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为明晰明代石拱桥的结构性能,并提出适宜的加固修缮方法,以典型的明代石拱桥永昌桥为例进行研究。首先对其进行精确测绘,获得其准确可靠的几何信息;然后对其建筑形制、构造工艺及残损状况进行研究,为结构性能分析提供依据;接着利用ANSYS软件建立永昌桥主体结构的有限元模型,进行包括荷载影响分析、重要度分析和裂缝分析的结构性能研究;最后基于现状分析和结构性能研究,通过对比拱背套钢筋混凝土拱加固法和拱背粘贴碳纤维布加固法对石拱桥的结构性能的影响,提出了明代石拱桥永昌桥的加固修缮方法。研究成果可为同类型石拱桥的加固修缮提供参考。  相似文献   
The petrography as well as the major and trace element compositions of the Selinunte grinding stones, made of grey vesicular lava, were analysed. By comparison with geochemical data from volcanic rocks in the Mediterranean, we were able to determine that only a minor number of the tools were extracted from the nearest volcanics of Mount Etna and the Hyblean Mountains, while the majority of the grinding stones were most probably imported from the Aeolian Islands, although an origin from the Aegean cannot be excluded entirely. The results are important in order to scrutinize trading connections, especially for the earlier times of settlement during the sixth century bc .  相似文献   
梅园石是宁波地区使用历史悠久的石材,早在西晋时期就已经开发,由于其加工性能优良而被广泛用于建筑构件及石刻雕塑。梅园石质文物由于多处于露天展示状态,在多种因素的共同作用下,病害状况较严重。为对梅园石质文物进行保护,本工作选取庆安会馆、东钱湖石刻群等几个代表性文物点进行了分析研究。通过岩矿检测,得知梅园石属于凝灰质砂岩,孔隙率较大。宁波地区梅园石质文物主要病害类型有生物病害、风化、机械损伤、表面污染物沉积等,与石材性质、用途及保存环境条件密切相关。通过此次研究,形成了初步的保护策略,为后续保护材料及保护方法的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
The Fauresmith lithic industry of South Africa has been described as transitional between the Earlier and Middle Stone Age. However, radiometric ages for this industry are inadequate. Here we present a minimum OSL age of 464 ± 47 kyr and a combined U-series–ESR age of 542−107+140 kyr for an in situ Fauresmith assemblage, and three OSL ages for overlying Middle and Later Stone Age strata, from the site of Kathu Pan 1 (Northern Cape Province, South Africa). These ages are discussed in relation to the available lithostratigraphy, faunal and lithic assemblages from this site. The results indicate that the Kathu Pan 1 Fauresmith assemblage predates transitional industries from other parts of Africa e.g. Sangoan, as well as the end of the Acheulean in southern Africa. The presence of blades, in the dated Fauresmith assemblages from Kathu Pan 1 generally considered a feature of modern human behaviour ( McBrearty and Brooks, 2000, The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior, J. Human Evolution 39, 453–563),-provides evidence supporting the position that blade production in southern Africa predated the Middle Stone Age and the advent of modern Homo sapiens.  相似文献   
Stone anchors have been recovered along the Indian coast as a part of the maritime archaeological studies at the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa. Study of stone anchors provides clues to understand the ancient maritime trade contacts of India with other countries. These anchors resemble those found in the Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea Coast. Underwater explorations at Bet Dwarka, Dwarka, Goa, Visawada and Somnath have yielded stone anchors of widely varying shapes, sizes and weights ranging between 16 and 410 kg. Sixteen (10 Indo-Arabian, 4 Ringstone and 2 Single hole type) of the total of 269 stone anchors have been studied to determine provenance of rock through petrographic analysis using thin section studies, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), and Scanning Electron Microscope – Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (SEM-EDS).  相似文献   
Prehensile wear has never formed the focus of a blind test in microwear studies and doubts remain about the formation, identification and interpretation of diagnostic prehension and hafting wear. The results of the presented blind tests demonstrate that prehension and hafting traces do form and that their formation is sufficiently systematic and patterned to allow valid and reliable interpretations. A combined approach, involving macroscopic, low power and high power analyses, is suggested as the most meaningful approach for consistent inferences.  相似文献   
