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江苏张家港市东山村新石器时代遗址   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东山村遗址经两次发掘,发现了10多座马家浜文化墓葬和一处包括房址和墓地的崧泽文化聚落,其中首次揭露9座崧泽文化早中期高等级大墓。崧泽文化早中期大墓与小墓的分区埋葬以及大房址的发现,证明至少在距今5800年前后,已有明显的社会分层。这为研究长江下游地区社会文明化进程提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
Authenticity is a constructive concept and the core principle for protection of cultural heritage, but it is also a controversial issue, along with its practice in different geographical and cultural contexts. Both the heritage management system and its authenticity principles are not indigenous, but were developed in western society and exported from western countries. As a result, conflicts arise with its implementation and therefore often lead to counterintuitive behaviors. This paper examines the heritage conservation process in the case of Hongcun by applying the social constructionism theory. The paper attempts to point out that both the heritage and the authenticity principles are socially constructed concepts and that the construction process is very much influenced by the power relationships involved. Authenticity in Hongcun is an implementation of the principle of material, static, and superficial style understandings, while less attention is paid to the non-material cultural heritage protection, which is especially reflected in the neglect and the development restrictions on local craft and folk art. The study shows that there is a need to be aware of the nature of the constructiveness and power relationships in the heritage management and to integrate local voices in the heritage conservation process to avoid conflicts and to achieve conservation goals.  相似文献   
马冬 《华夏考古》2011,(3):114-120
山东青州市傅家村出土的北齐画像石中的第二石《商谈图》,包含了多个人物造型,直观反映了北朝末中外人士着装的时代风貌。特别是人物腰带悬物方式的图像,成为学界在甄别“环带”与“粘蝶带”的标准。  相似文献   
再论温江鱼凫村遗址第三期文化遗存的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合近年来考古新发现,对以鱼凫村遗址第三期文化遗存为代表的、分布于成都平原的一支考古学遗存,进行辨析与研究,认为由于其独特的文化内涵和所处文明发展阶段,应该从宝墩文化中单列出来,并根据考古学文化命名的基本原则,建议将这类主要分布在成都平原地区、距今4000~3700年的考古学文化遗存命名为"童凫村文化".相信这一判断,...  相似文献   
李双元 《攀登》2011,30(2):103-108
本文通过实地调研,深入了解和考查了青海省村官对新农村建设五个方面的理解和实际需求,归纳梳理了青海省新农村建设中存在的问题,并就进一步推进青海省新农村建设提出具有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   
2006年8月至9月,洛阳市第二文物工作队等在偃师市阎楼村清理一座封土墓冢。墓冢上部原筑封土为圆形,最大径28米。墓葬为单室土洞墓,由长斜坡墓道、甬道、长方形土洞墓室三部分组成。出土器物残存陶器、瓷器、铜器、石器等28件。据墓葬形制与出土器物,该墓时代应为东汉晚期到曹魏时期。  相似文献   
长期以来,由于材料的局限,人们对冀中南地区仰韶晚期考古学文化面貌的认识是较为模糊的。20世纪80年代,有学者曾将这一时期该地区的考古学文化暂且归属于仰韶文化大司空类型[1],以当时可见的材料,最大限度并具高度概括性地描述了冀中南地区仰韶文化晚期的文化面貌。随着资料的  相似文献   
The heritage of the Cold War is attracting increasing international interest. Much of that revolves around technological legacies; less attention has been paid to the community infrastructure which supported defence research, weapons testing and military installations. Security and operational logistics meant that research and development was conducted not only in restricted settings but also in often geographically remote situations. An archetypal example is the Woomera Rocket Range in outback South Australia, where long-range weapons were trialled from 1947 under a joint project between the British and Australian governments. Woomera Village, established as a planned residential facility to support personnel employed on the Range, survives today in a similar role, but with a population greatly diminished from its late-1960s heyday. This paper introduces the Village against the backdrop of Cold War heritage and spatial planning ideology, surveys its raison d’être and growth as a Cold War town, and considers its modern-day status as a heritage place and sustainable community.  相似文献   
特色种植业的发展对传统农区产业结构的调整、农民收入水平的提高、村域经济的发展具有十分重要的推动作用。以十里铺村特色种植及其周边时空扩散为例,阐述欠发达农区在地方政府支持下特色种植业的时空变化轨迹,形成"基地×农户"型村域经济发展模式。实地调查发现,十里铺村特色种植的时空变化阶段明显:受亲缘、区位、交通等影响,依次呈现出兴起、壮大、稳定的演变轨迹;空间上表现出初始的点状分布、快速扩散、稳定增长三个扩散阶段。为社会主义新农村建设支撑的产业体系提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   
蔡一帆  童昕 《人文地理》2014,29(3):115-120
全球金融危机以后,大芬村实现了从生产行画的城中村到结合复制与创意的综合性油画生产基地的产业成功转型。本文分析了此案例在全球化背景下,产业链动力机制的演变对产业链与产业结构、雇佣关系与劳动者身份、进而对整个产业转型升级的推动与影响。本文指出,正是这种介于普通手工业与文化创意产业之间身份认同的焦虑,其中所蕴含的劳动者自我价值的认同,终而成为顺应市场需求变动中的实现产业升级的内在动力。最后讨论了大芬村文化产业升级案例之于发展中国家产业发展与转型的意义,以及地方性在此发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   
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