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Human activities interact with natural processes to produce landscapes. Cultural and natural phenomena sit side by side in the feng shui woods beside villages in the New Territories, but their continued existence is threatened by urbanisation. To highlight the value of these natural resources, three feng shui woods and villages located in the New Territories of Hong Kong were selected for investigation. The study examined their sociocultural, ecological and botanical characteristics. Investigations and interviews with local residents confirmed that the feng shui woods are: (1) regarded as cultural heritage because they bear testimony to a cultural tradition being revered by local people along the principles of geomancy; (2) an example of traditional human settlement that dates back several hundred years; and (3) characterised by historical continuity devoid of accelerated development. Similarly, they represent a natural heritage as they: (1) represent ongoing ecological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial ecosystem communities; and (2) contain important and significant natural habitats that can be used for education, environmental awareness, conservation of biological diversity as well as serve as destinations for ecotourists and nature appreciation.  相似文献   
金大定年间(1161—1190),王郁将宋人《广韵》206部合并为106韵:上下平各十五韵,上声廿九,去声三十,入声十七。大定六年(1166)由平水(地名)书坊首次刊行,定名为《增注礼部韵略》,这是我国最早诞生的“平水韵”。由元到明,特别是到了明代,诗人已经非常普遍自觉地将“平水韵”用法规则运用于诗歌创作之中,而且在明显的诗题处标示出来,是诗韵史上辉煌的时期。当时诗人将“平水韵”用法规则,逆推于唐诗宋诗,对唐诗宋诗声韵格律的研究也起了沿波讨源的作用。  相似文献   
详细考察和分析出土铜禁时发现,铜禁体、附兽的头花和尾花、足兽的头花等均为失蜡法铸造,禁体共分25块,逐块制作。各块的透空立体花纹,是由框梗、拱梗、直梗、花梗、撑梗、连纹梗组成,各块蜡模制作后熔接成完整禁体。各蜡模制成后、浇灌范料成为模壳,烘培模壳,蜡料熔失,乘热浇注铜液。附兽身和舌、足兽身和舌是范铸。头花、尾花与兽的组合,兽与禁体的组合,全采用钎焊法。  相似文献   
By describing different voices, practices, and understandings centred on Langzhong’s Feng Shui, this research explores a vernacular way of manifesting, practicing and valuing the past. The analysis shows that as a living heritage, Feng Shui still exists in Langzhong in both a physical and social sense. The study of Feng Shui demonstrates how a non-western discourse of narrating the historic urban form could be deployed in Chinese heritage practice to interweave the past and present. Through this study, a vernacular way of practicing and conceptualising heritage is established. Moreover, it is argued that Feng Shui as a locally meaningful heritage, which has spiritually enriched the historic neighbourhood, should be cherished and utilised for contemporary heritage conservation and cultural construction in China.  相似文献   
与两宋、金代相比,蒙元初期正统论明显有新的突破。一是突破了传统夷夏之防的藩篱,为元末修辽宋金三史确定"各与正统"的原则奠定了基础,体现出一种开放的意识。二是在理论上达到了新的水平。特别是杨奂、郝经标举"王道"或"中国之道",超越了从前以血缘、民族、天命、德运、地域、国势等因素来论正统的思维模式,因而更具理性色彩和进步意义。  相似文献   
《渑水燕谈录》载录赵元老诵读《大平广记》逸事一则,中“赵元老”其人难以稽考。查阅宋人笔记发现,“赵元老”实为“赵元考”之讹误,明清以来诸刻本皆沿袭其误,学术界当为之改正。  相似文献   
风水——中国古代的聚落区位理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙天胜  徐登祥 《人文地理》1996,11(Z2):60-62
风水是一种相地术,是中国古代一种选择居住环境的学问。风水起源于原始先民的定居活动,起源于古老的天人合一思想。风水学说有着丰富的内涵,融汇了古代哲学、科学、伦理学,美学、民俗学多方面的智慧,并与自然环境各要素间有着密切的关联。  相似文献   
"靖康之难"被掳北宋宫廷及宗室女性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北宋末年,金兵第二次南下包围了汴京城,为了苟延残喘,宋徽宗、宋钦宗竟以上万名宫廷、宗室和京城妇女为抵押品,明码标价地抵押给了金军。在金军的营寨中,她们遭到强暴和蹂躏。北宋政权灭亡后,金兵北撤,这些女性在金军的押解下随同北迁,在途中历经磨难、大批死亡。到达金国都城上京以后,她们被遣送到供金国君臣享乐的洗衣院、金国皇帝的各大御寨,赏赐给金军将领,甚至流落民间,被卖为奴、娼。  相似文献   
三国东吴时期,以江浙一带为中心流行一种丧葬器皿——谷仓,对于其名称、功能和消失原因等诸多问题都产生过争议。笔者介入神话、文化人类学以及文字考证等方法,从民间宗教起源、地域文化等多种角度,对谷仓的文化功能、消失以及与佛教的关系等诸方面的问题进行深入的分析和论述。  相似文献   
陈是元末明初一位颇有影响的史家 ,其学既有家学渊源 ,也承诸黄震之学。他有多种史学作品传世 ,而《通鉴续编》为其代表作。陈史学集中反映了在史学日趋理学化情况下儒家学者们的治史旨趣。对陈史学作深入研究 ,有助于我们更好地了解元明时期史学的发展趋向。  相似文献   
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