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文章以同治《畿辅通志》为主要资料,对初创时期直隶留养局的空间分布进行探讨,揭示了其既普遍又不均衡的分布特点,并对形成该特点的原因进行了分析。指出行政命令的统一性是这一慈善组织普遍设立的主要原因,区域自然环境、自然灾害频繁程度、经济状况、人口密度、与交通线的关系以及地方官员的积极性等是影响其分布不均衡的因素。  相似文献   
在鲁西南发现一面东汉晚期带界栏的同向式三角缘神兽镜,为探寻日本三角缘神兽镜的起源地提供了重要线索。  相似文献   
20世纪上半期是中国考古学的初创期,对这段学术史的研究具有非常重要的意义。本文就历史各个阶段,对于民国时期考古学史研究的主要人物、作品和观点作了系统的评述,其中特别提到当前台湾和海外一些学者的研究成果。除了对过去研究成果的总结之外,本文还反映了学术史本身随时代和环境变迁的清晰过程。  相似文献   
Bioarchaeological analysis of the MDM site (8DA11) in Miami, Florida (ad 400–1200) has identified human skeletal remains with lesions suggestive of and consistent with treponematosis. A population and epidemiological approach was utilised to compare the MDM site to geographically neighbouring skeletal samples from the Highland Beach mound (8PB11) (ad 600–1200) and Fort Center (8GL12) (ad 1–500/1000). These samples were then integrated with data from previous research on proliferative skeletal lesion prevalence on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Population comparisons suggest a higher prevalence of proliferative skeletal lesions in Atlantic coastal populations as opposed to the nearest sampled site from the interior (p < 0.00001), a trend seemingly different from Gulf Coast populations. This investigation details the presence of treponemal disease in the Everglades archaeological region likely as early as ad 400, and the southern terminus in the contiguous United States that treponematosis has been reported. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文介绍2014年陕西榆林寨峁梁遗址考古工作的主要收获。寨峁梁遗址是陕北地区龙山时代一处小型石城聚落,出土遗物丰富,考古学年代明确,测年结果显示其主体年代约为公元前2300年;揭露面积较大,是目前晋陕高原上揭露最为完整的龙山时代石城聚落,是龙山时代聚落考古分析和社会结构探讨的重要考古学材料;遗迹保存较好,是复原河套地区龙山时代先民日常生产生活的有力物证。  相似文献   
宋元战争之前,四川主要城市分布在四川西北部金牛道及其支线附近。宋元战争打破了四川主要城市原有地理分布格局,出于军事角度考虑,南宋将残存城市迁入山城之内,蒙元因之。山城中军民一体,是宋元之际四川城市地理格局演变的过渡形态。山城修建以江河为纲,增强了岷江—嘉陵江—长江水路的重要性,保存了四川残余的大部分城市资源。战后,山城保护的资源成为四川城市重建的重要基础,有力地促进了四川主要城市沿岷江—长江—嘉陵江水路分布于四川东南部地理新格局的形成。  相似文献   

The interpretive potential of Swift Creek pottery, widely produced throughout Georgia, eastern Alabama, and northern Florida during the Middle and Late Woodland periods between ca. cal AD 100 and 800, has been apparent for many years. Much research has been focused on identifying paddle designs from the impressions left on sherds. Less attention has been devoted to the carving of the wooden paddles and its social context. Drawing inferences from our work on Swift Creek pottery in southern Georgia and Florida, and drawing inspiration from the career of Mark Williams, we consider Swift Creek paddle production “at a human scale.” Extrapolating from the number of paddle designs identified in our sample, we argue that paddle manufacture was an infrequent occurrence, probably conducted by specialists and intended to commemorate major life events.  相似文献   

State archaeological site files are a critical component of cultural resource management and information management toolkits. Yet, engagement with these datasets for research purposes can be difficult, at best. We address some of the challenges to a synthesis of spatial data from state site files by examining the Woodland period components of Deptford/Cartersville, Swift Creek, and Weeden Island. We also examine time slices of a large set of radiocarbon dates from contexts reported to be associated with Deptford and Swift Creek. Dates are plotted on a map at the same spatial scale as our site files dataset to evaluate time and space simultaneously. This study reveals important gaps in the radiocarbon dataset that can be rectified with strategic sampling. It also supports some long-held ideas about the spatial distribution of Deptford, Swift Creek, and Weeden Island. For example, Weeden Island is demonstrated to be strongly centered on the Alabama and Florida Gulf Coast, whereas Deptford is concentrated on both the Gulf and the Atlantic Coastal Plains.  相似文献   
《天津市艺术博物馆藏古玺印选》著录一枚"匀蜀金"玺印,其"匀蜀金"之"匀"应读为"钧","钧蜀金"指三十斤蜀地生产的铜、银等金属块。由于该玺印的印纽为銎形,表明它是一枚烙印,其用途当是在蜀地生产的三十斤金属块或封缄上戳打印记。至于该玺印的国别,因为其文字具有比较明显的晋系特点,所以它应系战国时期的三晋而非燕国玺印。  相似文献   
Traditional and historic relations between France and Ireland have been the object of numerous fine studies at historic, cultural, and literary levels. They have also been much celebrated. However, the darker side of Franco-Irish relations has received far less attention. The present article aims to act as a corrective and shows that between 1870 and 1970, relations between the two countries were rather distant, strained on occasion even, and that much depended on the political and strategic evolution in Europe and as well on the Catholic question. The scope of the article ranges from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 until Ireland's negotiations to enter the European Communities (EC) in 1970.  相似文献   
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