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Previous research has established that Iznik pottery differs from other Islamic stonepaste pottery in that its stonepaste bodies contain lead oxide as well as soda and lime, and that a significant proportion of the tin oxide in its glaze is present in solution rather than as tin oxide particles. In order to better understand these distinguishing features, the chemical compositions and microstructures of Iznik pottery and tile samples, together with those of lumps of glass found in association, were investigated using both scanning electron and optical microscopy. These data have been supplemented by the study of replicate lead–alkali glazes produced in the laboratory with a range of different compositions. The results demonstrate that separate soda–lime and high‐lead glasses were used in the production of Iznik stonepaste bodies, and that the total glass contents of the bodies were significantly higher than those quoted by Abū’l‐Qāsim, who was writing in about ad 1300. The very high purity of the lead–soda Iznik glazes indicated that the alkali flux used was either a purified plant ash or an as yet unidentified mineral source of soda. Replication experiments established that the high solubility of tin oxide in the glaze was due to the high purity of the glaze constituents. Furthermore, it is suggested that tin oxide was added to the glaze in order to give it a very slight opacity and thus obscure any blemishes in the underlying body.  相似文献   
The city of Newcastle is a complex and changing landscape. Once regarded as Australia's ‘problem city’, Newcastle's identity is being significantly transformed. This identity transformation draws significantly upon the emergence of more cosmopolitan landscapes within inner Newcastle associated with the gentrification of these areas. The discourse of gentrification is inherently post‐industrial, providing a cleaner and more positive identity as Newcastle seeks to erase the stigma of its’ industrial heritage. However, as landscapes are the amalgam of multiple identities, Newcastle's industrial heritage periodically re‐emerges to problematise the city's newly adopted cosmopolitan identity.  相似文献   
We synthesize and discuss available isotopic data on Holocene guanaco samples from southern South America, extending from Tierra del Fuego Island to northern Patagonia and the Pampean region. We evaluate temporal and spatial tendencies on the basis of 91 samples (mainly based on δ13Ccollagen values), presenting implications for paleodietary research in archaeology. We conclude that there are no strong correlations with latitude in the macro-spatial scale, while there is a set of interesting patterns at smaller regional scales. These patterns lead us to evaluate the role of ecologic and topographic variables (e.g. canopy effect, variations in altitude, ecotones) in structuring isotopic variability. Finally, on the basis of the present analysis we suggest a number of hypotheses and perspectives for the use of stable isotopes as geographic tracers of guanaco distribution in the past, and specific implications for the paleodietary study of human samples.  相似文献   
We present the results of a technological and morphometric analysis of all the Still Bay points (n = 371) recovered from the 1993 to 2004 excavations at Blombos Cave. We have been able to reconstruct the manufacturing sequence of the bifacial points from initial shaping, by direct internal percussion, to finished morphology, by direct marginal percussion. Identifications of impact fractures and manufacturing breaks are based on comparisons with experimental and archaeological bifacial points of verified function, i.e. Paleoindian points from bison kill sites, replicates of Solutrean points mounted as spear-heads or arrowheads and shot into adult cattle, and experimental replication on local raw materials. Our analysis shows that: (a) only a minority of the points are finished forms, and that a large number of pieces are production failures, a situation known at bifacial point production sites of later ages; (b) morphometric and impact scar analyses should take into account this process and distinguish finished points from preforms and unfinished points; (c) there were at least three different kinds of raw material sources and that there is a marked increase in the frequencies of silcrete with respect to the M2 and M3 phases at Blombos; (d) three kinds of evidence prove that some of the points were hafted axially and used as spear tips; (e) production of bifacial points was a primary activity at the site but the hypothesis of intergroup exchange of Still Bay points cannot be sustained on the basis of present evidence; and (f) the Still Bay phase appears to initiate a trend to relatively rapid changes in specialized hunting weaponry and that this innovation is congruent with other innovations such as bone tools, shell beads and engraved ochre of the M1 and M2 phases at Blombos.  相似文献   
