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北宋官窑客观存在,地点在汴京。其性质属政和三年礼制局成立后,由礼制局制造所所辖的烧造陶瓷祭器(包括日用器)的机构,其产品为政和年间“新成礼器”的一部分。  相似文献   
Pottery assemblages from the site of Al-Khidr on Failaka Island, Kuwait, were analysed in order to reconstruct the chemical composition of Bronze Age wares and to build a mineralogical database of Bronze Age pottery dated from Failaka Periods 1–3B (2000–1650 BCE). A total of 145 ceramic sherds from Al-Khidr, as well as reference groups, were analysed by non-destructive portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry. Preliminarily petrographic thin-section analysis was applied to four samples to reconstruct possible clay paste recipes and to identify raw materials. The results indicate that geochemical analyses can successfully distinguish subgroups within a typological category of ceramic assemblages. The results identified two subgroups within the Al-Khidr typological category: the Dilmun Barbar tradition and the Mesopotamian tradition. Future comparative compositional studies can be conducted to explore other aspects of craft specialisation, such as ceramic technological choices and possibly the influence of sociopolitical units.  相似文献   
含氟聚合物用于陕西户县出土新石器彩陶的保护研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为对陕西户县大王镇庙底沟遗址出土的新石器时代的彩陶进行保护,在用X射线衍射测得表面风化物的成分及对彩陶含湿量测定的基础上,用不同浓度(30%、20%、10%、5%)四元含氟共聚物(F4-SS)溶液进行加固防护处理,观察加固后彩陶的外观颜色,机械强度、吸水性的变化。结果表明,用F4sS溶液加固处理后,彩陶的机械强度显提高,外观颜色没变化,孔隙水蒸气通道无影响;5%-25%F4-SS用于酥松彩陶加固保护、5%-10%F4-SS用于硬质彩陶的表面防护处理,效果显。说明F4-SS可推广应用于其他彩陶的保护。  相似文献   
荆门叉堰冲遗址第二次发掘,地层堆积分三层,发现新石器时代灰坑5个、柱洞11个、墓葬1 座,其中墓葬是一座较大型的有二层台的长方形土坑墓,随葬陶器64件。出土新石器时代遗物分生产工具、生活器皿和随葬器物三类,生产工具又分石器和陶器,生活器皿和随葬器物均为陶器。这些陶器具有特点,以泥质黑陶最多,主要纹饰为篮纹和斜方格纹,器形有鼎、罐等17种。据陶器特征,  相似文献   
Skeletal trauma often has been utilized to examine facets of inter- and intragroup violence. Eighteen skeletal elements from Tatham Mound are considered in this study, which exhibit wounds similar to documented cases of trauma caused by edged metal weapons. Tatham Mound is a sixteenth century mortuary site in central Gulf Coast Florida and is located within the reconstructed zone of contact with the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses of skeletal elements are conducted in order to distinguish trauma due to edged metal weapons from other perimortem and post-mortem bone modification. The damage on elements from Tatham Mound is compared with documented cases of trauma from edged metal weapons as well as medieval European skeletal remains exhibiting trauma due to edged metal weapons. It is concluded that some of the observed cases are probably due to metal weapon wounds inflicted by the Spanish explorers.  相似文献   
Contrary to the popular myth known as the Black Legend, very little evidence of traumatic injury and death of Native Americans at the hands of Spaniards in the southeastern USA has been uncovered in the archaeological record. This paper reports on the circumstances of death of an individual from Mission San Luis de Talimali (AD 1656-1704), located in northern Florida. A determination of biological affinity of the victim is not possible based on currently available skeletal and contextual evidence. Presence of .44 calibre lead shot in the region of the lumbar vertebrae indicates that the individual probably died from a gunshot wound or complications that followed. To our knowledge, this is the only instance of death in this manner known from Spanish Florida. Bioarchaeological evidence indicates that death resulting from the use of firearms was apparently minimal in this region of colonial America, and other factors—including infectious disease, malnutrition, and forced relocation—were of far greater importance in explaining the precipitous decline and depopulation of native groups in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, at least in Spanish Florida.  相似文献   
本文根据江苏境内新石器时代遗址出土的彩陶,论述了点、线、面是构成江苏彩陶纹饰的要素及它们三者之间的相互关系。  相似文献   
本文通过对宋代瓷器铭文中有关佛教内容的分析,结合佛教在中国流传的历史过程,阐述宋代佛教的世俗化倾向。尽管目前所知的与佛教有关的宋代瓷器铭文资料十分有限,难以全面解答佛教在中国的世俗化问题,但铭文中的内容却无可非议地昭示着佛教进入普通平民的生活后,那种大众化、实用化、民俗化的特征。  相似文献   
安徽新石器时代的绘彩陶器可分为彩陶和彩绘陶两类,前者主要分布在淮河流域和皖西,而后者则主要分布在皖西南一带。其年代从距今七千多年前一直延续到距今四千多年前,可分为四期。皖西南是我国彩绘陶发生年代较早的一个区域。  相似文献   
珍珠门文化初探   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
刘延常 《华夏考古》2001,(4):94-105
目前,海岱地区的考古学文化序列已基本清楚。学术界一般认为,北辛文化、大汶口文化、龙山文化和岳石文化属一脉相承的一个文化系统,是东夷族团创造的。岳石文化之后的商代考古学文化,现已区分为商文化和上著文化两大系统,同时还有二者融合产生的地方文化。商文化主要是商人灭夏后逐渐东扩形成的,而土著文化则是继承了岳石文化,为东夷人创造。有学者根据发现的考古资料提出了珍珠门文化①的命名,以此代表胶东半岛商代夷人的文化。 通过考古工作者十余年的努力,发现了较多的与珍珠门遗存相类似的文化遗存,其分布范围和文化特征逐渐…  相似文献   
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