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论及清代<易>学,今人多仅关注其钩沉整理汉<易>之功,以至于对清代<易>学的认识有失片面.其实,清吴派学者对汉<易>多钩稽之业,而皖派学者对汉<易>则多所辨驳之功.吴派和皖派学者都以探求经籍本义为归.吴派学者因汉儒去古未远,因而致力于汉<易>的钩沉,以求古之途径而求是;皖派学者则认识到汉<易>亦非尽得<周易>之本义,因而信其所当信,疑其所可疑,以考据之途径而求是.皖派释经方法至高邮王念孙、王引之父子而益精.本文通过梳理王引之<经义述闻>中对虞翻<易>注的辨驳,从一个侧面探究皖派学者解<易>特色,冀对清代<易>学有更为全面的评估.  相似文献   
王强 《东南文化》2004,(1):82-83
继承传统而又张扬个性,深八生活而又高于生活,痴迷自然而又超越自然,终使石涛成为一代大师。  相似文献   
《孤树裒谈》在浩瀚的史籍中名不见经传。是十六世纪一位抑郁不得志的儒生官员随笔之作。 本文对该书的作者、版本、材料来源、内容做一个初步的考证工作,以就教于方家。  相似文献   
《旧唐书》纪、传部分在“比事”方面下了很大工夫,用比较隐晦的方式对一些事关重大的唐代史事及人物进行贬斥,体现出了纂修者在书中贯彻“春秋笔法”的意图。最为典型的例子,一为效仿沈约《宋书·二凶传》的数字记日方式;二是上承班固《汉书·高后纪》及《王莽传》的成例,于《则天皇后纪》中记事非常简约。研究这一现象对更加深入地理解我国古代历史编纂思想有一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   
本文介绍了东北师范大学图书馆所藏《唐书·天文志》版本特征,发现书间避宋讳,多用省笔和俗字,纸糙色黄,似元代印书多用之梗棒纸,认为是书为宋刻元递修本。  相似文献   
黄宾虹《蜀游画册》的点法墨法是在蜀游夜行中所得到的感悟,是黄宾虹绘画的精神所在。  相似文献   
石涛和张大千都善于师古人,都重视师造化,作品都讲求气势,是他们创怍特色的相同之处。怛两人艺术个性不同,用笔、用墨特点不同,表现手段不同,则构成了他们刨作特色的区别。  相似文献   
石涛寓所大涤堂,与天宁寺咫尺相邻,小路杂树,粉墙青瓦,寻常巷陌中的寻常人家,绽放出永不衰败的艺木之花。  相似文献   
Against the background of Taiwan's recent economic restructuring, this article investigates the lives of a group of working-class women who were believers of I-Kuan Tao, a sectarian religion, and who had by and large decided to remain single in order to better practice their religious teaching. They lived together in an I-Kuan Tao temple. This article situates singlehood in the literature of resistance and sees it as a strategy of these women seeking an alternative lifestyle from the culturally prescribed roles of wife, mother and daughter-in-law. Three interlocking factors are particularly important to an understanding of these women's experience: cultural (the Taiwanese patrilineal family), religious (I-Kuan Tao), and economic (Taiwan's post-World War II export-oriented industrialization and its recent economic restructuring). Paradoxically, while trying to establish an alternative social space, these women were also seeking cultural legitimacy for their choice. Marriage resistance, in this case, was an act of both transgression and conformity. Yet the different readings that these women and their families applied to their situations, as well as the ingenuous strategies they deployed to solve their predicaments, also added new elements to the cultural repertoire which, collectively considered, might broaden the range of options for future Taiwanese women who attempt a similar life trajectory. In this article, I therefore caution against a totalizing understanding of the concept of resistance based on its final result, but call for a more nuanced analysis focusing on the process.  相似文献   
读书志作为一种特殊的私家目录体裁发轫于宋代,至清代才真正的成熟起来,它实质上是中国古代学术与中国古代私家目录双重发展的必然结果。《开有益斋读书志》是清代学者朱绪曾的一部目录学专著,也是清代私家运用"读书志"体例撰修的典型著作之一,在一定程度上代表了清代私家修目的最高水平。本文着重考察该志在目录学、校勘学方面的成就,揭示其所反映的学术思想。  相似文献   
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