潘兴明 《史学月刊》2005,73(8):75-80
南非的沃斯特政府在当时的国内外历史背景之下,为应付来自外部和内部的压力、维护白人统治和推进现代化进程,在坚持种族主义统治的前提下,以较为切合实际和讲求灵活性的方式,对南非种族政策的取向作出重大调整,对内着手逐渐放松“次种族隔离”的某些方面;对外则奉行“向外看政策”,其意义不仅旨在暂时缓和种族矛盾和改变南非的孤立地位,而且更重要的是为南非现代化进程中的中心环节———南非民主改革开了先河,作了有意义的尝试,积累了经验和教训,可以说是南非民主改革的组成部分之一。  相似文献   
Over the past decade neoliberalism has come to represent the dominant policy discourse and ideology in the majority of western economies. Following the attention given to this phenomenon at a global (and national) scale, there has been a recent rise in interest in its regional implementation and expression and in how these are mediated through the embedded institutional associations of context dependent localities. Using Brenner and Theodore's (2002a) notion of ‘actually existing neoliberalisms’, this paper explores the hybrid nature of the residential property market. Using one of Greater Sydney's fastest growing regions as an example, this paper shows how residential developments are hybrid constructions, framed by institutional and policy resonances constituted by both state and market actants. Key factors here are the processes of partnership (a process of joining the market and the state), master planning (a process of recognising and pursuing the goals of both the market and the state) and negotiation and provision of state infrastructure (a process of direct state construction of the market).  相似文献   
Compositional analyses of ancient and historic glasses have often been interpreted in terms of the use of specific raw materials in glass manufacture. However, the known inhomogeneity of many glass‐making raw materials and the insolubilities of some compounds make any explanation of compositional data problematic. This paper looks at three glass‐making alkalis with a view to understanding how the compositions of these raw materials are carried through to the final glass. The chemistry and variability of the raw materials are discussed, as is their contribution to the final glass composition. In addition, the choices and decisions made by glassmakers are acknowledged in the final glass compositions. This combination of factors addresses the complexity of predicting the use of specific raw materials from the finished glass composition.  相似文献   
J. GOLL 《Archaeometry》2005,47(2):403-423
Since Roman times, the Alpine area has been the scene of all movements in brick construction—certainly only in a few places, but always at a high technical and aesthetic level. This is all the more surprising as in the mountain areas sufficient stone material is available in a suitable quality for building. Obviously, brick materials displayed overwhelming advantages. Via the mediation of the Church and the secular managerial class, the latent capacity of brick technology was able to rapidly gain a foothold as ideas began to flow internationally. Every era has discovered particular advantages in the use of brick and has expressed them in its architecture.  相似文献   
浅析中亚国家的社会分化与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对中亚国家独立十年来的民族社会结构分化与社会整合等问题的探讨 ,揭示了中亚各国在独立道路上所遇到的困难与波折 ,分析了中亚各国的社会发展情况。从社会结构的分化上来说 ,中亚各国独立十年来体现在各领域的分层十分明显。从社会整合方面来讲 ,由于前苏联人为地造成的资源分配的不平衡 ,导致中亚各国资源利用上的匮乏 ,致使其政治系统的正常运行受到严重的打击 ,结果给中亚各国的社会整合带来了较大的困难。目前中亚各国的社会整合任重而道远 ,需要社会各部分力量的相互协调与合作。  相似文献   
The application of X‐ray fluorescence to the study of the composition of ancient glasses has been limited by the large amount of material required for samples. In this paper the setting of a reduced sampling XRF method for the analysis of ancient glasses is described. The method involves the preparation of glass beads by melting the sample with lithium tetraborate flux. By means of reference and synthetic samples, the method allows regression curves to be set, covering broad ranges from ppm to high concentrations. By means of a single program, up to 31 elements of interest in the study of ancient glass are analysed. The reproducibility, sensitivity and reliability of the method are discussed. The results demonstrate that 0.2 g of glass is sufficient to obtain accurate and sensitive analyses for most of the elements of interest.  相似文献   
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