Until recently the Grassfields (western Cameroon), cradle of the Bantu languages, were an unknown zone from the archaeological point of view. The excavations of Shum Laka rock shelter by de Maret and his team brought the most complete sequence in West Africa, spanning the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. After 20 millennia of microlithic tradition (Late Stone Age), a new culture, with macrolithic tools, polishing and pottery (Stone to Metal Age), slowly developed ca. 7000 B.P. onwards. From this early period on, forest hunting was associated with the exploitation of Canarium schweinfurthii. Around 4000 B.P., an industry with waisted axes, blades, and pottery had emerged. With a striking technological continuity, this culture survived throughout the Iron Age. Increasing importance and diversity of trees exploited through the Stone to Metal Age and the Iron Age suggests arboriculture. Regional comparisons show that, between 5000 and 2500 B.P., an original culture developed in the Grassfields and the Cross River basin.Jusqu'à récemment, les Grassfields (Cameroun occidental), berceau des langues bantoues, étaient inconnus d'un point de vue archéologique. Les fouilles de l'abri de Shum Laka par de Maret et son équipe permirent d'établir la plus complète séquence d'Afrique occidentale, embrassant la fin du Pléistocène et l'Holocène. Après 20,000 millénaires de traditions microlithiques (Age de la Pierre Récent), une nouvelle culture, caractérisée par l'apparition d'outils macrolithiques, de polissage et de poterie (Age de la Pierre au Métal), se développe lentement à partir de 7000 B.P. Dès le début, la chasse en forêt est associée à l'exploitation de Canarium schweinfurthii. Vers 4000 B.P. une industrie avec haches à gorge, lames et poterie a émergé. Dans une continuité technologique surprenante, cette culture survivra à l'Age du Fer. L'arboriculture est suggérée par l'importance et la diversification des arbres exploités durant l'Age de la Pierre au Métal et l'Age du Fer. Des comparaisons régionales montrent que, entre 5000 et 2500 B.P., une culture originale se développe dans les Grassfields et le bassin de la Cross River.  相似文献   
The site of Lukenya Hill, Kenya, is one of the richest Later Stone Age (LSA) sites in East Africa. Its sequence documents the increasing manufacture of microlithic tools, one of the hallmarks of hunter–gatherer behavioral modernity (Bar-Yosef and Kuhn, 1999). This paper presents results of excavations at the LSA site of GvJm62, Lukenya Hill, and analysis of site formation processes on this inselberg rock shelter. It examines lithic assemblages from GvJm62 and four other Pleistocene-dated LSA sites at Lukenya Hill. Differences in raw material use, typology, and chronology indicate that there are three different kinds of LSA industries in the sampled sites at Lukenya Hill. Changes in technology, activities, and land use patterns can explain the differences among these three industries. The Lukenya Hill sequence is compared with other East African LSA industries.Le gisement de Lukenya Hill en Kenya est un des gisements les plus riches du type Paleolithique Superieure en Afrique de l'Est. La sequence demonstre l'éxistence et ensuite le fréquence des outils microlithiques. Cet article présent les résultats des fouilles du gisement de GvJm62 à Lukenya Hill et présent un étude des methodes de formation du gisement. On examine les outils lithiques de GvJm62 et quatre autres gisements à Lukenya Hill. Les differences des types des matières premiers, de la chronologie, et des types d'outils suggèrent qu'il y a trois types d'industrie à Lukenya Hill. On peut expliquer ces differences par changements en la technologie, les activités et les modèles de l'utilisation de la terre. La séquence à Lukenya Hill est comparée avec les autres industries Est Africain.  相似文献   
中国考古学学科发展调研报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“九五” 期间,中国考古学在田野考古上又有许多重要的发现,各个领域的综合研究和专题研究也有所进展。研究课题多样化,研究视野不断开阔。现代科学技术手段在中国考古学研究中的进一步应用,取得了不少新成果。新的发现与研究,推进了学科自身的发展;同时,对中国历史及其他相关学科的研究也产生着越来越重要的影响。 中国考古学在“十五”期间应重视学风建设;进一步加强理论与方法论的研究;田野工作应进一步提高科学水平;加强课题意识,集中力量解决关键性问题,同时协调田野考古工作的布局和研究工作的重点;提倡多学科合作研究。…  相似文献   
鹿角靴形器,或称鹿角钩形器,是新石器时代十分富有特色的一类遗物。安徽省蚌埠双墩新石器时代遗址出土了大量这类器物,颇具代表性。本文拟就蚌埠双墩遗址所出遗物进行探究,对这类靴形器的功用发表一下自己的薄见,认为这类器物是集刮抹器表、制作口沿、修整圈足和刻划符号四种功能于一身的陶器加工工具。  相似文献   
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