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乾隆年间直隶总督方观承主持编纂的《直隶河渠书》是一部记载乾隆中期以前直隶河道事宜的重要志书,但未能成书。因段玉裁等人认为嘉庆十三年王履泰进献朝廷的《畿辅安澜志》乃是攘窃自《直隶河渠书》,由此引发了一桩学术公案,多位学者参与其中。目前唯一可见的《直隶河渠书》稿本是现存于台北的戴震藏本。这部稿本只经过部分删定,体例不一,卷目混乱,前辈学者对其记载也多有不同。戴震去世后,根据史料记载,可以基本梳理书稿的流传情况。而其他本子的情况,也可根据史料记载作出推断。  相似文献   
For many scholars, the Arab Spring was actually an Islamic Winter, especially when ISIS rose up in Iraq and Syria, and the Muslim Brotherhood won democratic elections in Egypt and took control over the state. But in other unshaken regions in the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia and the GCC states, the Arab Spring or the Islamic Winter led to something different, which I will call “rethinking nationalism.” This article asserts that since Saudi Arabia's independence in 1932, the royal family has succeeded in forming Wahhabi nationalism, meaning that despite the fact that all Saudi civilians enjoy Saudi citizenship, only those who ascribe to the Wahhabism creed can be part of the nation in terms of political participation and policy decision‐making. Although some steps in affirmative action have been taken in recent years — also as a Saudi response to the Arab Spring — toward women and the Shi'a minority, these groups or sectors still are not perceived by the royal family as part of the nation, and probably not as equal citizens, for religious reasons that over the years have distinguished between real Saudi nationalist groups and Saudi civilians.  相似文献   
Shi‘ism, perhaps more than any other current of Islam, places emphasis on numerous forms of commemorative culture. Throughout the history of Shi‘ism, commemorative rituals have provided a comprehensive framework for interpreting a wide array of historical encounters between the Shi‘a and the dominant Sunni culture, thereby allowing Shi‘ism to construct itself as a community of learning and remembering. This self-construction required both a high degree of institutionalization as well as specialists to preserve the religious identity of the Shi‘a and to transmit religious knowledge to the next generation. Madrasas (Islamic institutions of higher learning) as well as the shrines of the Shi‘i Imams and their progeny served as the best institutions to achieve these goals. This paper argues that Safavid madrasas were not only centers for disseminating religious knowledge and preserving Shi'a intellectual heritage. They also rearticulated and contemporized the community's past through the active memorializing of pivotal events in the religious calendar of the Shi‘a. More specifically, the paper delineates the nature and scope of religious rituals and rites carried out in the Madrasa-ye Sultānī and a number of other madrasa-mosque complexes of Safavid Isfahan in order to explore the process by which the Shi‘i past was contextualized or contemporized as salient to suit the needs of Safavid power and society.  相似文献   
通过对各种文献书目、地方史志和全国各大图书馆的调查摸排,目前已知历史上出现过的宗族类贵州诗歌总集约十余种,其中不乏散见于省外多地的孤本和珍本。在贵州诗歌总集编纂史上,无论是就数量还是就质量而言,宗族类诗歌总集始终处于发达水平。它们不仅作为贵州一族一姓的文学成果出现,也反映了贵州家族文学的整体风貌。  相似文献   
安奉铁路是日本在东北自筑的第一条铁路。它并非源于某个特定条约,而是在既成事实基础上,通过外交交涉获得的一项在华权益。在交涉过程中,徐世昌、锡良等东北地方大员成为对外交涉的主体,受地方性外交体制的影响,既表现出独立性,又受制于中央政府。他们在争取国家主权、维护地方利益的同时,也显现出对外交涉策略上的急进。安奉铁路交涉的结局在一定程度上反映了中央与地方在事关铁路的外交事务上的矛盾,这源于对外交涉体制的缺陷与权力结构的无序。  相似文献   
秦至东汉,地方县内政务承担者由诸官转变为列曹。这一变化历程在传世文献与简牍资料中均有所呈现。战国至西汉,县的直接管理者由内史过渡到郡,造成了县内政务运行体制的调整。商鞅变法确立了内史等朝官共同管理县政的体制,县内诸官系统因对接朝廷各管理部门而形成。西汉中后期,郡制在地方的完全确立,切割了县与朝廷的直接联系。县为对接郡的列曹体制而使原有列曹壮大、完善进而成为县内政务的承担者。上述转变过程具有长期性与复杂性,还涉及内史的地方化和郡的行政化等问题。  相似文献   
Although the term Hizbullah (Party of God) has become synonymous with the Lebanese group that bears its name, the reality is that many more groups have, and currently do use the term. Sharing the same generic name however, is not necessarily indicative of ideological affinity let alone operational cooperation. This paper discusses the origins of the term and the groups that have adopted the name, as well as the links between them and with Iran. Besides some outlier Sunni groups who use the name, the best way to view the groups’ ideological leanings is to think of them as either intellectually supporting the Iranian concept of governance (khat al-Imam) or as more actively and practically advancing Iranian interests in the region (khat al-Hizbullah).  相似文献   
褚馨 《东南文化》2007,(6):88-92
以香港中文大学文物馆所藏祝允明《初唐诗卷》行楷作品为对象,考证其书学渊源,分析其书法特点、艺术特质;并通过同类比较,对祝氏楷书的价值、艺术影响做进一步论证。  相似文献   
《毛诗注疏》版本流变考略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《毛诗注疏》为儒家经典之一,汇集了汉、唐两代学者为解读《毛诗》而作的重要注释。本文对它的版本流变作了全面的考察和清晰的梳理,并指出了后世学者在相关问题上的部分失误。  相似文献   
王心喜 《华夏考古》2006,(1):102-109
良渚文化是长江下游一支重要的史前文化。该文化因浙江余杭良渚遗址而得名。1936年,原西湖博物馆的施昕更主持发掘了良渚遗址,开长江下游地区的田野考古发掘工作之先河。他撰写的《良渚》一书,是良渚文化研究的奠基之作,被认为是中国考古学史上具有代表性的考古报告之一。施昕更自强不息、锲而不舍的开拓业绩和治学精神,将载入史册。  相似文献   
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