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青海乡村旅游的循环经济模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈金林 《攀登》2008,27(4):112-115
本文在分析青海乡村旅游业发展现状的基础上,探讨了青海乡村旅游业发展的循环经济运行模式,并提出了一些实施的对策,以促进青海乡村旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
余书敏 《四川文物》2020,(2):106-113
九寨沟中查村作为第四批中国传统村落,面临的威胁远大于其他少数民族传统村落,通过田野调查总结出其六大建筑特征,作为九寨沟片区安多藏族民居的基础研究成果。同时,在对中查传统村落濒危民居调研的基础上,揭示村落保护需要以"人"为本,从生存基础建设、社会关系建设、精神场所建设的三个维度来探索,这是从产业到社区,再到文化建设的一个动态过程,为中国西南少数民族地区传统村落保护提供切实可行的理论依据和发展思路。  相似文献   
乾隆帝在位期间。曾下令编纂并亲自审定出版了《西域同文志》和《西域图志》两部巨著。他还写了《西域地名考证叙概》和《阳关考》两文。乾隆帝还曾派官员新疆实地测量。编绘了《乾隆内府铜版地图》。成为当时我国最完整的疆域地图。也是世界上最完整的亚洲大地图。在乾隆帝重视新疆地名研究和编写全图地图的影响下。促成了西北舆地学的形成。  相似文献   
安徽青阳县汪村出土青铜器单元明确、器物组合完整、器形风格新颖、文化内涵丰富。通过器物组合、形制和纹饰的比较分析,汪村出土青铜器的年代可以拟定为西周晚期,其形制特征反映了皖南与宁镇、江北以及中原地区青铜文化的互动与交流。汪村出土青铜器是构建皖南沿江地区西周青铜器编年的重要一环。  相似文献   
赵飘飘  吴春宝 《攀登》2011,30(3):43-46
本文立足"百村观察"的数据平台,通过对全国20个省68个村1942户农户的调查,探讨了个人因素、家庭因素对于农村养老模式选择的影响。认为年龄、健康状况、家庭居住地、家中子女数都影响了农民对养老方式的选择,并由此看到,传统家庭子女养老的方式正在被社会养老所改变。  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with groups of historic vernacular buildings, assembled and displayed as 'villages' at agricultural fairgrounds. These are grassroots versions of open-air museums and heritage sites developed by public institutions and private foundations. The fairground heritage village structures are usually collected by volunteers and moved to existing county or state fairgrounds, then used in similar ways as professionally managed sites. The location and situation offer certain advantages, but also present problems that stem from being authentic structures presented as a fictional village. Because narrative, scale and editing are factors in the conflict, adding an outward-directed layer of interpretation would visually reconnect the dislocated buildings with their original sites. This is intended to destabilise the past as a fixed, isolated place, and link the village display to landscape change in the region.  相似文献   
Villages of relocated buildings now constitute a phenomenon of the world’s repertoire of heritage. They go by a multitude of names depending on particular inflection: open air museum, folk museum, living history museum, heritage village, museum village and so forth. 1 [1] On the range of villages, see Thompson, ‘The Social Significance of Folk Museums’; Marshall, ‘Folklife and the Rise of American Folk Museums’; Leon and Piatt, ‘Living History Museums’; Shafernich, ‘On‐site Museums, Open‐air Museums, Museum Villages and Living History Museums’; Moolman, ‘Site Museums’; de Jong, ‘Approaches and Concepts’; Chappell, ‘Open‐air Museums’; Corbin, ‘Representations of an Imagined Past’. This paper reviews the context of the form of the genre’s manifestation in Australia, where it is often known as the ‘pioneer village’. They are the fruit of a populist vision of national history which celebrates white rural settlement as its central theme. In practice, the villages manifest a deep commitment to collecting and saving old buildings as the meaningful construction of a favourite historical identity. But the generation that established Australia’s villages has been overtaken. Today, the intersection of museum villages with the managerialist pressures of local economy enhancement and modern professional standards of heritage management challenge most villages’ survival.  相似文献   
论文探讨了20世纪30年代初的难侨问题及特点、侨乐村的筹办与运作模式、侨乐村推广之困境等问题;对侨乐村与华侨农场这两种难侨安置模式进行了比较分析。面对30年代初出现的大批难侨问题,以往常规的救助政策已经不能应对新情况。南京国民政府试图通过建立、推广侨乐村,从根本上实现对归国难侨的救济。侨乐村的创办具有救助难侨、开垦荒地繁荣经济的双重目的,然而在实际管理、运行中,却过度注重国家利益而忽视垦民诉求;加之其他外部环境的影响,侨乐村最终未能得到广泛推广。但通过垦荒安置难民的思路和举措被社会各界认同。侨乐村模式对抗战时期难侨、难民救助及后世华侨农场的建设都有着重要意义。  相似文献   
山西壶关县上好牢村宋金时期墓葬   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨林中  王进先  畅红霞  王伟  李永杰 《考古》2012,(4):48-55,109,102,108
2010年5月,有关单位对山西省壶关县上好牢村的三座墓葬进行了抢救性发掘。其中一号墓和三号墓墓室均有精致的仿木结构。两墓室内都经过粉饰并绘有色彩和种类丰富的彩画,墓室四壁都绘有不同题材的壁画。从仿木结构和壁画题材等分析,两座墓的时代应在宋代晚期或金代初期。  相似文献   
龙良富  黄英 《人文地理》2011,26(4):54-57
土地流转过程中,农民租地或卖地的行为选择带来不同的收益,将直接影响到现在及未来农民的生活水平。由于受到自身条件和环境约束,农民只能追求安全保障基础上的利益最大化。本文通过对中山市崖口村村民在旅游开发用地中的决策行为进行深度调研,发现当地农民在土地流转中表现出因可得性偏向导致的差异化认知与态度、伦理行动下的集体选择、规避风险下的非最优选择的有限理性行为特征,最终的"卖地"决策对崖口村的未来发展带来了一定的风险。  相似文献   
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