钱。  相似文献   
甘肃木器是反映河西走廊古丝绸之路文化、历史和社会重要的珍贵遗产。武威、高台作为甘肃木器重要的发现地,出土器物不仅类型、风格迥异,而且器物材质形态、结构特征明显,属于典型的糟朽木器类型。研究工作从木材学的角度出发,应用生物切片技术,对出土器物材质树种、特征及特性进行了科学鉴定和剖析。鉴定结果表明,树种类型有:①云杉;②冷杉;③圆柏;④落叶松;⑤胡杨;⑥榆树;⑦香椿;同时采用扫描电镜、X射线衍射分析技术对糟朽木质纤维显微形态、结构进行了观察和分析,分析结果表明:出土糟朽木器木质结构已发生降解、腐变,其材质形态特征及特性会随着后期保存环境及其因素的影响、腐蚀而频繁变化或骤变。最后,分析工作对糟朽木器纤维素结晶度、降解度等相关物理参数进行了实验测定。测定结果表明:出土实物纤维素结晶度约为58%,而纤维降解度达到40%以上。综合以上鉴定结果和实验数据,得出以下结论:①甘肃木器制作材质涉及的树种种类较多,基本以云杉材为主,而青海云杉在祁连山林区分布广泛,为其制作用材提供了丰富的天然材料;②材质糟朽及纤维严重降解是甘肃木器重要的材质特征,表现为纤维(纤维素、半纤维素)含量降低呈现木素含量升高,而木素含量的相对增大,则是导致材质颜色变深的重要原因;③受糟朽器物自身含水率的变化、影响,其材质特征具有脆弱性和不稳定性,而且改变、变化过程通常具有滞后性,导致结果往往是致命的;④纤维素结晶度和纤维降解度是衡量和评估糟朽木器材质健康状况重要的物理参数,二者之间存在关联关系。本研究结果可为糟朽木器形态与结构研究提供科学依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
霉菌污染会影响馆藏纸质书画的保存和展示。对书画污染菌进行分离及鉴定,有助于提高文物霉变防治工作的针对性,进而提高防治效果。本研究利用传统的纯培养法从遭受霉菌污染的馆藏纸质书画表面分离得到8株霉菌,通过形态特征观察和r DNA转录间隔区序列ITS(Internal Transcribed Spacer)测序分析。结果表明:8株霉菌分属于曲霉属(Aspergillus)、根霉属(Rhizopu)和木霉属(Trichoderma)。研究结果可为馆藏纸质书画文物防霉剂的研发和文物霉菌的综合防治提供靶标和依据。  相似文献   
王牧 《南方文物》2011,(3):143-156,139
在中国南方地区曾发现过多处宋元时期窖藏,并出土过数量可观的仿古青铜器;这些窖藏大都有相关的纪年,而且其中某些仿古青铜器本身就带有制作年号,提供了宋元仿古青铜器重要特征的识别依据,甚至可作为它们断代的标尺。本文即从这些有一定代表性的,且来源途径可信的出土仿古青铜器着手,以考古类型学的方法,梳理分析其特点。以期对传世的宋元以后仿古青铜器的断代提供参考。  相似文献   
The ideal indicator of domestic individuals is the presence of traits that must appear in the first generation of the domestic lineage. Most wild geese are migratory, breeding in the subarctic zone and wintering in the temperate zone. If goose remains from archaeological sites in a non‐breeding region are from individuals shown to have died during the breeding season, the bones are likely to be from domestic birds. Medullary bone is secondary woven bony tissue formed in the marrow cavity of breeding female birds. It develops 1 or 2 weeks before the first egg is produced and disappears 1 or 2 weeks after egg production. As wild geese remain in their breeding regions for about 3 months after egg production, medullary bone would be expected to disappear before birds arrive at the stopover and wintering areas. Therefore, the presence of medullary bone in goose remains found in non‐breeding regions would be a reliable indicator of domestic birds. In this study, we examined goose (Anserini spp.) remains from 15 archaeological sites in Japan (3400 bc to 1912 ad ) using binocular observation and histological analysis. We found medullary bone in two femora from the Oranda–shokan–ato site (1650–1850 ad ). The results indicate that the two femora were from domestic geese. By using secondary bone as an indicator of the domesticity of geese, knowledge regarding the origins of domestic geese can be expanded, and the morphological and/or genetic changes, as well as the domestication process, can be revealed. According to the literature, domestic geese were kept in Japan from the early eight century ad and were popular after the 17th century ad . The scarcity of medullary bone in the samples can be explained by the small number of domestic geese in Japan and/or by butchering practices that excluded the eating of breeding female geese. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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