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赵宝沟文化分布范围北起西拉木伦河流域,南越燕山到达滦河流域,西起大兴安岭,东抵医巫闾山和渤海西岸。根据各地赵宝沟文化的差别,把赵宝沟文化划为小山类型、水泉类型、西寨类型,每个类型均分为三期。  相似文献   
刘雨茂  杨占风 《考古》2012,(4):36-47,109
柳岸村遗址商周时期遗存发掘了4个灰坑,出土了大量陶器,这些陶器特征明显,且大多出自同一个灰坑,共存关系明确。这为研究十二桥文化、三星堆文化及两者关系问题提供了重要材料,也为成都平原商周时期陶器器形的整体辨识提供了参考。  相似文献   
欧亚草原东部的考古发现与斯基泰的早期历史文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭物 《考古》2012,(4):56-69,109
新疆的考古材料对探讨斯基泰的来源和早期斯基泰文化同欧亚草原东部地区的关系等问题有重要意义。新疆及其周边地区在斯基泰西迁之前已经和丰提克地区有互动关系,三道海子文化在其中起了主要作用,其扩张也是斯基泰西迁的主要原因。斯基泰西迁后,欧亚草原进入以游牧为主要经济方式的时代。  相似文献   
This article examines the articulation of the benefits associated with staging the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) in Liverpool, England in 2008. It is argued that relevant policy documents, and policy discourses more generally, propose a strong influential role for the operations of the ECoC upon the creative industries. Such a strong relationship, however, is difficult to evidence either at a discursive level or from the attitudes expressed by those working within the creative industries locally. The idea that the ECoC can promote broadly ‘creative’ activity is thus posited as being merely one aspect of the ECoC’s major goal of attempted city rebranding, rather than anything more substantive; nevertheless the articulation of ‘success’ of the ECoC in this regard seems entrenched.  相似文献   

This paper compares the Philips Research Department and the Research Laboratory of the American company General Electric (GE). 1 It argues that it is, above all, the issue of the organization of industrial research, appropriate leadership and the embeddedness of a research department in the company as a whole that is important for an historical analysis of an industrial research department. The complex structures that Gilles Holst (the first Philips research director) and Willis Whitney (the GE research director during the first decades of the twentieth century) set up in their organizations enabled scientists to keep in touch with the resources provided by the universities, and made it possible for them to come up with articles, patents and devices for their respective companies. It enabled them also to strengthen their contacts inside and outside the laboratory's walls. However, more than his colleague Whitney at GE, Holst at Philips intended to integrate the research laboratory into the company as a whole. Holst's policy as a research director will be illustrated using the case of Philips' radio research. A comparative discussion of industrial research in the 1930s within both companies shows that the "successful" integration of research activities is context-dependent.  相似文献   
The cultural democratization of post-Franco Spain meant the removal of the division between high and low culture. Such democratization of Spanish culture meant a new concept of culture in which, as stated by the postmodern motto, “everything goes,” and that in television translated as the proliferation of reality shows and trash TV and in literature as non-intellectual publications aimed at entertaining readers. Belén Esteban's work Ambiciones y reflexiones (2013) is a good example. I make use of this work to prove that what has traditionally been considered as “low culture” is not necessarily a culture inferior to “high culture” in Spain today. Thus I underline the necessity of replacing the term “low culture” or counterculture for “postculture.” The methodology I utilize is made up mostly of the critical theories of Helen Graham and Jo Labanyi regarding the dichotomy between high and low culture, Cristina Moreiras-Menor's postulate about the need for accepting show culture and consumer culture in Spain due to the split with the dictatorial past this culture signifies, and Mario Vargas Llosa’s rejection of present-day mass culture, a rejection that the aforementioned theorists challenge. Additionally, I support my study with José Álvarez-Junco's premises regarding the difficulty of defining national identity, a crucial topic in Ambiciones y reflexiones and which is related to the high/low culture dichotomy. Luis Moreno-Caballud’s criticism about democracy and its meaning in our neoliberal cultural market complements the critical methodology of this analysis.  相似文献   

