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The following three papers were given at a Round Table held at New York University's Casa Italiana in October 2005, chaired by Ruth Ben-Ghiat. As part of the events held to mark the tenth anniversary of the Journal of Modern Italian Studies, we asked our three invited speakers – Raymond Grew, Elizabeth Krause and Paolo Macry – to comment on the directions taken by the JMIS in its first decade and to set out some objectives for the future.  相似文献   
郑玄通学的形成背景需要进一步探讨,晚清今文家关于两汉经学一直壁垒森严,到郑玄才被打破的说法影响还很大.其实汉代的经今古文学根本没有那么壁垒森严,"通"早已是一种大趋势,这一事实已有学者申说过,但其原因,笔者以为重要的是自王莽以后朝廷的导向,这是不容忽视的,经学作为政治统治学说,朝廷的引导往往在其中起着决定性的作用.  相似文献   
浅论华侨华人学科建设中的学术批评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前 ,由于作为综合研究的华侨华人研究的学术年龄尚轻 ,其研究领域呈高度广泛性 ,各个研究领域的资料信息来源与分布呈严重不平衡性 ,以及大量资料信息呈“非原创性” ,这个拟建中的学科尚处于“嫩稚”的发展阶段。缺乏原创性资料信息的成果较多 ,阐述和分析有粗糙化倾向 ,理论建构薄弱 ,研究手段滞后。在这种情况下 ,应加强资料信息、理论和手段方面的创新与互动 ;在鼓励高水平成果的同时 ,宽容地评价来自不同层次的有一定创新的成果 ;加强同行间的学术评价及其机制的探索 ,避免质量认证手段的简单化、绝对化与概念化倾向 ;不提倡片面的逆向学术批评方式 ;增强学术合力和学者“共赢”意识 ;倡导健康的学术批评风气  相似文献   
本文从个人经历、个案透视与学术建构三个方面,探讨福建学与东南亚福建学的内涵与意义。作者认为,福建学不仅是把“福建”作为一个区域地理与行政单位来研究和分析的学术范畴;更重要的是,“福建”更多地是作为地缘政治经济与社会文化单位来研究的范畴。而东南亚福建学,无疑与福建、福建学密切相关。个体层面上,它是以东南亚福建人为研究主题和主要分析单元的学问。但在更大的理论架构和学术关怀层面上,它同时有对福建学、汉学甚至东南亚研究等整体性关联和参照的终极考量,无论该关联和参照是比较性的、地方性的抑或是分析性的。  相似文献   
In this article, we focus on child perspective methodology when co-researching well-being with children and young people. The paper explores how to produce and analyse data produced with children and young people, and how to further develop the method of co-researching with them? We combined visual and verbal methods by using photo elicitation interviews (N?=?16) and drawing group discussions (N?=?49) to study the subjective well-being of 2–16-year-olds in their residential areas. We found out that by combining two methods it is possible to achieve a wider view of children’s subjective well-being. However, we must be aware that well-being is a complex entity and that there are barriers to use child perspective methods. Co-researching requires situationality, reciprocity and the researcher’s willingness to hear the perspectives of children.  相似文献   
清华国学研究院(1925-1929),是在"整理国故"运动中涌现的一个著名学术机构。与同时期其他国学机构相比,清华国学研究院既有援引西学,重建现代学术体系的一面;又有继承儒家教育理想与治学路径,结合西方知识工具,致力于阐发传统学术之特质的一面。因此,清华国学研究院的学术建制,学术社群的治学精神,皆有其鲜明的特性。  相似文献   
故宫学是一门方兴未艾的综合性学科,郑欣淼先生曾经指出,故宫学的研究范围大致有六个方面,包括故宫古建筑(紫禁城)、故宫博物院所收藏的百万件文物、宫廷历史文化遗存、明清档案、清宫典籍以及近八十年的故宫博物院的历程。本文内容属于上述第三个研究范畴"宫廷历史文化遗存"。作者拟透过对晚清大词人况周颐的一则故宫史料笔记的初步考察,说明历史文献是研究故宫宫廷历史文化遗存最不可或缺的领域,而曾经在京任官的文人及其集部著作,正是研究这个范围的故宫学亟待系统发掘、整理和研究的文献史料根源之一。  相似文献   
故宫学是运用历史学、博物馆学、历史文献学、建筑考古学等学科的理论方法,对明清时代北京皇宫之物化和精神遗存,以及以该皇宫为中心展开的后续文博收藏进行综合研究的专门学科。一般意义上的明清史中有大量内容与故宫学中历史类研究重合,故如欲使故宫学的史类研究具有不可替代之特殊意义,需要在方法论意义上凸显故宫作为一个特殊政治文化场域这一视角。由此视角出发,可见故宫作为明清庙堂政治的核心场域,其内大量事物具有符号象征意义,其规制、理念、行为方式和惯性构成独一无二的政治文化语境,与庙堂之外的政治、文化、社会、民生产生差异、关联和互动,若能在具体层面切实推进研究,故宫学的历史类研究即有不可替代的学术意义。  相似文献   
When nations redefine their priorities and re‐plot their directions of travel, engineers get worried about the contents of their knowledge. The cultural and historical specificity of their responses illustrates the extent to which the questions of what counts as engineering knowledge and what counts as an engineer are linked tightly together, and also suggests that both may be tied to local images of the nation. After summarizing recent historical work comparing national patterns in engineering knowledge and engineers' work, this essay outlines how a focus on professional identity may provide a way of accounting for national and transnational influences on engineers while avoiding the specter of determinism. Offering brief case studies drawn from France, the UK, Germany and the USA, the authors describe engineers as ‘responding’ to codes of meaning that live at different scales, including contrasting metrics of progress and images of private industry. The paper is concluded with a brief assessment of some further implications of the analysis of professional identity for work in engineering studies.  相似文献   
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