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"不折腾"原则是陈云与李先念在改革开放之初率先提出来的。李先念还就"不折腾"的类别、意义、重点时段与保障措施等方面作了较为系统的阐述。"不折腾"原则的提出,直接推动了"调整、改革、整顿、提高"八字方针的出台,促使国民经济进行重大调整进而走上良性发展的道路,保障了我国改革开放的顺利进行。  相似文献   
在《反分裂国家法》酝酿、立法、颁行的过程中,华侨华人做出了突出的贡献,如华侨华人早就有以立法遏制"台独"的倡议,并向温家宝总理提议,成为酝酿《反分裂国家法》的重要来源;《反分裂国家法》立法程序启动后,华侨华人统一认识,积极献言献策,力正视听,并见证了此法通过的历史时刻;《反分裂国家法》颁行后,华侨华人广泛拥护,对"台独"等各种分裂分子的行径进行了抨击,对华社①的不同意见进行交流,促进了国际社会和华社对此法的认同。  相似文献   
近代以来,农科留美学生引进了美国先进的畜牧兽医科技,促进了我国的畜牧兽医科技近代化进程。中美两国畜牧科技的交流与合作,表现在引进了优良畜禽品种并对国内的畜禽品种进行改良;引进并发展了近代家畜繁殖技术和畜禽饲养管理技术;从发展畜牧业的角度对草原和草地进行调查研究,对牧草进行栽培、选育、贮藏试验,从而揭开了中国近代牧草科技发展的序幕。中美两国兽医科技的交流与合作,则主要侧重于西兽医技术的引进与发展,其主要内容包括动物检疫事业的创建及发展、畜禽传染病的防治与研究等。  相似文献   
同光年间州县官选任制度的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟 《安徽史学》2010,(1):5-13
同治光绪年间,由于捐纳、保举的扩张,州县候选人员激增,流品混杂。与此同时,各省督抚选用州县官常常不拘文法,突破成例。在上述背景下,清廷力图从多方面进行整顿,但多不能行。这一时期州县官选任制度的变化虽然只是在旧制基础上的渐变,然而这些问题却成为清末新政时期铨选制度改革的内在动因。  相似文献   
"世界遗产"(World Heritage)和"非物质文化遗产"(IntangibleCultural Heritage)是内涵和外延不同的两个专有名词和各有评价标准的两种遗产类型,共同点只在于,它们是由联合国教育、科学及文化组织(UNESCO)宣布、在国际层面上加以保护的文化或自然遗产。作为热门词汇,比较容易被望文生义地理解为是一种统一的世界级的遗产;所以在讨论学术问题时,宜谨慎使用"世界遗产"汉译词通称World Heritage和Intangible Cultural Heritage这两种遗产类型。  相似文献   
本文将日语授受关系句型中对于学习者来说难以掌握的典型用法与汉语表达相比较,尝试认知语言学原理在对照语言学中的应用。本文使用的认知语言学原理为池上提出的事态把握理以及Traugott提出的相互主观化原理。其中,Traugott的相互主观化原理在原有的基础上做了重新定义。本文的考察结果为,日语授受关系句型中体现了说话人主观的事态把握方式,而与其对应的汉语表达则体现了说话人客观的事态把握方式;另外,相互主观化现象在日语授受关系句型中有所体现,而在对应的汉语表达中没有体现。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. National identity is under scrutiny in Europe. A new non‐ethnic conception of the nation to replace the traditional ethnic one is needed. National identity is therefore undergoing a public reconstruction. This article is based on narratives of “Norwegianness” that emerged in a qualitative interview study of white majority Norwegians who live in multicultural suburbs in Oslo. I respond to an overlooked need to analytically untangle different components of “Norwegianness” as phenomenological knowledge, to decouple its different constituents from each other. In order to analyse qualitative data where notions of “Norwegianness” and “non‐Norwegianness” are at play, their different aspects must be clarified. I identify multiple discursive oppositions that researchers ought to keep apart, and distinguish between civic aspects (citizenship), cultural aspects, and ethnic/racial aspects. I suggest that everyday notions of the national are fruitfully studied as discursive space constituted by a series of overlapping, but sometimes mutually contradicting, oppositions.  相似文献   
This article investigates the potential linkage between particular policy design ideas and distinctive patterns of politics and power relations. The research examines a sequence of four cases involving the use of the cap‐and‐trade policy design principally to combat global climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Through the lens of arenas of power framework, the comparative case analysis suggests the existence of consistent linkages between particular cap‐and‐trade design ideas, and distinct patterns of political conflict and empowerment. The article concludes with a brief consideration of what the findings suggest about the national politics of climate change policymaking in the United States in the near term, and more important, an assessment of the implications for the further development and refinement of policy theory.  相似文献   
This study examines the association between corporate social performance (CSP) practices and membership in Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) between 1992 and 2006. BSR is a business association that seeks to help its members adopt enhanced CSP practices. While there is an emerging literature examining voluntary initiatives as alternative policy mechanisms to regulations, most research is focused on initiatives that emphasize environmental protection. Further, studies suggest that membership in strictly voluntary initiatives tends to be associated with lower environmental performance because of “free‐riding” behavior by participants. BSR differs along two dimensions when compared with other voluntary initiatives examined in the literature. First, it is a comprehensive voluntary social initiative that helps firms from diverse industries address multiple CSP issues simultaneously. Second, it might limit opportunism by not offering blanket certification to its participants. Our results indicate that BSR members exhibit greater levels of positive social impacts without demonstrating significantly different levels of negative social impacts. This suggests that participation in voluntary initiatives that avoid granting blanket certifications may be associated with the adoption of new corporate social responsibility practices but not linked to the shedding of entrenched routines that produce negative externalities.  相似文献   
“Funhouse” and “Big Celebration” of the Physicists. Walter Grotrian's ?Physical One‐Act Play”? for Max Planck's 80th Birthday. On the occasion of Max Planck's 80th birthday on April 23, 1938, a “big celebration of the physicists” (großes Fest der Physiker) was celebrated at the Harnack‐House in Berlin. The festivities were organized by the German Physical Society. Part of the ceremony was a “Physical One‐act‐play” (Physikalischer Einakter) written by the Potsdam astrophysicist Walter Grotrian. The actors of the humorous play were chief protagonists in the development of quantum theory such as Debye, Sommerfeld and Heisenberg. In this essay we analyze Grotrian's drama against the background of both the festive event and the professional and social setting of the physicists. We argue that below the level of comedy a number of characteristic and normally unexpressed aspects of the epistemic culture of the German physics by the end of the nineteen‐thirties is treated in the play.  相似文献   
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