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章草书,广义而言是汉代通行的隶书草写法;狭义而言是在隶草的基础上进而规范化的一种专门书体。章草书盛行于东汉末期,历经魏晋时代而渐成衰势,隋唐以后罕有书者。故宫博物院新近征得的原藏清宫并著录于《石渠宝笈》的隋人书《出师颂》恰恰弥补了章草书发展末期的历史空缺。本文简述章草书之由来以及古代章草书家的简况,以便读者从中了解隋人书《出师颂》的历史和艺术价值。  相似文献   
本文将《隋贤书出师颂》墨迹本与传世《出师颂》的八种刻本进行排比梳理,归纳出三个系统:即“萧子云”系统、“索靖”系统、“隋人”系统。通过各本文字校勘比较和文献考证,证明“索靖”系统刻本的母本即史载北宋“宣和本”,“隋人”系统即史载南宋“绍兴本”,而此两本与北宋《兰亭续帖》所刻“萧子云本”,俱出自同一个更古的祖本。进而对辑入《出师颂》文字的《文选》一书的版本进行分析,论证“绍兴本”应是隋和初唐书家的临摹本,即《隋贤书出师颂》墨迹。  相似文献   
本文分析了隋代书法在中国书法史上承前启后的特殊状况,指出隋代北方铭刻的主要成就是逐渐摆脱了前朝篆隶书体而形成了楷书书体,南方的纸书在跃出章草畦径的过程中初步酝酿出草书的章法,楷书已成熟定法。“书”之所以能够有“法”并且成为一门高雅的艺术,是因为隋代完成了“普法阶段”,最好的例证就是智永和隋贤的存世之作。  相似文献   
贾一凡 《江汉考古》2020,(1):88-95,80
近年来追缴的小邾国青铜器中,邾寿父鼎、邾眉父匜被盗于距东江小邾国墓地仅1.5千米的横岭埠遗址,器主是小邾国宗室贵族。郳公戈被盗于大韩墓地,年代为春秋晚期偏晚,是小邾国君郳公克父的自作器,综合文献记载和郳公镈铭文,推知克父应即小邾国春秋末期的国君恭公或惠公。两件邾季簠是小邾国君之幼弟为其妻仲娸作的媵器。  相似文献   
This article analyses relations among the Ottoman Empire, British imperialism and Shia religious proto-nationalism in the period before and after the battle of Sha’iba of 1915, one of the pivotal engagements of the Mesopotamian campaign. It illustrates how the narrow victory of the British at the battle led them to draw a number of over-optimistic conclusions regarding their role in Iraq and their ability to co-opt the Arabs of the province against their ‘Turkish’ overlords. The victory at Sha’iba and in particular the ambivalent role played by a number of the Arab mujahidin volunteers led the British to conclude that there had never been any real enthusiasm for the jihad declared by the Ottomans against the British occupiers. However, this was based on the false perception that lack of commitment to Ottomanism could be equated with sympathy for British imperialism. In particular, the British failed to recognise that the Ottoman summons to jihad had strengthened the developing forms of Shia proto-nationalist consciousness led by various mujtahids influenced by the Iranian Constitutional Revolution.  相似文献   
Ji?í (George) Procháska (1749–1820), a Czech anatomist, physiologist, and neuroscientist of the eighteenth century, ranks among the major figures of Czech and European cultural history. The works of Ji?í Procháska, due to historical circumstances, were published mostly in Latin and only some in German. However, given that only one treatise was partially translated into English, the results of his extensive research activities are currently unavailable to the international scientific community. The achievements of Ji?í Procháska undoubtedly belong to the major intellectual heritage of European science and certainly deserve attention as such, although his research reflected the time in which he lived and therefore has been reevaluated by later researchers. Undoubtedly, it is our duty not only to remember the work and legacy of Ji?í Procháska, which significantly influenced the development of our knowledge, but also to try to critically assess his contribution in terms of today. This article surveys the important biographical events of Ji?í Procháska’s life, taking into account the significance of his research.  相似文献   
文章通过对中国江西省地方志《吉安府志》和韩国全罗道南原府地方志《龙城续志》中关于本贯记录的比较,说明"本贯"一词在古代中国社会和同时期的韩国社会具有不同的含义。本贯在古代中国社会表示"相应人物的本籍地",但是在同时期的韩国社会,则是指相应人物"远祖的本籍地",而相应人物的远祖是几百年以前或者一千多年以前存在的。而且,本贯在中韩两国的不同含义源于两国姓氏制度与本贯制度发展过程的差异。  相似文献   
通过辨析孙殿起所著<贩书偶记>"子部·释家类·一切经音义二十六卷"条,我们可为之增补两条新的版本信息1.该抄本为高邮王氏家传之书.2.该抄本的底本是最早不超过明英宗正统五年(1440)的永乐北藏本,或是更晚至顺治、康熙间刊刻的嘉兴藏本.  相似文献   
王宏斌 《史学月刊》2006,1(9):35-41
林则徐最初认为“银贵钱贱”是鸦片透漏白银出境造成的,但是到了1846年,当他看到西安市场上银价“忽低忽昂”,在不了解“杰科布定律”的情况下,最后他还是陷入一片迷茫之中,留下了“其理亦不可解”的感叹。  相似文献   
《礼记》是一部儒家经典著作,其中包含许多儒家的文学理论与批评思想,尤其是其中的《乐记》,可以说是一篇专门阐述儒家文学理论与批评思想的专章。《乐记》中的儒家文学理论与批评思想主要包括:乐感论,即关于音乐应感的思想。这一思想一方面表现为音乐是由人心感物而生的;另一方面是音乐的感物作用;乐礼论,即乐与礼的关系。乐与礼的关系,实际上也就是文艺与社会伦理道德的关系。《乐记》中对乐与礼的关系进行了深入的阐述。乐准论,即音乐的评价标准,也即文艺批评的标准。音乐评价的标准包括“和”、“正”、“真”等。  相似文献   
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