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为配合仰韶村国家考古遗址公园建设,2019年3~5月,河南省文物考古研究院等单位对河南渑池仰韶村遗址进行了系统性考古勘探工作。遗址包含仰韶文化和龙山文化时期的聚落,主要遗迹有壕沟、房址等,基本搞清了遗址的范围,仰韶、龙山时期的聚落规模、面积、重要遗迹分布、聚落布局和功能分区等情况,对该遗址的聚落形态及发展演变等有了较全面的认识。  相似文献   
During the May Fourth New Cultural Movement, three debates on new/Western and old/Chinese cultures were respectively carried out between the journal New Youth and Lin Qinnan, Chen Duxiu and Du Yaquan, as well as Zhang Dongsun and Fu Sinian. New Youth, Chen Duxiu and Zhang Dongsun were regarded as the “new school,” whereas their opponents “the old new-intellectuals.” The difference between them lies in their attitudes towards traditions instead of their new or old knowledge. After three heated debates, New Youth won a total victory in big cities, because the so-called “urban youths” needed a radical cultural reform plan and a simple guide for action. On the contrary, “town youths” who lived in small cities and towns did not care about the attitudinal difference of two sides. They paid more attention to absorbing new knowledge from both sides and were more sympathetic to tradition.  相似文献   
This article explores the “omnipotent sacrificial sacred canopy” in US war-culture. I argue that sacrificial linguistic habits and patterns of logic in the US successfully discipline citizens, such that the violence of our current wars remains mystified, and clear analysis of the wars' true costs is disabled. Rather than attempt to arrive at one universal theory of sacrifice to analyze and better understand sacrificial US war-culture, I demonstrate that diverse theoretical methods of analysis better help us to understand the pluralistic nuances and permutations of these smothering dynamics. I further argue that increased awareness of the sacrificial sacred canopy over war and militarism in the US finally must lead to self-examination on the part of Christians regarding the way in which sacrificial civil religious admonishments regarding war merge with and are mutually reinforced by theological and ecclesial soteriological habits of Christians in the US Lastly, I advocate a two-fold approach for addressing this disturbing and destructive reality in the nation.  相似文献   

While still contested in most jurisdictions, a consensus on the four-pillar approach to sustainable development is slowly emerging. This perspective attempts to integrate the environmental, social, economic and cultural elements of a community into local sustainability planning processes and has been widely adopted in Canada as the basis of Integrated Community Sustainability Plans. However, Aboriginal perspectives have generally been marginalised in such efforts, largely because Aboriginal peoples take a more holistic approach to both sustainability and culture than Western-educated planners and decision makers. This article examines current approaches and methodologies adopted by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities in Canada to integrate culture in sustainability planning and presents several case studies that examine the application of medicine wheel and other Aboriginal integrative worldviews to community sustainability planning. It discusses whether Aboriginal perspectives on culture can provide an alternative narrative that will advance our understanding of culture’s role in community sustainability and counteract the monocultural perspectives that are the legacy of colonialism throughout the world.  相似文献   

This essay offers a critical analysis of the ‘culture and sustainable development’ discourse, notably among cultural activists and in actually existing cultural policy. It interrogates the utility of the narrative, seeks to uncover the semantic manoeuvres it employs and challenges the conventional wisdom it represents. The essay first explores the itinerary of the ductile notion of ‘sustainability’, the ways in which it has been stretched far beyond the original intent of those who coined the term, and identifies the conceptual discontents that this semantic multiplication has entailed. It hypothesizes that precisely because the term ‘sustainable’ and its derivatives are so acceptable and malleable at the same time, they have been easy to yoke to the bandwagon of the many-faceted and totalizing process that is ‘development’, allowing many different actors to project their interests, hopes, and aspirations under this composite banner. The essay then analyses the campaign to make culture ‘the fourth pillar of sustainability’ under the banner of the movement called ‘Agenda 21 for Culture’. It concludes with a plea for a return to the original ecological focus of the term ‘sustainability’ – notably as regards climate change – and outlines some cultural policy responses such a focus can and should generate.  相似文献   
文章以浙江省临海市城市旅游开发为主要研究对象,通过阐析城市环境、城市文化与城市旅游之间的关系,探讨基于临海文化视野下的城市旅游开发思路,对临海城市文化建设、提升城市形象具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在晚清民初的历史语境里,中国传统的“文明”和“文化”概念先是大体经历了一个摆脱轻视物质、经济、军事方面的内容,形成内蕴进化理念的新的现代“文明”概念——广义的现代“文化”概念,再从另一维度部分地回归与“武化”、物质化相对的中国传统“文明”和“文化”的关键内涵,进而获取新的思想资源、重建一种新的狭义“文化”概念的过程,最终复构成了一个广、狭义内涵并存的、带有矛盾性的现代“文化”概念结构。这两个重要的现代概念形成和演变的过程,同时也是当时的中国人运用它们进行社会改革的实践过程。戊戌时期,现代“文明”概念已经在趋新士大夫中逐渐流行开来,并携带一系列现代性主导价值观念,成为维新运动得以全方位展开不容忽视的思想依托;而狭义“文化”概念的出现及其与广义概念的合构,则影响了五四新文化运动的进程。  相似文献   
本文通过对被认为属于"夜郎文化"的威宁中水、赫章可乐、普安铜鼓山等遗址和墓地的出土遗物的对比研究,指出过去所认定的"夜郎文化"实际上是包含了三种不同的青铜时代文化类型,由此得出的"夜郎文化"并非严格上的考古学文化,而仅是一个大杂烩。  相似文献   
作为现代文化中最为决绝与激烈的反叛者的鲁迅,因为自小与佛教文化的因缘让他与佛教文化有着极为密切的联系。这种联系具体表现在他对佛陀人格的整合、对悲智双运情怀的认同、对虚无与死亡主题的表达以及对于佛教文化弊端的觉察等等方面。  相似文献   
海峡文化圈是历史上汉族文化南下开发东南地区的过程中,与当地闽越文化相结合,应对海峡地区特定的自然地理条件的挑战而逐步形成的一个区域文化单元。它具有多维的空间内涵和突出的文化特征;在引进和创新科技、促合经济文化互动和整合区域内部文化差异方面,表现出很强的活力。在当代社会历史条件下重构海峡文化圈,有着深刻的历史必然性。  相似文献   
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