Drawing on labour history, critical heritage studies and sociological literature on the entrepreneurial city, this article focuses on the cultural legacy of the famous 1971/72 Upper Clyde Shipbuilders (UCS) work-in apropos Glasgow’s historical reputation as ‘Red Clydeside’. In doing so, the article considers the dispute’s continuing importance as a political resource for present-day debates about workers’ rights, Glasgow’s post-industrial identity, the rise of populist demagoguery and the future of Britain’s industry more generally.  相似文献   
In 1992, Pasquale Galasso, a Camorra superboss, revealed many intricate secrets about the Neapolitan Camorra. This led to revelations from other pentiti (criminals turned state witnesses), allowing an insight for the first time into the Neapolitan Camorra from the insider's point of view. Understanding why individuals join a criminal organization, the Camorra in particular, is one of the questions addressed in this article. Using primary sources and an 'interaction model' based on the interplay of agency and structure, it studies the impact of Neapolitan criminal culture on an individual's life choices in the 1950s, and compares these with the 1980s and 1990s. It concludes that while in the 1950s criminal values were emerging as an ethos and had a somewhat limited impact on individuals, by the 1980s this ethos had become a clear 'subculture', an 'ideology' which had a pervasive influence on the life choices of many young Neapolitans. Nel 1992, Pasquale Galasso, super boss della Camorra, rivelÒ parecchi segreti sulle cosche napoletanc. La sua disponibilitÀ a collaborare spinse altri pentiti a seguire il suo csempio. CiÒ consentì per la prima volta di conoscere in maniera più approfondita la Camorra tramite le rivelazioni di alcuni dei suoi membri. Pertanto, i motivi per cui si sceglie di entrare nella Camorra è una fra le questioni analizzate nel presente articolo. Attraverso l'uso di fonti primarie e di un modello interattivo caratterizzato da una combinazione tra capacitÀ decisionale e struttura organizzativa, l'articolo sviluppa una analisi comparativa sull'impatto di una cultura criminale napoletana nei confronti delle scelte di singoli individui negli anni cinquanta, ottanta e novanta. Le conclusioni di questo studio sottolineano che, sebbene negli anni cinquanta una cultura criminale stava acquisendo un valore etico, essa aveva una influenza minima sulle scelte comportamentali dei singoli soggetti; mentre dagli anni ottanta era ormai divenuta una subcultura, una ideologia che aveva prodotto un impatto notevole sulle scelte di vita di molti giovani napoletani.  相似文献   
The birth of the Alleanza nazionale and its rise to power in Berlusconi's 1994 and 2001 cabinets have attracted great interest. The evolution of the AN's political culture from 1995 to the present has received far less attention. The interest of scholars is dominated by concern over the number of fascist chromosomes inherited by the AN, and the way these influence its policy choices. The weight of history overlays the problems faced by the party in its attempt to establish an original identity. This article investigates the formation of the AN's political culture through an analysis of the official programmatic documents produced thus far by the party, putting each in the Italian political context at the time of its issue. The documents show that the AN is no longer a neofascist, extreme right or populist radical-right party, but its values and beliefs have not found a stable form.  相似文献   
乐府立于何时,至今学界仍争论不已.究其原因,一是文献自身抵牾,二是考古实物的发现动摇了一些成说的基础.断句错误,造成文意不明亦是重要原因.如将"乃立乐府,采诗夜诵"断为"乃立乐府采诗夜诵",问题即涣然冰释. "乃立乐府"非指"始建立"乐府这个官署,而是始"设立" "采诗夜诵",这个新的职能于乐府.这一职能的赋予,使乐府从内朝皇帝私人性质的御用机构转变为参与国家札乐文化造作的机构,承担起造作大汉新一代礼乐文化的伟任.武帝重用乐府为的是在学术上实现以内驭外的政治格局.  相似文献   
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