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广州西汉第二代南越王赵眜(胡)墓出土了240余件玉器,其中多数玉器造型独特,琢刻工艺精湛,是研究当时玉器使用制度、时代风格的珍贵实物资料。研究发现,该墓中墓主和殉人都有属于自己的玉器,属于墓主的是葬玉,用玉目的除了彰显权贵更重视护尸升仙;属于殉人的是装饰玉,注重身份高下而忽略了升仙功能。推测其目的是为了营造墓葬等级,而...  相似文献   
皖南周代青铜剑纹饰资料详实、变化丰富。剑格主要有兽面纹、蟠螭纹与几何纹,剑首基本上为弦纹圈及几何纹饰。剑首、剑格纹饰与剑体其他部位特征演变规律类似,各期特征也较为显著,存在一定的组合关系。研究表明,始自西周中晚期,设计者便注意到格、首在装饰上需要保持的平衡与协调,至春秋晚期该传统便达极致,其中剑格兽面纹的出现,是吴越青铜文化的一大改造与创新。而战国时期青铜剑纹饰的衰退则反映出吴越地区制剑审美观的转变。  相似文献   
陈郡谢氏是后进世族,很长一段时期内都被旧族所轻。到了东晋中期,随着谢氏子弟先后列为方镇,谢氏的政治势力开始强大,以至逐渐掌控了东晋王朝的政治、军事大权,从而在东晋中后期发展成为一流世族。南朝以后,由于门阀政治衰微,陈郡谢氏逐渐失去了手中的实权,又因历经数次变故,族人多有丧亡,以致人脉不继,陈郡谢氏便在南朝后期彻底败落。  相似文献   
This preliminary study explores the hypothesis that Arabic dialects spoken on the Iranian side of the Persian Gulf exhibit the beginnings of contact-induced shift in word order from VO to OV. Although the basic VO order is still stable, there is some variation even in this very limited data set. Specifically two phenomena point to a change in progress: clause-final copulae and auxiliaries that are placed after the lexical verb, lending further evidence to the observation that a clause-final copula is an areal feature of western Asia. The study also investigates semantic and pragmatic factors that influence word order choice, pointing to a strong effect of information structure in terms of narrow focus and theme-rheme partition. Furthermore, the study also reveals an effect of semantic role, specifically as far as the preferred placement of goals and recipients in post-verbal position is concerned.  相似文献   
陈豪 《四川文物》2020,(2):86-95
山西晋城市高平市金峰寺保存的元代碑刻为我们揭示了金元时期这一地区寺院间的互动情况。金峰寺的始建和位于高平城内的崇果院有关,后两寺互为甲乙,成为上下院。因修习同一法门,可从碑文"法眷"寺院的记载中得知金峰、崇果二寺和当地其它寺院的交往。又因助缘寺院修建、撰写碑记等事,二寺还与另一些寺院有联系,这些存在关联的寺院之间直线距离多不超过20千米。寺院互动主要由僧人建立、维系和发展,是金元时期寺僧人际网络和活动范围的反映,也有因地方官员和村民的疏请而建立的联系。  相似文献   
2015年11月,四川省文物考古研究院等在对四川渠县礼义城的考古调查中发现了《礼义城图》残片9块,通过对图中各要素的分析,成功将现存残片进行复原性拼合。《礼义城图》直观地刻画了南宋时期渠县礼义城的山形水势、道路房屋、城防设施和大量军事武器等。它不仅是国内发现的第3块宋代城池图碑刻,更是目前所见的唯一一幅描述南宋时期四川地区山城防御体系的城池攻防图。该图展现的是一幅四面围城、多点对战的战争场面,利用多种视角呈现了礼义城的地理空间和历史图景,真实再现了山城防御体系中的攻防场景。  相似文献   
孙健 《历史地理研究》2022,42(3):110-125
厘金制度是近代重要的商税制度,影响着商品经济和市场发展。晚清苏南地区的厘金征收实态可以复原,进而可以梳理征收名目及各类征收模式。征税模式并不完全以商品划分,而是有多种选择,既便于商人据自身情况选择缴纳,又保证官方尽可能多收款项,以此平衡两者关系。以厘卡为对象进行ArcGIS泰森多边形分割,分析苏南地区的市场空间结构,结果显示,清末苏南厘卡半径范围为5.56—6.67千米,府局半径范围为16.45—21.93千米。基于府级厘局与厘卡所生成的泰森多边形差异,与施坚雅模式条件下的区域市场分析不尽相同,这种差异源于区域市场内空间载体属性的差别,部分反映“厘金局的地方市场问题”的空间特征。  相似文献   
Pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs from two zoomorphic Kura-Araxes vessels (ca. 3000 b.c.) from Aradetis Orgora suggest they were utilized for the ritual consumption of wine and likely represent the beginning of the enduring tradition of animal-shaped wine-drinking containers in Georgia. This hypothesis is supported by archaeological and geoarchaeological data: they resemble later wine-containing vessels from Georgia and elsewhere and were found in a building whose context is suggestive of a small shrine. Their palynological spectra match those of present-day wine and wine containers of other periods. One of them was intact, with only a small access hole; consequently, its palynological spectrum can be utilized as a standard for determining the presence of wine in other archaeological vessels. Palynological analyses from different contexts of the Aradetis Orgora settlement and its cemetery (Doghlauri) yielded other significant results regarding the practice of viticulture and the cultural relevance of wine during the Kura-Araxes period.  相似文献   
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