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山西古村镇类型及社会记忆符号系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会记忆是依附于社会群体产生的一种趋同性的社会文化符号。本研究利用结构主义符号学的分析方法,通过“要素体-因子层-属性脉”的三维层次构建社会记忆的符号系统,基于中国传统社会生产、生活方式的视角,从地脉、人脉、文脉的“三脉”属性对古村镇的类型及特征进行解读,发现:①“农”型古村镇社会记忆的宜农宜居、望族乡贤、天人合一的三脉属性符号特征明显;②“商”型古村镇具有对外通达的地脉记忆,精致讲究的文脉记忆和名商名士的人脉记忆;③“军”型古村镇的社会记忆在据险扼要、防御之上、将军传奇的三脉属性特征更加突出;④“工”型古村镇具有矿藏丰富、炉旺风顺、匠人传奇的特色社会记忆的符号特征。  相似文献   
This article offers a re-examination of the period leading up to independence in Botswana, formerly known as the Bechuanaland Protectorate, between 1960 and 1966. With the use of original archival material from Botswana and the United Kingdom, it aims to explain why the Bechuanaland Democratic Party overwhelmingly defeated the Bechuanaland People's Party in the March 1965 elections for self-government. Botswana's post-colonial transition was unusual for being without a mass, social movement for national self-determination. The Democratic Party, led by Seretse Khama, favoured close cooperation with the British colonial authority and a gradualist transition to independence, while the People's Party closely adhered to the ideology of anti-colonialism and demanded immediate independence. This article will argue that the Democratic Party won independence due to its sacrifice of anti-colonial credentials, in the short term, in favour of a political platform that addressed the long-term challenges of Bechuanaland's quest for viable statehood. The research helps to explain why Botswana was slow to develop closer relations with fellow independent African states. As a provincialised history of decolonisation, this article shows the potential for variance within the wider anti-colonial movement, which incorporated diverse actors, agendas and geopolitical conditions.  相似文献   
This paper presents new AMS radiocarbon dating results of six ungulate bones from the current excavation of Isturitz Cave, France, layer C 4c4. The assemblage from this layer exhibits a suite of traits closely aligned with the Early Aurignacian, but with some aspects that bear strong similarities with the Protoaurignacian, with possible in situ technological transformation. Accurate and precise dating of the late Middle Palaeolithic and the early Upper Palaeolithic periods is critical to our understanding of the possible relationship between final Neanderthals and early modern humans in Europe. As such, a rigorous set of sample selection and evaluation protocols was developed and used in this research. Among these, only cutmarked bones were selected and a total of 31 targets were made, giving a weighted average of 37,180 ± 420 BP for this assemblage and providing a terminus ante quem for the ornaments, decorated artefact and amber pendants beneath it. The implications and importance of these results to debates concerning the chronological relationship between the Châtelperronian, Protoaurignacian and Early Aurignacian and associated debates regarding hominin dispersal, interaction and the timing of technical and cultural innovations are discussed.  相似文献   
山西吉县柿子滩遗址第九地点发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该地点出土的石器以锤击法打片、压剥法第二步加工和小型石片石器为主,刮削器、尖状器、砍砸器石器组合和细石叶压剥技术等代表了北方细石器文化的特征。出土的石磨盘、石磨棒、颜料块和研磨石等为研究旧石器时代晚期文化向新石器时代早期文化的过渡和华北地区原始农业的起源提供了资料。  相似文献   
南宋"县阙无人愿就"主要出现在秦桧专权时期。告讦、羡余等不良行政风气,是南宋县阙严重的主要原因。而轻视县在地方行政中的重要性,即"监司、州郡为本,县为末"这一祖宗家法,与南宋时期县的地位不断上升的现实相矛盾。在高宗更化(1155)以后,这些因素逐渐得到改善,县在地方行政中的地位得到了实质性的提高。南宋官制中的主要特征,仍然是"员多阙少"、"待阙"等冗员严重的局面。  相似文献   
铜铙在我国南方地区发现较多,类型也很复杂。关于南方铜铙的年代,最早的一般断为商代,晚的为西周,也有一律断为春秋者。笔者认  相似文献   
晋南"夏墟"考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏王朝包括夏代晚期的都城皆在豫西地区,晋南地区不存在像安阳殷墟那种都城废址性质的属于夏王朝的都邑故址;文献所记的“夏墟”应该是泛指广大区域而非专指某一地点,整个晋南地区皆应该属于“夏墟”之范围;晋南地区被称作“夏墟”的原因是由于商王朝灭夏之后夏族聚居晋南所致,“夏墟”即夏族聚居区;晋南地区被称作“夏墟”只能说明商代和西周初年夏族曾聚居于此,其与夏族的起源和夏文化的渊源没有必然的联系。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,陕北乡村发生了巨大的变化,由单一的农业经济向多元经济转变,城镇化速度加快,农村社会阶层出现分化,社会大环境的变化使重新兴盛的庙会既继承了传统庙会的功能,同时又表现出以庙会活动为中心形成社区文化共同体、从传统神灵信仰转换为社会需求的表达、在维护乡村秩序中扮演了重要角色、开始在社区公共事务中发挥作用以及促成民间庙会与地方政府的互动等新的特点。对其作出全面、客观的评估,对推动西部大开发,促进农村社会的稳定和发展,将会起到积极作用。  相似文献   
This paper explores the functioning of coastal societies against the background of the changing role of coastal ‘contact zones’ on both sides of the Channel and southern North Sea region, between AD 600 and 1100. In so doing, it reassesses aspects of the generalising frameworks of interpretation applied over the past quarter of a century in favour of a more contextual approach, enabled by long known (although sometimes forgotten) and recent archaeological discoveries, together with new geological research. Regional and local complexity is a recurrent feature. A revolutionary increase in our awareness of the extent to which marginal coastal landscapes were occupied and exploited is matched by a commensurate increase in our knowledge of the number and complexity of settlements and seasonally used sites, involved in maritime exchange networks. Ultimately, this contribution confronts the dynamism of regional coastal societies with the wider socio-political structures in which they were incorporated.
Dries TysEmail:
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses were undertaken on human and faunal remains from two Neolithic sites in Southern Germany; the LBK settlement at Herxheim and the middle Neolithic cemetery at Trebur. Stable isotope data were used to reconstruct the diets of individuals buried at these sites and to look at dietary variation between groups classified by their sex, age, grave goods and cultural affiliation. Overall there was surprisingly little variation in the diet between the groups, as described by the stable isotope analysis, despite significant differences in the composition of grave goods. Also surprising, considering the archaeological evidence for extensive grain cultivation in this region during the Neolithic, was that the majority of individuals had δ15N values consistent with the consumption of significant amounts of animal protein.  相似文献   
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