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The aim of this paper is to present the rich set of finds collected inside the grave Dibba 76/1, in the Emirate of Fujairah, during a season of rescue excavation conducted under the direction of S. Ali Hassan in 1994. The recovered grave‐goods include pottery, soft‐stone vessels, metal finds, personal ornaments, coins, and other items. Although comparable with other corpuses of material excavated in south‐eastern Arabia, the material of Dibba 76/1 stands out for the inner variety of the different artefacts’ classes and their remarkable chronological heterogeneity. The study of the grave‐goods suggests that Dibba 76/1 was reused over several centuries, showing a strong continuity in the funerary destination of this specific place from the end of the Wadi Suq period (2000–1600 BC) to the first phases of the late pre‐Islamic period (250 BC–AD 400), and the full integration of the area of Dibba in the succession of the various cultural facies known during this long time span.  相似文献   

The territories of the former kingdom of Judah were only sparsely settled during the Persian period, as exemplified by the extreme rarity of domestic structures unearthed in excavations. Viewed against this background, the large number of excavated forts and isolated administrative buildings from this period is remarkable, and they apparently outnumber the period's excavated dwellings. Not only is this an extremely unlikely situation, but various lines of evidence, pertaining to specific sites as well as to the phenomenon as a whole, render the possibility that all these structures were forts or administrative buildings re-examines implausible. Consequently, this article reexamines the phenomenon within the social landscape of the region in particular, and of the Achaemenid empire in general, in an attempt to embed those unique buildings within the broader demographic and political reality of this time. Given the location of many of the sites and the finds unearthed in them, and in light of the demographic reality in the region and of the broader Achaemenid imperial policy, the article suggests that most of the so-called forts were estates, created in the process of the resettlement of this previously devastated region.  相似文献   
分布和影响地域广袤的"白家庄期"商文化,因时代接近于商代中期而在商文化中具有承前启后的地位.有关考古新发现显示,"白家庄期"商文化本身可以区分为三个不同的时间段.在其所代表的历史阶段中,郑州商城的衰颓与小双桥商都的兴建形成了鲜明对照.这一现象出现的历史背景是,有关文献所记商王朝此时所面临的内忧外患局面以及仲丁迁隞历史事件的发生.  相似文献   
湖北丹江口市连沟旧石器遗址调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对湖北丹江口市连沟遗址Ⅲ、Ⅱ级阶地所发现的 201件石制品进行了详细的介绍, 并对其时代和文化特征进行了初步研究, 得出它们的时代分别为旧石器时代早期和中期, 在文化面貌方面, 其同属于南方砾石石器工业的范畴。该遗址的发现对研究南方砾石器工业的时代以及认识该工业的早、中期遗存之异同具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
康熙、雍正、乾隆以及嘉庆朝所建的宫殿,在传统礼制规定内,其宫殿环境、建筑布局及艺术等力求贴近现实生活。表现出创造惬意的环境和方便舒适的建筑、满足皇帝的理政及生活要求等一系列特性。这也构成了“乾隆时期”宫殿建筑的整体风格。  相似文献   
<每周评论>对推动五四时期舆论界的进步起了极为重要的作用.作为新文化运动重要领导人物的高一涵,在<每周评论>上发表了许多文章,其政治思想表现为反对日本帝国主义的侵略,抨击军阀的黑暗统治,追求理想的民主政治,导引着进步舆论的前进.研究<每周评论>时期高一涵的政治思想,对于深化五四时期思想的研究,恢复高一涵的历史地位,有着重大的学术意义.  相似文献   
郧西五斗种遗址发掘出土一批具楚文化特点的遗物以及陶窑等遗迹,还有动物骨骼、铁器等.简报介绍遗址发掘工作,对遗物文化特点进行简要分析,对遗址微地貌、动物骨骼与古环境、动物骨骼与遗址经济特点等也提出初步认识.  相似文献   
2003年10-12月,郑州市文物考古研究所配合基本建设,在郑州市南阳路家世界购物广场工程区发掘一批战国墓葬,出土大量随葬器物,以陶器为主,其年代为战国中、晚期。  相似文献   
也谈巴蜀货币及其相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴、蜀国未铸币。见于列国遗址的桥形铜片非货币而为铜璜,是上个世纪五六十年代学术界的共识。但随着近十几年巴蜀青铜化大发现,这一问题又被提了出来。本先是重新审视了各地桥形铜片的出土环境(部位、伴存物件)、形制特点和存在时限,判定它与配饰品关系多多,并找到它在商周组玉佩的发展与衰减中的位置,遂确认它源于玉佩中的璜。为规范物定名,建议统一命名为铜璜而不再它称。最后,从巴蜀国的时代背景、经济化状况及其同周边国家关系、货币铸行规律等多方面考察,认为巴蜀国可能仍处在实物货币阶段,使用盐、帛(赛布)类为交换媒介。  相似文献   
本文结合考古学与陶瓷工艺学的成果,在梳理唐宋之际南方白瓷生产情况的基础上,认为青白瓷起源于南方地区早期的白瓷生产,并不是仿照青白玉的结果。青白瓷的产生体现了南北瓷业技术的结合,繁昌窑可能是最早大量生产青白瓷的窑场。  相似文献   
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